Tuesday 6 April 2010

Making mistakes, and like Kristina Horner, calling this BMFM.

...And that stands for 'Blogging More Frequently Month', because there is no I will be able to succeed to blogging everyday in a month. Because --wow, here I'd like to say that it's due to me being in possession of what is called a 'life'-- I have to revise and because I'm so boring, I have nothing to blog about. Ever.

Today, however, is an exception.

I slept round Sophie's house yesterday. It was fun, as it usually is. Though, rarely to we ever leave the play room, or do anything besides drink hot chocolate and watch films, and ramble on pointlessly --which, by the name of my blog, you should know is my expertise.

So, carrying on. We --DUN DUN DUN-- watched Paranormal Activity. PARANORMAL ACTIVITY.

Now, from how I write, and from my interests and from how I tell you I spend my time, you should know that I'm not cool. I'm pretty lame and non-exciting by how my generation goes. I have never gone out to a party and gotten drunk, never tried any drugs and have never even gotten close to any kind of sexual activity, and couldn't even if I wanted to.

So, that being said, that also means I am a huge scaredy-cat. I do not, repeat, do not, like scary films. I lost nights of sleep with Scary Movie 3, and with the trailer for The Fourth Kind. I am not good with scary films, or just frightening things in general; such as, extreme rollercoasters and etc.

But, for some reason, before I knew it, I had found myself sitting in that living room, along with Sophie's family, totally engrossed on what was happening to Micah and Katie.

You would like me to describe the film, I presume? Sure, I'd rather erase the incident and forget the feature film, but getting it out of my system would be good too.

Okay, basically, I only tuned in about 15 minutes maximum into the film, so, from what I know, Micah and his girlfriend Katie, live in an abnormally large house for two people who are not married and are not planning a family, but I digress; they talk to this guy, whose name I've forgotten, about the strange banging noises they hear at night.

The man is a specialist in the matter of haunted houses and suchlike, and proceeds to ask more about the couple, and if such things have happened to them in the past. It has, to Katie, when she was eight and then later when she was thirteen.

The man comes to the conclusion that it could either be a demon or a ghost, and that it is not a problem with the house, but rather Katie; the thing seems rather fond of her, following her throughout all these years.

Katie decides the thing does not "feel human", so therefore it is a demon.

Er... after that there are a few nights where weird things happen. 22 nights, to be exact, are shown throughout the course of the film.

In the beginning, it is nothing too harmless. Mostly, the monster causes the door to sway slightly; takes over Katie's body for a few occasions, and she gets out of bed, and stands there, rocking slightly but apart from that, never moving, and she does so for hours, never remembering doing so in the morning.

As the film goes on, the 'demon' gets more and more involved, and Micah, determirned to prove himself as a man, lays traps, films the room as the sleep, and googles a lot.

One of the traps includes laying flour on the floor to see its footsteps? I dunno, thinking about it now, what purpose would that serve? But, yes, the demon does step in it, and the wake up to see the foot prints form. The foot consists of the three toes, supposedly, and is relatively webbed from what we can see.

Furthermore, Micah buys a ouija board, and leaves it in the house while he and Katie go out. When they return, and watch the tape, they see it spontaneously bursts into flames.

But yes, the film progresses, Katie continues to get possessed by the demon on nights, and even gets dragged out on bed on one, and the demon's presence in the house becomes more pronounced, even during the day, because Katie can feel it breathing on/watching her. Also, one night it runs in the room, slams the door, then runs into the attic. Micah goes up to explore, and finds a burnt picture. Katie hysterically claims that she has not seen said picture in fifteen years, proving further that the demon has been following her.

How does it end? Freakily, I'l tell you that much. The demon drags Katie out of bed again and she shrieks the house down, calling Micah. He springs surprisingly quickly into action, running after the demon. Because the camera only films the room, we do not see anything, but again, hear the thumps and thuds and screams of Micah and Katie.

Then, it falls silent.

Suddenly, more thuds and the audience, by this point, knows the sound well; the demon is walking up the stairs. Or so we think.

Out of nowhere, Micah's body is flung at the camera, and Katie emerges behind him, zombie-like. She approaches his body, kneels over him, and appears to bite his arm. Then, once again, she acknowledges the camera, which is now on the floor. She smiles; almost fondly, and it wouldn't be spine-chilling if we didn't know that it's not Katie who is smiling at us, but the demon. She lunges at the camera, and the screen goes dark.

Before the credits, two sentences appear. One, stating the date the police found Micah's body. The second, appears later, eerily stating that Katie's whereabouts remain unknown.

So wow, long blog post. My opinion on the film? Sure, I did not fall asleep with ease that night, and probably will not tonight. But, all the way through, one can find ways of how this could have been faked; someone could have easily have pulled the covers off and simply hid from the camera's eye, for example. Also, I am not sure I believe in such things as demons, and etc. Ghosts, yes. I am oddly attracted to the idea of communicating with a ghost, but not in the sense of, let's say, a ouija board, but more like having a chat, y'know? Like, for example, conversing with the ghost of Shakespeare seems nice, does it not? Interesting, even.

However, yes, the film at times is scary, but it is hard to believe at times as well, because of the convenience of the camera being there.

I admit, yes, it is cleverly done at times too. The fact it is done through a home-video camera does make it more life-like, relatable, and the Katie and Micah do seem just like normal people. Athough at times, everyone in the room agreed that Micah's behaviour is suspicious; why is he so interested in the demon? Why can't he just let his girlfriend call the demonologist, and exorcise the damn house? I doubt any of this would have happened if they had just contacted Dr. Avery in the first place.

Conclusion: more creepy and twisted than scary. And, so far, very overrated. Not as scary as I had anticipated, but more eerily confusing than I hoped for.

All my love, Merani.

PS. I watched the changed ending, not the one that gave a 23 year old man a heart attack or caused three people to commit suicide after watching the film, so yeah.

1 comment:

  1. If by 'one of the books' you mean one of the Narnia books, READ IT!! You're possibly a little older than the intended audience but I still love reading them anyway. If you mean something else that C.S. Lewis wrote, then (based on the one I read) I wouldn't recommend it unless it interests you.

    I'm very much not a fan of horror movies, either. Well done on watching the entire thing! I doubt I would have made it.
