Thursday, 29 September 2011
Saturday, 16 July 2011
Deathly Hallows.
Maybe there's something wrong with me, but basically it did not seem to affect me as much as it did with everyone else. No, I cried - but only past The Prince's Tale and once Harry brought Lily and James and Sirius and Remus back. Because somehow, despite how many characters there were, despite all the different amazingly complex backstories, the characters who touched me the most are the Marauders - the ones we hear less about.
I enjoyed it, I think. I don't know how I feel right now. I would love to be like the rest of you, and be all excited and feel very fulfilled about it and the way it ended, but I just can't. I'd be lying to myself. I'm not going to pretend that the film was flawless and I never expected it to be, and maybe I've just matured since last November and I've been able to look at things more seriously. Because looking back I just think of all the things I would have done differently.
For example:
- When Luna sat down next to Neville, I thought it was adorable. He looked so pleased just to be there while I couldn't help but notice that Luna looked a little bored. I thought she could have grabbed his hand in a kind of 'For goodness' sake' kind of fashion; just hastily and almost impatiently.
- When Ginny kissed Harry, on the steps, I would've loved it to pan up to reveal Ron, looking absolutely shocked and letting out a whimper. Frozen, Ginny and Harry stare in horror at him and Ron just waves his hands and says 'Not the time, not the time!'
- The fucking Romione kiss. Ugh.
- When Harry sees Ron and Hermione holding hands, it would have been nice for Harry to make a joke like 'Took you long enough'; but Hermione's little smug look was enough for me.
But I digress.
I'm avoiding reviews for now because I'm still not sure how I feel about it, and I don't want to be swayed either way; not until I've done this at least.
I liked The Prince's Tale part and it was the bit that stirred me the most and caused me to start crying. I also liked it when McGonnagall stepped in front of Harry to save him and I like Helena as Hermione. I liked most of the performances, especially Maggie Smith's, and Dan's and Tom's. The line at the end about the Elder Wand - "It's mine" - was said so casually and so just... Harry-like that I fell in love with Dan just then. He was the perfect Harry; he grew up to be, at least.
It was a fine film, I'm sure. Maybe I'm just bitter that there's no more. Maybe I'm annoyed that the epilogue came out so cheesily and that they made Ron pudgy; that they left out Teddy Lupin; that the kiss changed; that James Potter still does not look like James Potter to me; that the girl who played young Lily had brown eyes. I'm nitpicking.
However, I'm not sad. Bitter, maybe. But not sad. I just think they could have ended it differently. It wasn't bad but I didn't love it. I just didn't. Maybe it would've helped to have been in a packed cinema, where people were cheering and clapping at certain parts. But overall, I do not care for it that much.
But it made me realise something. It made me realise that if anything, it "ended" long ago; it ended with the books ending, if it ended at all. This film wasn't anything new, I wasn't really surprised and it just didn't feel like the end. I guess maybe that's something good about this film; this isn't the end. It really isn't. I feel like it'll never end. Magic never ends; I'll never stop loving these books, these characters, these films, these actors.
That's something so lovely about Harry Potter. Because there is a gap in between when the films come out, and the books, you learn to get on without it but it's as constant in your life as anything. It's always there; an undercurrent. You don't stop loving it, you just stop thinking about it all the time. And then a film comes out, and it all comes back. To me, this film is like... a child moving away from home. It's the ending of something, but it's not like I'll never see them again. I have Wrock, fanfiction and so many things, including my own mind, to imagine how things might have gone. And I can always look back, re-live Harry's school life.
This isn't the end, it just isn't guys. It ends when you choose it to; technically speaking, it could have ended long ago. And we didn't let it. So why should it be any different now?
Saturday, 14 May 2011
Last Day of School.

- A teddy bear in a rugby kit (it's his forte as a P.E. teacher)
- A t-shirt with a picture of our form on the front and handwritten messages from us on the back
- A picture of all of us throughout the years -- from 7HO to 11HO.
