Friday 20 August 2010

Wawawawa speaking from Póvoa (BEDA #20)

(I think. Not actually sure where I am right now, tbh.)

I'm sticking with the default font for once just to see how this all turns out. It seems so... colouring inside the lines to me, but Ciara's complained about my font size so I reckon I should do something about it, seeing as she is one of the few readers I have.

Onto ranting about the camping. We are now in a different one which is more crowded and therefore louder. It kind of sucks because I wonder how well I'm going to be able to fall asleep. Also, the people here all look really moody and stare at me for no apparent reason. It's making me want to place a plague on both their households, if you know what I mean.

There is one cute guy here. I ran into him not looking my best, seeing as I saw him as I left the shower place, my hair up in a convenient, yet not really attractive. Our eyes connected for a split second, and I have to say it took a few moments for me to register what I had just seen. He was tan, but his hair had been kissed by the sun, so the ends of his curly locks were a dirty blonde. He was wearing a skin tight wet suit. I approved of it. He looked my age, or maybe a bit older. I think that's why he struct a chord; he's older and has curly hair. I don;t know, they've always been small turn ons for me. No idea why. Sue me.

I even opted to changing in the toilets near the showers, as opposed to in my room in my tent just to see if if maybe I ran into him coming out of the shower. I also stood in the toilets for a bit in case he took a long time showering, but then I contemplated perhaps he had really short showers? Also, I considered how he looked like a surfer; should I wear my swimming/surferesque shorts to show him how much we have in common$? Or should I wear my skirt in an attempt to look like a girl and prove to him that I don't always walk around with trampy towels wrapped around my head to look like a turban? I chose the skirt, but didn't run into him.

42 books out of 50 so far. I can actually do this.

It's cold now! Weird. I'm in a long sleeve top, leggings and a cardie because I didn't actually bring jeans because I assumed, you know, it'd be hot all the time. How I was wrong; how wrong I was. Well, I brought some skinnies, but they seem really, harsh, if you know what I mean.

Had dinner. Fuck they eat a lot here; I think I am gaining weight and so I am going to eat some more greens as from now, especially on this holiday. I miss greens, and fruit. Haven't had that many so far. Not that much water either. That's bad. I should get some water when I get to the tent. And read some more of my book, Yes Man. It's funny and I like it. I am actually mimicking Danny Wallace when I try to write at the moment without really realising it. I don't really mind, tbh.

Longer blog than I have written recently. THAT'S NEW. I miss England.


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