Wednesday 18 August 2010

111th POST!

Does anyone else find this awesome? No? I'm the only nerd here? Dayum.

So I'm going to write a very brief post (I only have four freakin' minutes) as if I'm Melanie. Here goes;

Ahem. So I'm missing everyone in Enlgland like super loads. Especially like Lauren cos' she's like so totally awesome! I wish I was in rainy England because I just want to be with Lauren like so much it like hurts, like real bad.

Melanie time = over.

So I wrote that and the voice in my head was a kind of American-bubblegum-eating-thirteen-year-old. Did anyone else get that vibe? TWO MINUTES!

So I love you Melanie, if you're actually reading the horribly atrocious posts that I'm writing, then I'm sorry to put you through so much pain and I'm sorry I'm subjecting your blog to short posts when it is obviously used to incredibly long ones. I don't think your blog likes me, I don't spew genius when I write. Dayum. I like writing that :)

Bye Love.

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