- Chocolate signed from us from Thorton's for him and his family
Saturday, 30 April 2011
BEDA #30: I feel like I should end this with an epic post.
Friday, 29 April 2011
BEDA #29: The Royal Wedding.
Thursday, 28 April 2011
BEDA #28.
Today I had no Portuguese or Therapy, so I'm going to yoga later and that means I have time to blog. Goody for you, huh?
I guess the highlight of my day is that my fanfic was uploaded (the Legion one). I hated the film it's based on, but it's just so... gah. Yeah, gah. I tried to add a quote but it's not working for some reason? Blogger is weird like that. Has stuff happened to you guys like that before? It happens to me frequently; the font messes up and the text just refuses to do what I tells it to.
I feel once again that I've lost my blogging mojo and so I've got Glee open in a window next to this one and hoping inspiration will suddenly come to me. All I can think is 'Finn's not that bad of a dancer so why is that the thing that he wanted to change about himself?'
Aw, Finchel moment. Now I remember why I like them. Finn is cute although a bit... hypocritical but he's wholesome and overall he means well and most of the time is a little selfless. He makes mistakes, but he usually makes up for it and learns his lesson. More than I have to say for Quinn, say; who will I think has so much potential, the writers continue to make her one priority being the most popular girl in school. After getting pregnant and see how everyone turned on her, you'd think she'd see that none of the like people had for her was genuine that she would want to just be around those who truly liked her. Do not get me started on how there was no mention of the trauma she must have gone through by giving up her child or the fact that Puck told her he loved her and for some reason it was never acknowledged. One thing Glee cannot do is continuity.
I've made a Tumblr friend called Jo. She's Dutch and 17 and our friendship consists of telling each other how much we love each other/fangirl over each other and planning how I can get to the
It's kind of odd because I'll genuinely be in lesson and I'll think, 'I want to talk to Jo'. I also think this quite often. It may just be me associating her with Tumblr and wanting to go on Tumblr, but I'll just get the feeling that I want to text Jo and then I'll remember I can't. And I'll get annoyed. I just want to talk to Jo all the time. She's also much, much wittier than me and I often feel very unworthy of all this attention because what she says makes me laugh and I wonder if I have the same effect, which I probably don't. I can only hope she'll rub off on me.
I also got two As in my Chemistry exams. I have to say I knew I did well though because the tests were very, very easy. That may be because I revised, but I get the feeling it's only because I find Chemistry easy and the stuff we learn for some reason just clicks with me. It's lovely.
This has been sufficiently lengthy. I have the day off tomorrow (Royal Wedding) and so I'll blog tomorrow as well. I'll do a proper one too.
I'll see you then,
Wednesday, 27 April 2011
BEDA #27.
Tuesday, 26 April 2011
Monday, 25 April 2011
Sunday, 24 April 2011
Saturday, 23 April 2011
Friday, 22 April 2011
BEDA #22: In which Melanie wishes she could sing.
Thursday, 21 April 2011
BEDA #21: Scream 4.
Wednesday, 20 April 2011
BEDA #20 Today.
So yeah, saw scream 4 with Lauren and I will blog more about that tomorrow.
But It's late, so goodnight.
Always Mel.
Tuesday, 19 April 2011
BEDA #19: Nothing to say.
Monday, 18 April 2011
BEDA #18
- A lesbian
- Horribly sexual frustrated
- Freakishly obsessed with Disney
- Way too attracted to fictional characters
- Severely depressed and
- overall just really weird and far too socially awkward.
Sunday, 17 April 2011
BEDA #17: Percy Jackson.
Saturday, 16 April 2011
BEDA #16: Red Riding Hood.
Friday, 15 April 2011
BEDA #15: When did I get this bad at blogging?
Thursday, 14 April 2011
BEDA #14: Tired.
