Thursday 28 April 2011

BEDA #28.

Today I had no Portuguese or Therapy, so I'm going to yoga later and that means I have time to blog. Goody for you, huh?

I guess the highlight of my day is that my fanfic was uploaded (the Legion one). I hated the film it's based on, but it's just so... gah. Yeah, gah. I tried to add a quote but it's not working for some reason? Blogger is weird like that. Has stuff happened to you guys like that before? It happens to me frequently; the font messes up and the text just refuses to do what I tells it to.

I feel once again that I've lost my blogging mojo and so I've got Glee open in a window next to this one and hoping inspiration will suddenly come to me. All I can think is 'Finn's not that bad of a dancer so why is that the thing that he wanted to change about himself?'

Aw, Finchel moment. Now I remember why I like them. Finn is cute although a bit... hypocritical but he's wholesome and overall he means well and most of the time is a little selfless. He makes mistakes, but he usually makes up for it and learns his lesson. More than I have to say for Quinn, say; who will I think has so much potential, the writers continue to make her one priority being the most popular girl in school. After getting pregnant and see how everyone turned on her, you'd think she'd see that none of the like people had for her was genuine that she would want to just be around those who truly liked her. Do not get me started on how there was no mention of the trauma she must have gone through by giving up her child or the fact that Puck told her he loved her and for some reason it was never acknowledged. One thing Glee cannot do is continuity.

I've made a Tumblr friend called Jo. She's Dutch and 17 and our friendship consists of telling each other how much we love each other/fangirl over each other and planning how I can get to the Netherlands so we can get married. It fascinates me how we can get along despite the fact that I'm an Amy/11 shipper whereas she's a River/11 shipper. It's not quite on the same level of animosity, but the two ships remind me of Harry/Hermione and Ron/Hermione except that would mean that Amy/11 is like Harry/Hermione, when it's not quite. My ship kind of happened because Amy used to sort of have feelings for The Doctor yet in contrast Hermione never really did, I don't think. Amy/11 is platonic now, but at least on Amy's side it wasn't always. But River/11 is blatantly canon now, so in that sense yes they are alike.

It's kind of odd because I'll genuinely be in lesson and I'll think, 'I want to talk to Jo'. I also think this quite often. It may just be me associating her with Tumblr and wanting to go on Tumblr, but I'll just get the feeling that I want to text Jo and then I'll remember I can't. And I'll get annoyed. I just want to talk to Jo all the time. She's also much, much wittier than me and I often feel very unworthy of all this attention because what she says makes me laugh and I wonder if I have the same effect, which I probably don't. I can only hope she'll rub off on me.

I also got two As in my Chemistry exams. I have to say I knew I did well though because the tests were very, very easy. That may be because I revised, but I get the feeling it's only because I find Chemistry easy and the stuff we learn for some reason just clicks with me. It's lovely.

This has been sufficiently lengthy. I have the day off tomorrow (Royal Wedding) and so I'll blog tomorrow as well. I'll do a proper one too.

I'll see you then,

1 comment:

  1. Awwwww, is this your first crush on a real woman? Like non-celebrity I mean.

    Also, Why's it all white?

    PLUS: I said you were good at science. Well done! :D
