Saturday 17 April 2010

Another HP post.

Gee thanks Lauren. Now I have to do it.

01. If you went to Hogwarts, which house would you be sorted in?
Gryffindor. But Ravenclaw would be cool too, I just prefer the Gryffie common room. Tbh, whatever house would be fine. It would just be cool to be magical.

02. Have you ever been to a Harry Potter midnight release?
Nope. I wish I had though.

03. What did you think of Deathly Hallows?
My second favourite book. A great end, but very sad at times and I still cannot console with some of the deaths.

04. How many times have you re-read the books?
Erm, the first, twice. Second, one and a half. Third, twice. Fourth, just the one, because I don't own it. Fifth, twice. Sixth, once; again, don't own it. And last, about three.

05. Whose death was the saddest?
Fred's, Sirius's, Snape's and Lily and James's. Oh! Dumbledore too, but Remus and Tonks are up there too, even though we technically don't see them die.

06. If you went to Hogwarts, would you rather have a pet owl, cat, or rat?
Owl or rat, but probably rat, because I could mail people with an owl.

07. What did you think of the movie Half-Blood Prince?
Best one so far. I mean, Oscar Nomination for Best Cinematography? It should've won too, despite Avatar's being quite good too. Still, I think it's one of the most accurate ones so far (except for the whole burning-down-the-Weasley's-house and all. Srsly, wth?)

08. What do you think of Deathly Hallows being split in half?
Good, because they won't leave as much out, and they can drag on the end for longer. And I have something else to look forward too.

09. Have you read The Tales of Beedle the Bard?
Quickly. Want to re-read it because I don't remember most of it.

10. When did you first become a Harry Potter fan?
About towards the end of 2008, but more hardcore-ish towards the end of last year. But I've always loved the films.

Female Character? Lily Evans, or Hermione, or Luna, or Ginny. CAN'T CHOOSE.
Male Character? Sirius Black, or the Weasley Twins.
Professor? Remus Lupin -- but Lockheart is so annoying it's cute.
Death Eater? Lucius or Draco Malfoy, but Bellatrix is pretty cool too.
Magical Creature? I think pygmy puffs are cute, but hippogriff's are pretty bamf as well.
Spell? Expecto Patronum, or Accio, because it's the spell for the lazy. But Lumos too.
  • "She was the only real thing in the world Ginny..." - DH.
  • "You'll stay with me?" "Until the very end." - DH.
  • ""But you've been too busy saving the Wizarding world. Well ... I can't say I'm surprised. I knew this would happen in the end. I knew you wouldn't be happy unless you were hunting Voldemort. Maybe that's why I like you so much." - Ginny Weasley, HBP.
And a whole ton more.

Book? Half-Blood Prince is my fave, but I love Death Hallows too.
Movie? Half-Blood Prince.
Hogwarts House? Gryffindor.
Place? Hogwarts.
Couple? Lily/James, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Teddy/Victoire, Lucius/Narcissa.

Gryffindor or Slytherin? Gryffindor.
Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff? Can't choose.
Fred or George? Both. Together. But in all seriousness, Fred, because he... *can't bring herself to say it*
Ginny or Luna? Can't decide.
Butterbeer or Firewhiskey? Butterbeer.
Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley? Hogsmeade.
Books or Movies? BOOKS.
Half-Blood Prince or Deathly Hallows? HBP.
Sorcerer’s Stone or Chamber of Secrets? Book: Hmmm... can't decided, prolly CoS. Film: I don't mind. They're adorable in both.
Snape or Slughorn? Snape.
Lupin or Sirius? Sirius, but JUST.
Harry/Ginny or Harry/Hermione? Harry/Ginny. DUH.
Lavender Brown or Parvati Patil? Ew, Peter Pettigrew.
Seamus Finnigan or Dean Thomas? Dean Thomas.
Kreacher or Dobby? Both.
Muggleborn or Pureblood? Muggleborn.
Dan Radcliffe or Rupert Grint? Rupert Grint.
Bellatrix Lestrange or Narcissa Malfoy? Narcissa. I love Bellatrix, but Sirius and Fred must be avenged.
Voldemort or Tom Riddle? Voldemort.
Hedwig or Crookshanks? Hedwig. I'm allergic to cats.

Fun fact: Did you know I made the mistake of letting my mother do my eyebrows, and now I look like a had a seizure with tweezers?

Love, Melanie.


  1. No need to thank me :)
    A seizure with tweezers, that would really hurt...

  2. haha, seizure with tweezers. Hope it's not too bad!

    This looks like fun to do...