Night x
Wednesday, 13 April 2011
Tuesday, 12 April 2011
BEDA #12: Stop blogging in the afternoon.
Monday, 11 April 2011
BEDA #11: Fanfiction.
James knew that in every respect, his life had been pretty easy; he had his three best friends, grades that got him by, popularity to die for and could have any girl he wanted with a snap of his fingers. Therefore, it was only natural that at some point in his life, resistance of some sort would have to be met; such resistance took form in one Lily Evans.
He’d spotted her before they actually spoke and found her pretty enough; her hair made her stand out but he didn’t think particularly much of it at first because she honestly wasn’t that striking from afar and he was far too excited about being in a new school to notice giiirls anyway; he doubted he even blossomed into a womanizer until third year. At that point, amongst girls unbuttoning their shirts and hitching up their skirts, Lily Evans, with her uniform being worn appropriately, stuck out like a sore thumb.
Now, James was lazy and selfish enough to be perfectly happy with his unfairly easy life and could have carried on living in such a way until he died. Lily Evans seemed to have other plans for him.
He approached her for the first time with complete ease; he plastered on his winning smile and leaned down next to her ear. He whispered the first line of the page to her, and her head snapped up. Startled, she turned to him and as this made their faces very close, she cringed away from him.
“Can I help you?” she said, her nose crinkled in disgust and her eyes narrowed suspiciously.
“What’s your name?”
She raised an eyebrow at him, “Why?”
“I might leave you alone if you tell me.”
There was a silence as she contemplated his offer, wondering if it was worth it and he could see the clogs working in her mind as she answered, “Lily.”
“Lily...” he trailed off to let her finish his question.
Lily sighed, “Evans. Now go away please.”
“Lily Evans,” he let the name roll around his tongue and sat down beside her. Lily shuffled away from him and furiously tried to get back to reading her book. “Li-ly Eh-vans.”
“Yes.” Her voice was sharp. “Now please leave me alone.”
“I’ll leave if you let me ask you a question.”
“I thought you said you would leave me alone if I told you my name. My name is Lily Evans.” He was too busy staring at her mouth and was barely paying attention; he watched her perfect little pair of pink, luscious lips open again and she said, “Now piss off.”
James leaned away in surprise, “What?”
Lily Evans stared challengingly at him, seeming surprised too; but she seemed in shock at the fact that he was still there, still alive, still breathing, “You heard me Potter.”
“So...” He frowned, not understanding with was going on. “You don’t want to go out with me?”
Lily Evans laughed incredulously, “Christ no.” She shut her book and began to gather her things.
“Are... are you sure?”
“Positive,” she replied and sauntered off. James watched her walk away, her fiery red hair flowing in the wind behind her, asking himself what ‘Christ’ meant.
That was the first time James didn’t get what he wanted, and he didn’t like it one bit.
Sunday, 10 April 2011
BEDA #10: Still nothing to say.
Theme: Water.
There are times where Lily wonders sometimes why on earth she ever thought it would be a good idea to marry James Potter. Times when he said things like 'Oh Merlin' in front of Muggles or when she is reminded once again of how badly he snores and moves in his sleep were prime examples of these instances of questioning. He was too cuddly and too grabby; he’d constantly want to hold her hand or have an arm around her waist and he would never let her just read. No really: never. She’d sit down as quietly as she could so she could have some peace and James would come bounding in.
“Lily!” he’d say. “There you are!”
And then he’d throw his legs in her lap or pick her up in a bridal style and lead her away so she was forced to spend time with him, like a possessive owner with a reluctant pet. It’s not that she didn’t love him, but more that she didn’t like him sometimes; or that he didn’t understand certain things.
“Lily, love,” he whispers softly to her when they’re in bed and she’s reading before falling asleep, “I do believe you’re misusing this bed at this moment in time.”
