Wednesday 21 April 2010

Normal blog?

With my blog being titled 'Ramblings of a Teenage Otaku', I think I better stop with the one sentence blog posts, and start engaging in actual rambles of sorts.

Not that I have that much to talk about, so I don't know what Ciara or Lauren want from me or expect me to talk about. They, of all people, should know my life is not that riveting.

But, 'whatevs', as I, addictively, seem be saying recently. Oh, my computer says that addictively is not a word, but I'm sure it is. Say in the comments if it is please, because... otherwise I know is wrong!

So, hey, did my English presentation today, and it wasn't that bad. I mean, I know I was nervous and anxious, but at the day, I handed over the USB, and just thought, 'Okay, I feel like I've already hit rock bottom, so it can only go better from here,' and it worked! People actually laughed, and by the end, some people were gasping saying, "Omigod! I actually cried, that was so funny!"

They seemed to rather enjoy my little Benny Hill scene I added. I think the point was that it was so ridiculous that it was funny? I dunno. I feel bad for slagging off Charlie, because his 'vision' sort of worked, in a sense. It was as funny as he thought it was, just as he isn't as funny as he thinks he is, but it was fine.

We don't know what we got yet, because it is a combined marking between Mr. Berry and Ms. Kleanthous, so they have to sit down to discuss how terribly I did. Nah I'm joking; I'm pretty certain I at least passed, so that's okay.

Erm, I've got a little bit more into wrock recently. I like The Mudbloods, The Remus Lupins and The Ministry of Magic. Particularly the first two, whose sound I think I would've liked regardless of them singing about duelling with Colin Creevey or falling off brooms because they're getting hit by bludgers because they're thinking about a one special girl.

Hmm... I have a mock R.E. exam tomorrow which I am not revising for at the moment, and then I have an oral French exam which I am more or less prepared for, but, to be honest, don't need to revise that much for anymore. I pretty much know most of it, luckily.

Oh, and today me and Ciara were discussing whether or not James Potter was a seeker -- I swear he's a Chaser! AAAAAND according to my google research, he is! --and Jonathan, who is extremely lovely, said, "OMIGOD JUST STOP TALKING ABOUT HARRY POTTER!". Made me laugh that it's got to that point where people complain about my obsession. Anyway, Sara backed him up, which annoyed me, because she added, "No-one cares,"

Er, sorry, but since it's been translated into 67 languages, has sold more than 400 million copies worldwide and has six smash hit blockbuster films, one of which has been nominated an Oscar, I have to disagree and say that it is quite the opposite; people do care. People care a lot, and if you ask me, just the right amount, because it deserves nothing less than that. I think another reason I love HP is because I don't think anyone has gone all rabid over it, like they have with Twilight.

Oh, and they're building a super-mega-foxy-awesome-hot theme park that is already selling tickets like hot cakes, and it's not even open yet. Sorry Ms Gent, people care.

But I don't want to have another Sara rant, because I like her now, but I'm just saying that that was a fairly... well I don't want to stupid, but it's along those lines, thing to say.

I'm off to wander the internet now.

Love, Melanie.


  1. I knew James was a chaser :)
    Didn't have to google it :P

  2. Do sentence-long posts even count for BEDA? :P

    It's good how things turned out in the end with your English assignment.

    Oh, and on the whole Twilight vs. HP thing: HP fans are more, well, civilised, because it's not pure romance and none of the characters are 2 dimensional marble statues, perfect in personality and physique.

    Can you tell I don't like Edward?
