Sunday 11 April 2010


Why did I do this? Why am I trying to blog everyday? Sure, I missed a couple of days, but I've been faithful to my blogging from then on and now feel the need to blog today, even though I have nothing to talk about; not really.

So feel free not to read this, because it's going to suck.

Okayyy, so yesterday I must admit that I failed to do what I had intended to:

- I did not study and did not do my homework (my excuse is that I cannot find my homework, but then again, I did not look for it, so...)
- I did not go to the library and therefore will have to panic over not being able to do a work experience and therefore fail at life. I think maybe if I went to the council with proof of ID, they could give me my pin, but I don't know. I still think none of this would have happened if we had gotten our pins sooner, and then I could have asked teachers why I am not being able to access the website.

Buuut, at least I can say that I roughly know most of my French, so I won't fail too much the oral. Yay.

Also, I helped out in the garden yesterday. I trimmed the flower things we have, and had to cut off the dead flowers. It was oddly soothing, because it was really straightfoward, and I could do it without thinking.

Therefore, I think you can all guess what I did. That's right: I thought of my story.

It's really beginning to piece together, and I, to my surprise, am not sick of it as of yet. I hope that doesn't change too. Also, I usually know how stories end, and work my way back, but I don't really know this time. I mean, I had ideas, but they may change as I develop my characters more.

I'm bored now, going to write more of my story.

All my love, Merani.


  1. "Flower things", haha.

    I know what you mean about wanting to blog every day.

  2. Cantankerous Bitch? That's so mean! And after I reminded you of maggiemarket?!

    I'm commenting. Happy now?

    Yes you can have the last song after me, I've reserved Dear John aswell.