James, with his devilish grin could make her dazedly allow him to close her book and put it down. Bam, he would kiss her slowly and she would not even remember the title of the novel she was reading. Thanks to James, she had left countless books unfinished because by the time she picked them up again she couldn’t remember where she was or what it was about. She always put the book down with a sigh and went to start another, with the intention of perhaps going back to the book later.
But something that irks her to no end is how much of a man he is; this is shown by his complete disregard for organisation and the fact that he was living with a woman now. James left the toilet seat up, thought it better to le the dishes soak til morning rather than get them over done with and used a wet spoon in the sugar pot.
For some reason that morning she wakes up especially bitter and as she goes downstairs to get her cup of tea, she sees the sugar clumped together in its pot and throws down her spoon in frustration and marches upstairs. She viciously raps on the door.
“James! Come out here right –”
“What? What’s going on?” The door is swung over. Lily just stands there.
“Nothing,” she says and walks away. As she does, the image in her mind is James with a towel wrapped around his waist, the water so hot that it made his cheeks flushed and the tips of his ears red; she smiles as she sees the worried look in his eyes and how he was squinting because he did not have his glasses; most of all she remembers the blood rushing to her face as her eyes went to his glossy dark hair and fell upon his bare, perfectly chiseled chest. All the factors add up in her mind and she thinks to herself,
‘Oh yes, that’s why.’
Saturday, 9 April 2011
BEDA #9: A letter to Melanie.
Always, Mel."
Now you get to experience me :) Lauren that is, me.
The stuff above is the mandatory lies that Melanie made me write and like she said, she should be back tomorrow, but because she knows I'm such an *excellent* writer, she let me write this today. This makes no sense, oh well.
I've decided now to let Melanie know just how much I love her, so here goes;
To Mel,
You have no fucking idea how much I truly love you, even if you are a grammar nazi. You think you're unnatractive and whatever, but you are truly not. This isn't me just being your friend, if it helps I'll tell you I hate you (even though it completely contradicts what I wrote above) and then tell you how genuinely jealous I am of how you look. But even more than that I admire you so much, and I can completely confide anything to you, which you know full well considering some of the stuff I've told you recently, but you don't question me, you accept me for me and you have no idea how much that means to me. You've helped me so much in the time we've been friends, you've helped me embrace the nerdy, weird girl that I am. If it hadn't been for you I would still be trying to conform to the likes of Rhiannon and Ellie. I love you because you're an honest, kind, genuine person and you've put up with me despite my tendancy to be a complete bitch. If you weren't in my life I don't know what I would do. Even with all this gushy writing, I don't feel I can quite convey how much you mean to me because I'm not good with words. But when you text me saying you're sad, my heart literally aches (wow that sounds so lame ><) but it's true, I hate it when you're sad. I wish you would see yourself in the correct light, but I'm not going to push it because I know how it feels, we all have those days where everything goes wrong and we hate what we see in the mirror, but we're teenagers, it happens, and we're girls, so it will probably be happening for the rest of our lives.
I trust you so much.
I love you so much.
I would die without you... so much.
Eternal love, hugs and kisses,
Lauren xx
P.s. Sophie said she would bang you any day.
Friday, 8 April 2011
BEDA #8: Friday.
Thursday, 7 April 2011
BEDA #7: Babysitting.
Always Mel."
And Lauren Ashley is a sexy beast.
Wednesday, 6 April 2011
BEDA #6: Purple cereal.
Monday, 4 April 2011
BEDA #5: Sorry.
Sunday, 3 April 2011
BEDA #4: Orthodontist.
BEDA #3: Grey's Anatomy.
Saturday, 2 April 2011
BEDA #2: Sucker Punch and Percy Jackson.
Thursday, 31 March 2011
Friday, 4 March 2011
Jim jerked awake with the frantic but sleepy mumblings of the crewman above him. His immediate instinct was to ask if everything was okay but he realised that if he did that he’d wake up a grumpy, violent pirate who would trigger the consciousness of the rest of the grumpy, violent pirates and Jim didn’t really feel like dying just yet. Closing his eyes, he tried to fall back asleep he was in, where he was dreaming about his mother’s face when he returned and presented with a bag of gold to set her for life; but instead he keeps getting interrupted by the loud though strangely in sync snores of the mean around him, and so goes out for some fresh air as quietly as he could.
