Wednesday 7 April 2010

Being a woman...

...Is not pleasant, I'll tell you that now to any form of the male species. And neither are stomach cramps. What did I do to deserve this.

To top it all off, I couldn't get to sleep 'til around quarter past four in the morning, because I was paranoid about doing so due to Paranormal Activity. I swear, I'm not even that frightened, it just left me listening out for noises in my house more than I should. Got about 5 hours sleep. So. Tired.

Okay, but enough about that. Let's just catch up on my oh-so-exciting life in this bloggy post, shall we? Yay for bullet point lists!

- I did my German Oral exam before the Easter Holidays, and when we finished, my teacher said she would estimate that at around an A/A* standard, which is fantastic! :D Especially since a lot of people didn't do as well in that test; for example, boy in my class got told he would be lucky to receive a C. Ouch.

- I watched V for Vendetta and since then has forever my life changed. For the better. I love V so much. So. Attractive. In the opening scene, where he saves Evey, he gives her a little speech, that goes as following:

"VoilĂ ! In view, a humble vaudevillian veteran, cast vicariously as both victim and villain by the vicissitudes of Fate. This visage, no mere veneer of vanity, is a vestige of the vox populi, now vacant, vanished. However, this valorous visitation of a by-gone vexation, stands vivified and has vowed to vanquish these venal and virulent vermin van-guarding vice and vouchsafing the violently vicious and voracious violation of volition. "

And it carries on... But still, is that just not beautiful? We were having dinner as we watched it, and I recall my mouth just hanging open in awe. Srsly, I have a thing for guys that are smooth and suave already, but guys that have good vocabulary just sway me completely, and V's vocabulary is outstanding, therefore I love him.

On the whole though, the film is cleverly pieced, and is very slick. The violence is tasteful and the characters are normal people --except for V, who is unhumanly perfect.

My favourite film so far in all my years.

- I had a Tetanus jab. My arm hurt for a few days, but it was fine apart from that.

- I have added more detail to my story, fleshing out more characters and giving them memorable traits and back-stories. Funny, because at first I was bitter at the fact that I had to add more people to the story, but now I really love all of them. They have their flaws, but I want to put across that feeling that they all care deeply for each other, and that they are all connected somehow. Like Harry Potter, if I'm being frank, because that's kind of my inspiration.

- That's about it.

All my love, Meranil.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, wow, those are a lot of Vs. I had to reread that quote about three times to make sense of it, even though I know the meanings of all the constituent words.

    I've never watched V for Vendetta. For some reason it always makes me think of Guy Fawkes, though. Maybe I should. I think my brother really likes that movie, too.
