Today I went for a run, read manga, finished a fanfic (Amy/11), read some fanfic and went on Tumblr. I should really start revising but I don't know how and it makes me anxious. Gahhhhh. Just reading will have to do. Reading and flashcards. I have nothing else.
The run was horrible. My mother and I gave up, even though she loves running, and started power-walking instead. That was pretty easy but I felt like I looked silly -- because I probably did. I was not made for running. I was made for writing and just being lazy in general. I was made for getting overly excited about Doctor Who; I saw a quote saying that 'The Doctor's relationship with Amy is going to change forever' and you can imagine how I got my fangirl senses tingling. I'm guessing it's not going to be something romantic but a girl can dream and mostly I just love how they are even if it's platonic. I think I just love the dynamic. Still, being a fangirl is an art and a precise skill I have sharpened for many years and so I'm getting the feeling this series is going to be good regardless, because lots of material for my fanfic shall be made.
I think that's all.
Did you see the Dr. Who Red Nose Day shorts? I really loved the Amy/Amy dynamic, haha. I can't wait for the next season to start!!