He tiptoed out and saw Lillian, the girl he saw briefly when in the Captain’s stateroom as she was in the adjacent room. She looked different. Perhaps it was because her hair was down or the fact she was in her pijamas or maybe it was just the pensive look she had on her face; it was almost melancholy with how serene it was. Either way, she didn’t seem like the snobby bookworm he was introduced to. He walked over to her.
“Couldn’t sleep either?” he guessed, keeping his voice light and casual.
“I never can,” she replied; the first works she’d said properly to him.
“On the ship?”
“Just in general. At all. Ever.”
“Oh.” She wasn’t really one for conversation. “That’s unfortunate.”
“You get used to it,” she said, “after a while. I’ve been more a night person.” She looked at him and sighed. “Look, I feel like we got off on the wrong foot. I’m sorry.”
“No –” She held up a hand to stop him.
“No really,” she said earnestly. “I’m sorry. It’s my fault for being rude. In my defence though, I was woken up from my nap to meet you, so.” She extended her hand to him. “I’m Lily.”
“Jim.” He smiled.
“I know,” she laughed. Jim noted her laugh was oddly pleasant and had the same rich, warm tone to it as his mother’s; back when she used to laugh all the time. “Don’t worry about Auntie Amelia either; she’s stern but she means well. And ignore her if she keeps telling you to call me ‘Miss Lillian’.”
“‘Auntie Amelia’?” asked Jim skeptically.
She laughed again, “Yeah, godmother, didn’t she say? She and my dad have been friends for years now, since before I was ever born I think.” She paused and rubbed her hands together slowly and gently. “It gets kind of hard at home with just me and my dad, so I’m glad to have her. As much as I love him, he is a bit intense sometimes.”
Jim faught and lost against the urge to say, “Well as least you’ve got a dad.” His voice didn’t come out as resentful as he thought it would, but was a little bitter all the same.
“I’m sorry,” said Lily as she smiled apologetically at him. He was well-acquainted with the expression she was wearing; he’d seen it ever since his father left and it followed him around. Not so much nowadays, with him becoming an infamous delinquent and all; yet there were still those who remained faithful to the idea that it was because the poor boy didn’t have a father and that we mustn’t treat him too harshly, is that clear? Whether it was true, Jim didn’t know; how could you guarantee all the ‘what ifs’ you encounter? What if his father hadn’t left? What if he’d been raised like every other kid he knew? All he knew was that he did what he wanted most of the time and whether his father not being there contributed to that or not, he would never know. “I guess shouldn’t complain.”
“It’s fine,” he said quietly. “I don’t really remember him,” Yes he did, “and if he thought he was too good for me and my mom then that’s his problem. Not that just having a mother is a picnic but...”
“At least you’ve got a mom,” she mimicked but they both laughed, oddly bonding over the fact that neither of them had a full set of parents.
“Did she leave too?”
“No, she died when I was young. I don’t remember her either.”
“I’m sorry.” He knew how to say the words: he’d been told them so many times; but this time he wanted his sincerity to be clear in his voice because being abandoned by choice was hard; but to know that neither parties want it to happen made it more unfair somehow.
“It’s not your fault,” she said gently. Lily inhaled slowly, closing her eyes as she did so and Jim watched her hair swirl around her in the wind.
“I think I’m going to read and try to sleep,” she said. “Goodnight.”
Giving her a small smile, Jim nodded; unable to form words because he’d seen pretty girls and even met a few, but never had he encountered any that were actually interesting.
Sunday, 20 February 2011
Wednesday, 9 February 2011
Missing Disney.
