Sunday 20 February 2011


And now begins my week off. Hopefully I'll be spending it productively, and that means going to Ciara's house and working my ass off. I need to do work this half-term. Planning on doing some revision tonight, even if just a little; because once I start I'll be able to get into it more.

The reason I haven't blogged in a while is because I haven't really got farther than that on my pirate story. As I said, I didn't really have a plot in mind and I guess I was just playing about, developing the characters and exploring them. I have some ideas in mind but... nothing solid enough for a real, strong story. Maybe I'll try to write some more on it, but atm I'm busy writing some Treasure Planet fanfiction while has been in the works inside my mind for a while. It involves an OC (original character for you fanfiction n00bs) and that may be behind my reluctance; no-one likes OCs, especially when it's a love interest. Especially when in the original movie/book/whatever there wasn't a love interest involved for the character, because they assume it's a self-insert.

That's not to say that I don't share similarities with Lily; but it's things like: she's shy and has brown hair. I mean, hers is darker. And messier. Or not; I haven't decided whether it's straight or not, but I think it's kind of curly. It suits her best.

She's an interesting one because she's turned out deeper than I thought she would be; she acts all cool and indifferent because I wanted a girl who could baffle Jim and leave him flustered and confused. But then I wanted her to be a girl and get all flustered from Jim too, so I've kind of based her off Haruhi from Ouran. Y'know, when she falls for Tamaki in the manga and blushes all the time. I wanted both characters to not know how to deal with the other, because... I thought it'd be sweet. And that's how adolescence itself it; understanding things one moment, and then not the next. Jim thought he knew girls, my Jim doesn't know them well, but then Lily comes along who will be friendly one minute but then he asks her out and she pushes him away and avoids him. Okay so maybe Lily's more like me than I thought :L

And likewise Lily's had boyfriends and knows how it works, but Jim unnerves her and she doesn't like it. Plus Jim still has the whole daddy issues subplot which I love so it's even more confusing for him. ~ADOLESCENCE~.

I'll maybe post some here, because I've got quite a few little one shots. Like the pirate story (God I wish I had a name for it, because calling it that is so annoying) it doesn't really have a set flowing story. I think of it as the film as it is but adding bits in, because having a giiiiirl on board would change everything (the Captain is not a girl, she is a woman; also the female pirate head is not a girl, she is a... an alien. And the Captain is a fucking cat). I don't see why they didn't do it; I mean I guess changing it to space is a pretty drastic change for the original and I don't mean that I think it would have been good to have a girl --I mean, it could have, but only if executed a certain way-- but just as in it's something Disney would have done. You know what I mean? They would have added in a girl; it would get girls to want to watch the movie. But, then again, would have put guys off. Oh well, I guess I'll just have my fanfiction.

Do you guys want to see it? That includes you, people I know IRL: comment. I like it when you comment.

Yesterday I spent the day in London. All of London, it felt like. I went to my friend's, Artur's, house there because it was his mother's birthday the day before and she was having a get together. But he'd arranged to meet with some friends and so I tagged along.

It wasn't as awkward as I thought it was going to be, tbh. His friends are nice and friendly and included me; not that I needed it, because I like just the sound of conversation sometimes and the laughter even when I'm not involved. One of them seemed amazed that I live in Brighton and thought it was "cool". I assured that it wasn't that great; I love where I live but I know it's got a bit of a reputation of being... wild. Because we have hippies and goths and gays all in one place and a beach and parks; but while there are hippies and goths and gays, there's normal people too, just like every other place.

We went to an arcade. I loved it. I made a fool of myself in front of his friends because Artur is amazing at Dance Dance Revolution and I honestly struggle with medium while he is breezing through hard; I lost at the versus game we played; I bought lunch that I didn't need. But there was something so 90's about it that I was amazed; amazed that their only plan was to go to arcade and that was it. And to an arcade. The last time I went to an arcade that was just an arcade; a place that didn't have a pier but was just an arcade with arcade games and... it was beautiful. Just breathtaking.

We took buses around the place just randomly picking landmarks to go to; Big Ben, Trafalgar Square, Piccadilly Circus, Waterloo, Regent Street. We didn't spend much time at them but it was weird with how big London was and how to them it was just home whereas to me, even though I've been many, many times before, it's London. It's exciting and it's a place to plan to spend a day in, not somewhere you go on a whim.

It was weird to see Artur having other friends too; the fact that he's built a circle of friends in which I'm not included. I know it's stupid but it's weird when you grow up with someone and they're a huge part of your world and then they become a smaller part simply because you're not that big a part in theirs any more. It's like Luiza in Brazil like that too, but I've had years to get used to that.

I'm going to go now because I'm sure none of you will read this far.

Always yours,

1 comment:

  1. I read that far. :)

    Good luck beating the procrastination monster!

    You'd be better than me at DDR- I've never played.

    I'm going through the same thing with my high school friends. We're growing apart because we don't see each other as much as we used to. :(
