Sunday 18 April 2010


You people seemed to enjoy my 'seizure with tweezers' crack, for some reason. But, no, not that bad now. My mum said I need to let them grow a bit and they'll 'look fine' apparently.

I enjoy these more laid-back, casual, interest related blog posts, some I'm going to talk some more about, le dreamy sigh, Sirius Black.

Five Reasons Why Sirius Black Was A Fucking Badass:
  • He owned and rode a flying motorbike.
  • He became an Animagus at the age of fifteen and later used this extremely rare and challenging skill to become the first person to ever escape from Azkaban (and the only one to ever do this without outside assistance).
  • He knew (and used) every secret passage in Hogwarts and helped to create the Marauders’ Map.
  • He was brave enough to defy his extremely dangerous, powerful, wealthy, and unambiguously Slytherin family by being sorted into Gryffindor before running away and becoming disowned at the age of sixteen.
  • He joined the Order of the Phoenix straight out of Hogwarts and openly battled Voldemort and his Death Eaters for several years before his downfall.
Got to go now, because my mum's an annoying little person. This blog post would be longer if it not for her.

Love, Melanie.

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