Thursday 21 April 2011

BEDA #21: Scream 4.

Or, y'know, Scre4m, as all the cool kids - by that I mean posters - are calling it.

I'm going to come out and say that I liked it. Done. Out of ten? 6.5. A solid 6.5. Not the best film ever, though far superior to Red Riding Hood, but not the worst by a long shot. And to this I blame Sidney Prescott.

I mean, I suppose after three films I'd be used to killers being around too, and I'd know how to survive rather well; but still. She just refused to die. I don't think that's spoiler, but yeah. The main character does not die. And thank God for that. I'm not a particularly strong feminist, I like having the vote I suppose, but I like female characters who are like Sidney. Strong and independent and good in a crisis.

It's a bit hard to put my finger on exactly why I liked it, but Sidney is one of the reasons. Another being that it wasn't that scary. I am not a horror fan. I like my sleep as it is, thank you very much. For some reason, I was drawn to this film and luckily Lauren opted to go see it with me; while it was horrifying in the moment, with the tension and suspense of 'The loud music means the killer is not coming, there's going to be a harmless character behind them but when the music stops he's going to be there AH MA GAD JUST COME OUT ALREADY I CAN'T TAKE IT', I'm fairly good with gore. I'm not sure I'd be okay with Saw, but in Scream 4 they weren't really elaborate deaths: just stabbing. People were gutted, but it had a 15 certificate so we didn't see much of it. Honestly, it was nerve racking when you knew the killer was coming, but once he was there I was like, 'Meh. Okay, bring it on.'

And I wasn't scared later! I know that technically makes it a bad horror, but still! I had a dream about Scream and I was scared in the dream, but once I woke up I was like 'Eurgh so tired. Just want sleep'. I didn't sleep so well because it hit me that my family are going away for four days and I'm going to be all alone and I would miss them, but not because of the film. I'm attached to my family in the way that I like having them near, if I need them. Or just near at all. I nearly considered going away with them, but I figured this would be good practice for the ski trip, so.

That was Scream 4 guys!


1 comment:

  1. I laughed out loud when that police officer got stabbed in the forehead.
