Thursday 5 August 2010

Tiiiiiiiiiiired and blehhhhhh (BEDA #5).

Oh, hey blog. I'm tired. I just went for a run, you see. Yes, a run. And I went by myself, just me and my iPod. I didn't run all the way to Ovingdean, because I walked for a bit, but I guess you could say I didn't stop, because I didn't. Even when I needed to cross roads, I would jog on the stop like a cool kid.

What I can say about it is that I had the most delicious shower afterwards. I got home all sweaty and my legs felt like lead. I looked in my mirror and my face was a tell tale sign that I had just done more exercise than I should have, considering how unfit I am. Oh well, it felt nice to wash the sweat away. I'm not sure I'll run again any time soon. I didn't really enjoy it, and I'm sure the cookie dough ice cream I just downed just cancelled out any weight I may have lost. I hope my legs will tone up a little bit, at least.

Hmmm... I'm going to Sophie's house today. I am going to sleepover. But, will probably not do a lot of sleeping, thanks to Lauren. Lauren likes to stay awake at the night times and keep everyone else from sleeping, but then she doesn't appreciate being waken up any time before one o'clock in the afternoon. That's how Lauren works on sleepovers. It's MUCH fun.

Yesterday I watched The Princess and The Frog at Ellie's house. Now that was a good film; really classic Disney, and really cute. The prince was arrogant, conceited and somehow charming at the same time. I think I would have fallen for him big time if I met him in real life. But by far my favourite character was Lotte; she was just so Southern and funny and cute. Still, nothing can beat Aladdin's character design *has an on-going crush on Aladdin because a) he's not innocent, b) he can sing, c) he's misunderstood, d) he's just freaking hot*.

This is not going to be another post about me whining on and on about not being able to go to SOA, because Sophie isn't going and that makes me feel slightly better in the sense that I won't be completely left out. Plus, I dunno, I feel I can get some work done in Portugal and stuff; plus the weather'll be nice, there'll be sandy beaches, I can read and get tanned, and the food is so good. The downside being a) two weeks with my family and b) meeting family I don't care about because I've never met them, and whom won't like me once they meet me, FACT.

Erm, I shall need to go get ready soon, after a long day of not doing much. I am still reading Danny Wallace; it's slow going, yet enjoyable.

Hmmmmmmmmm... I think I shall start writing blogs with topics again, not just ones about my slow going yet sometimes enjoyable life.

Let's see:

- I'm starting fencing soon, in Peacehaven. Same teacher as Kate, so he'll be good I suppose. I guess you could say I was inspired by Elisabeth; I've always wanted to do it, but I never got off my sorry arse and looked for teachers in my territory.

- I want to start playing the trumpet again. I got to Grade 1, haha, and then quit because it became an inconvenience. But I miss having an extracurricular, not that having one was ever really that dominating in my life. Still, I should get one! Spend less time on the internet, yo!

- I'm going to try to install Sony Vegas on the laptop so that I can edit and vlog about Portugal, to give me something to do. Not, VEDA, no. I don't think I could ever succeed in VEDA. Ever. I take too long to edit.

I should probably get off the PC and go now.

Always yours,

1 comment:

  1. Yes yes yes yes yes!!!!

    Reading that you're going to try fencing just made my day :D

    I really hope you enjoy it, although I realise that it's not everyone's thing.

    Like you, I find running extremely boring. Fencing is a much better way of getting fit :)