“She’s impossible!” the Captain cried exasperatedly, slamming his hands down on the table. “She’s ridiculous and misleading and... impossible!”
“You said impossible twice,” Benjamin informed him calmly.
“I don’t care!” he said, kicking the wall. “We have sex and it’s absolutely astronomical and there I was thinking that from then on we could... I don’t know what I thought. I most certainly didn’t think that she’d have a sudden, sporadic mood change and leave straight after. She’s impossible.”
“Benjamin I’m serious!” he snapped. “What am I going to do? She’s making it so much more difficult than it has to be. She’s...”
“She is definitely unlike any of the other girls you’ve fraternized wise. But that’s why she’s my favourite. You’re going to have to learn your way around that one; she’s a force of nature.”
“You’re with her all the time,” the Captain said as if he’d only just realised. He gestured his finger towards Benjamin purposefully. “You know her better than anyone else; you could help me.”
“Just listen to her,” Benjamin said simply. “Listen to what she has to say. She’s actually rather interesting; she’s still so naïve after all that she’s done. After a conversation with her you can just hear it ringing in her voice; she talks about making love like it’s an act, not an emotional bonding. It’s almost like she can’t separate violence from sex.”
The Captain nodded rapidly, taking the information in and looked down at the floor, “Thank you for that. It’s not like I thought I did pretty well or anything; she seemed to enjoy herself as well. That’s slightly unnerving.”
“You’re very welcome.” He grinned. “But I’m serious: the way to go with
Hands in his pockets, he strode towards her and sat down. “I truly am sorry if I upset you.”
“And I promise to try my hardest to not be too overprotective.”
“Because you’re a strong, independent young woman who can take care of herself.”
She smiled, pleased, and took his hand; she didn’t know why but it felt instinctive. She turned his palm over in hers and traced the lines with her finger. “Thank you.”
“Though can I just say that in my defense, I think I’m the perfect amount of protective and if I am overprotective, it’s just because I don’t want you hurt.”
“I can handle of myself,”
He leaned his forehead against hers, “I know. It’s just... I’m paranoid, is all.”
“I know,” she breathed, blinking at him. “Vincent,” she said. “I’ve got that tightness in my stomach against. I think it means that you should kiss me.”
And so he did.
Saturday, 5 February 2011
The King's Speech.
“What are you doing?” he asked, rolling beside her.
“I don’t like being naked.” She said it very matter-of-factly. It was only when she saw his raised eyebrows that it didn’t really make sense. “Oh. Erm, I don’t know. I just don’t like being that exposed.”
He shook his head and laughed, rubbing his eyes and yawning. She watched the muscles in his arms tense and move as he stretched his arms behind him, fascinated and tempted to drag her fingers along them; confused, she said, “What? What is it?”
“If all it took was to make you feel vulnerable was to undress you I would have done so a long time ago.” She was about to speak when he slowly brought their faces together and kissed her sweetly and lengthily.
Pulling away, she blinked away the daze, “Why do you want me to feel vulnerable?”
“Well, you’re a woman; I feel you forget that sometimes. You’re very, very vulnerable to the world
Though her body ached to be as close to him as possible, she wrenched it from his, “Firstly, since when am I an animal; and secondly, what does being a woman have anything to do with this?”
“Well you’re more likely to fall into the hands of danger, as you have already displayed—”
“That was one time!” she protested. “I’m getting very, very tired of you and Benjamin treating me like I’m defenseless child!” She stood up, hands balled into fists at her side. “I am not your helpless maiden or a damsel in distress! I can bloody handle myself and I don’t appreciate being treated like one!”
The Captain laughed uncertainly and reached for her, “
“No,” she said, pushing his hands away from her, “I’m not sure how I feel about... I think it’s best for now if we let this simmer for a bit until you’re ready to accept that I’m not a little miss that needs to be protected.”
He looked up, his eyes so incredulous. She leaned forward and kissed his forehead, “Good day Vincent.”