Tuesday 10 August 2010


Didn't blog yesterday. I'm sorry, BEDA. I failed ye. But I was tired and my dad was like, go to bed now and usually I would've argued and asked him for a couple of minutes to at least type a sentence for BEDA. But I was sorta tired and forgot about BEDA, tbh.

Why was I tired? I walked around George Street and the street adjacent to it. I bought my uniform and then my Gran loves charity so we walked around them. All of them. And O bought a couple of t-shirts and some books, quite happy that I'd purchased some useful things and helped some people in need while I was at it. Today, I wish I could say that I would go shopping and was going to go hit some more charity shops, but I'm going to Primark to get shome cheap strappy tees that are specifically for the holiday. I'm kind of anxious with the word: holiday. I'm nervous. Nervous about meeting my family, because I don't think they'll really like me. Le sigh.

Might go to see TS3 with the gang and Ciara. Oh sheet, Ciara's not here. I feel bad for having to postpone Kate seeing the most amazing little cute film evar. Meh I'm so tired and this post is so pointlesslesslessless eugh what am i even doing what am i ...

I want to go back to bed because my dad woke me up early because he was saying something to my brother.

Screw you BEDA, I'm playing tetris now.

Always yours,

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