Tuesday 17 August 2010

Sweet holy Jesus it's Mel again! (BEDA #17)

Mel: Calvin, what do you want to write in this post?
Calvin: Hehe... er...
Mel: What's your favourite Pokemon? Top three?
Calvin: Bulbasaur, Eevee and Sandshrew. And then put a smiley face. (:))

Okayyyy... today was hot and I sweated. I have some nice deodorant though, so it's all good. The family were really sweet and luckily I am getting used to the accent. In fact, I've nailed a decent impression. I would share it with you, but I can't, really. It's pretty cute, if I say so myself, because I sound so badly like a Brazilian imitating a Portuguese, But, my cousins, my many cousins, are super chill and have dogs, so my time there was not too awkward. Also, there was a baby, and I like babies in the legal way and managed to distract myself as I watched Francisco being fascinated by the fridge magnets. Also, third cousin Joao Pedro is really witty for his age and don't take no shit from no-one, which was amusing.

Ate some more fattening yet delicious pastries and some really tasty pineapple mousse. Had three servings of said mousse and am now feeling slightly ill with how much I've eaten. I want to get to the beach already to burn it off in the sea just by walking around. I cannot wait for the sea, or a swimming pool.

I might be able to sort of save Lauren writing me too many blog posts because I found out there is wi-fi at the camping site, and I can just sit and boil in a tent while I let you know how much fucking weight I've gained. Eurrghhhhh I feel so bloated and fat.

I want Taylor Swift's new album to come out because I like her songs very much. I wish I'd downloaded Kesha's album to listen to because she's kind of awesome in a weird way. I dunno, I like her. Sorry y'all.


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