Friday 9 April 2010

What is this SUN you speak of?

Srsly though; third day we've had of really nice weather. It's outrageous. Actually makes me want to go outside and do something with my miserable existence, y'know?

I actually did yesterday; went for a walk with my mum. Discussed:

- Life.
- George and Leah and my issues with them.
- School.
- History of Medicine.

And I'm not even joking with that last one. I told her loads about what we're studying in History atm, and she seemed content to just listen to me talk about how King James died. I mostly did the talking tbh, but it was nice to just talk and talk and talk endlessly for once.

But, I'm not here to talk about that! I'm here to talk about what's happening today.

Today me, Lauren, Kate and Sophie are having a picnic at Hove Park. And I'm quite looking forward to it, tbh; the only time I only ever have picnics are with my mum, who always gets annoyed at the fact that me and my brother are happy to just sit there and read, as opposed to, I dunno, getting up and playing 'It' --or 'Tag'. I mean, that's just ridiculous; we're not from her generation for Chris'sake.

And well, my friends and I are delightfully lazy, so I doubt we'll be made to jump around and play hide and seek; we'll probably just sit and bitch for hours. I don't mind; just sitting outside and soaking in the sun sounds delicious right now anyway.

Oh! And just read Lauren's blog. Turns out she's bringing BUBBLES :DDD The child in me rejoices much so.

Short because now I have to go make food. May add onto this later.

All my love, Merani.

1 comment:

  1. Psh, we did make you jump around and Sophie desperately wanted to play hide & seek.
