Friday 8 April 2011

BEDA #8: Friday.

AND I'VE GOT NO SCHOOOOOOOOOL. God I love inset days. They just make me want to run around because I can and people from other schools can't and that's amazing. Nine AM waking up in the morning, gotta be fresh gotta go downstairs and write fanfiction. That's what I'm starting my morning with; just because it's been bothering me that I had an idea for it but got kicked off the computer and haven't been able to continue it and yeah. Here I am. This is my life.

I finished the Percy Jackson series. God, what a good series too. Annabeth was such a brilliant character but mega crush for Percy and Apollo too; and Hermes was complex and developed and Hades too. SO MUCH CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT. IN A CHILDREN'S BOOK TOO. Not too fond of the ending, but since there's a next generation of Demigods I'm okay with it. If it ended there how it did, I would have been pissed. Frankly, it's kind of refreshing that the main character doesn't always have a prophecy about them. I'd give the series an 8/10, because if anything it was hugely enjoyable. Plus Rachel was pretty cool too. Mortals are cool.

I made a very drastic decision yesterday, blog. I went to change my option from Media to Philosophy and got told I wouldn't be able to, because of the way things are set out and so on a whim I got convinced to do Sociology. I have no idea of what it entails; if it has coursework, if it doesn't, if I'll enjoy or if it's worth it. I hope that it's worth it. I just read the Prospectus and it says:

"Sociology combines well with all AS
subjects and in many careers. Jobs in
local and central government, industry,
commerce, social work, journalism, the
media, law, police training and market
research to name a few."

Journalism! Yay! Maybe it will be worth it. We'll see. From what I can see, it seems similar to Psychology and English Language in some ways, so maybe that'll help with my other subjects if anything. I'm happy now.


I've just gotten back from the library. Paid my fines, which the librarian cut down for me so they weren't five pounds -- this proves that librarians are the secret superheroes of the world. I got some books I had reserved, so yay! And overall it's been a nice day. The sun is shining, it's not that windy and I can wear a sleeveless top. I feel good. Ish. My mother told me I need to start working out seriously at least twice a week because then in about five weeks from now I could be slimmer (she used to be an aerobics instructor so I trust her judgement; and she never says this to me, so I know she's serious when she says I need exercise). I guess it was a bit of a downer because I really have been trying; I don't think she realises the effort it takes for me to drag my arse on the crosstrainer and run for forty minutes, and not even on the easiest level. I just... I wish it was easier :L I wish it just took less exercise for me to be in shape. Oh well.

I'm going to Kate's later today and we shall watch anime. It will be fun.

I reckon this post is long enough, don't you? I'm going to go now.

Always, Mel.


  1. Sociology is i'm not sure what it is but mrs castleDERP runs it. From what I've heard about it it's a bit politics-y but then again I've never really heard about it that much. All I know is that mrs castleberg offered to do a duet with me in front of my history class in year 8 cos I told her I knew a song about Oliver Cromwell. I DECLINED HER OFFER GENEROUSLY.

  2. Ooh I know a few people that took sociology I think - Only because I hear them bitch about Mrs Castleberg an awful lot. I'd advise have a look what your other options are before deciding.

    Also - I don't think I'd ever read a blog of yours and think "Too Long".

    What *did happen at the end of P.J? I can't remember... actually I'll FS you.

  3. That's why I like sport. At home, I fenced four times a week and I was fit, and because it was like hanging out with a bunch of friends it wasn't boring. Here, I don't do much exercise at all, and I've put on so much weight in the last 3 months. :|

    Also, sociology is pretty interesting stuff. It's the study of society, so it covers a huge range of topics, things like culture, crime, family, religion, social class, etc. I guess it's like psychology for big groups of people.
