Friday 15 April 2011

BEDA #15: When did I get this bad at blogging?

I used to be a blogging beast. I remember when Kate said she was going to 'Blog me into oblivion', and I beat her so easily. I blogged every day for about a month, and it wasn't even April. I was just good at talking about myself; I still am. At therapy I can fill Michele in on my week in about ten minutes and I can describe how things made me felt with so much ease.

And yet, it is April and I've asked Lauren loads of times to have to blog for me. To be fair, in some situations I really did not have the time (babysitting), but recently it's just that I've forgotten to do in the morning, when I usually do it, and so I leave it and leave it and then my parents kick me off the computer and I didn't blog. It's terrible. Honestly.

Last night I went to Zumba class. That was surprisingly fun and went really fast. I was reminded of how I used to enjoy my Jazz dancing classes in Brazil; I didn't enjoy performing them so much (it's not that I didn't like it, but I would not have minded if the routines just stayed within the hall), but I liked learning the choreography and messing about. Zumba was like that, so I really liked it. I think I'm going to go more often. I sucked at some -- just really could not get my feet to do what the woman was doing, or to do the feet with the arm movement -- and it was kind of embarrassing because my mum could do them after the woman demonstrated once, but still. I suppose my mother could not watch an episode of Grey's Anatomy first time and squeeze out decent fanfiction material, but I can; it all comes down to practice.

The other day I was having breakfast and I turned to my dad and said: "Huh, I've been watching anime for eight years now." He made fun of me but that's stuck with me since. I've moved around a lot, and I don't have a set 'childhood home', not really; but watching anime and being into all the stuff is probably the closest I have to that... if that makes sense. It's like people who have friends now that they've known since nursery: I have anime. I don't really know where I'm going with this, but I just thought I should share. I've been watching anime pretty much since I've been reading, if you're going to count Sailor Moon or Pokemon; and it's something that I haven't given up yet. I watched two episodes of Romeo X Juliet yesterday and it was fun. I wonder if I ever will grow out of it, because some people have.

Something else I haven't grown out of is Disney, apparently. If you go on my Tumblr, you'll know this but really I didn't think I was that bad. Tangled sparked it all again: through wanting to follow Tangled blogs, I followed Disney blogs and now pretty much all the time my dashboard has something Disney-related on it. The other day Libby said she wished the Disney DVD sale that is going on atm was happening around my birthday; I'd've thought Libby loves Disney just as much as I do but I rarely talk to her about any Disney films other than Tangled (or perhaps covers of Disney songs that we've seen on Youtube). That was weird because Libby doesn't even go on my Tumblr, so. Disney fangirl, I am.

This has been rather erratically written, and thus I apologise.



  1. Facebook has been filled with updates about Zumba in the last week - all my friends at home have just discovered it and are also loving it.

    I can definitely understand where you're coming from with regards to anime, I guess I felt the same way about Redwall (although not for as long) and books in general (still do).


    I asked you to go to Zumba with me ages ago! God you're so annoying!

  3. Also, did you only start reading when you were eight? ^o)


    Love Achille's relationship to Patroclus so much [:)

    I'm going to post more about them btw, even though nobody's interested.

    I don't get how you didn't think it adorable what I posted last time.
