Thursday 15 April 2010

Le sigh.

I wanna vlooooooog. Typing is just too much effort, and pressing backspace when I spell something wrong is annoying and I wouldn't have to do this if I was vlogging, because I would just be talking. Truth be told, since my mum and her guests have gone to London, I am actually saying these words out loud right now as I type, which helps a little I guess.

So I guess I should talk about my day yesterday? Probably? Yeah sure, whatever.

So, as you may or may not remember, yesterday I went to go see Dear John. Upon arriving in Brighton on my bus, and just confirming the meeting point in which I was to meet Lauren and Kate and Sophie, Kate called me saying: 'Meet us down at the Odeon, we'll get your ticket for now because there is a queue.'

And that was fine and dandy.

So I got off the bus, with a slight spring in my step because a rather attractive guy had sat in front of me on the bus, and although he was with his mother, he still looked at me bemusedly and smiled when I answered my phone.

I walk down the street to the Odean Cinema, and wow, they are right, there is a very long queue that barely stays within the cinema walls. I have to squeeze past everyone to go search for my friends. I glance to my side, away from the queue, and there they are. Sitting on the steps, and not looking very pleased.

I am then informed, when I join them, that the tickets are sold out. Oh yes, I think to myself, today is the first day of it in the cinema, isn't it? Damn.

We stand around, wondering what to do. Me and Sophie eagerly suggest How to Train Your Dragon over and over again, to where Kate and Lauren reply snobbishly that they weren't paying for it. Psh, it's got the best reviews I've ever seen a Children's film get since Toy Story, and I would so pay to see it. It annoyed me a little, to be frank. Bloody muggle-borns.

But, we end up seeing Remember Me, the new Robert Pattinson film. And, this is another review blog.

Now, see, I don't want to type up the whole entire plot, because, well, it's pretty lacking of one for the most part.

Pattinson's acting is pretty stale and awkward at most times, and the girl, played by Emilie de Ravin, is good for the most part, considering Pattinson's acting and hopelessness of saying lines properly. Srsly, he made me doubt English as his first language with all the incoherent mumbles.

Erm, okay, Pierce Brosnan is in it too, and he's okay. He has a few key scenes, but plays his characters well in all of them.

The rest of the supporting cast are also adequate. I mean, nothing Oscar nominating, except perhaps the little girl, who I really liked, but suitable and relevant for their role.

The beginning and the end are dramatic and they, especially the end, have twists and turns and are unbelievably sad. It's just that little awkward bit in the middle where the characters are too busy being broody, having overly gasping sex and wallowing in their own self-pity that I found myself spacing out and thinking about my story (for a change, obvs).

Although some of the romantic scenes are clichéd, I'm a huge sucker for a good, solid, cute love scene, and I smiled, because although awkward, were a little bit charming too. A scene that comes to mind is when he playfully sprays water at her, so she throws the pan with water and spaghetti onto him.

I think... the film fails to just keep the audience's attention, and fails to emphasise the moral, which is that you should live your live fully, enjoy it, live in the moments --as the slogan states. To just find little moments and little things that make you happy and just live in those. Which is nice, I guess, and should have been more prominent throughout the film.

But, yeah, I'd give it two stars and a half, because it tries, and well, RPattz just should've tried harder, ne?

I'll see you tomorrow,

Books read: 15.
Currently reading: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, The Soloist by Steven Lopez and The Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R Tolkien.
Favourite song atm: Sick Little Games by All Time Low.


  1. Maybe it's a good thing I didn't end up going to see it last week.

    How To Tame Your Dragon does look good. Apparently it's got David Tennant in it. I've never even really watched Dr Who and I'm in love with him!
