Wednesday 6 April 2011

BEDA #6: Purple cereal.

My cereal milk has got lilac. That is the highlight of my day.

No, the highlights of my day are as follows:

- Purple cereal.
- Finishing Percy Jackson and the Titan's Curse (which is my favourite so far).
- The guy I liked walked into History and I giggled to myself. I think that's when I realised I legit have a crush on him, not just I thought he was attractive.
- The teacher at my RE revision was really cool.
- We finished reading To Kill a Mockingbird as a class. Finally.
- I had a pleasant conversation with George on the bus, which was odd, but as I said: pleasant too.

That's about it.

Oh, and I handed in my deposit for the Ski trip, which scares me a little because I think 'THERE'S NO GOING BACK NOW', because the deposit alone is £170. And I always back out of things like this. Always. I did in the German exchanged and with the Belgium trip (even though technically I don't think that I ever handed in anything for the Belgium trip). Funnily enough, both times have been because Lauren wasn't going; on the German trip, she did end up going and I didn't because I'm a pussy and get horrible, horrible homesickness and decided against it. Still, I think I'll be okay. I know that I'll be fine after the first night, if I get homesick. Plus I'll get back and wonder why I ever was, so.

I've found myself having doubts about taking Media too. I'm seriously considering swapping it for Philosophy for these reasons (I feel like lists today):

- It's a good A Level to have for Uni.
- Media is not.
- Media only covers a little of Film, which is the only thing that interests me in it anyway.
- I'm interested in R.E. and Philosophy is a lot like R.E. (Ciara will probably correct me on this but SHUT UP AND LET ME FINISH MY LIST BEFORE YOU WRITE A FORMSPRING QUESTION TO ME LIKE '*Actually*...').
- Philosophy has no coursework.
- I wanted to take Philosophy anyway. I was considering it before.

So I think I will take it. And do something on the side with Film outside of school in case I want to do it in Uni and want to have experience to make me a more viable candidate. I may have just used viable wrong but I don't care. Because really, all I like is critically analysing them, not making them; it's a bit hypocritical to be like 'This is shit' with a film when I know I couldn't do better but... it's fun. And it's something I could do.

Love always,


  1. I don't think that not having experience in making films means you can't judge others. I wouldn't be able to make a good movie either, but that doesn't mean that my critical opinion of of a movie is invalid or worthless. Similarly I could say that Lady Gaga writes better music than whoever wrote Rebecca Black's 'Friday', even though the first (and only, so far) time I tried to write a song it was (much much much) worse than Friday.

    Also, purple milk, ew!

    Ski trip sounds exciting. Where are you going?

  2. My friend Daniel applied to Cambridge and got in with the conditional grades A*AAB - The best university in the UK asked for a B in philosophy. Srsly bro.


  4. Read my blog. It wants you to read it.
