Friday 16 April 2010

HP and Twilight.

I've decided to talk about something different in my blog, besides what happened in my day, because I think it rarely entertains and is probably the reason why Elisabeth and Lauren are the only people who comment, ever.

So let's talk about something important to me: Harry Potter! Something I think needs absolutely no introduction or explanation or summary because it is that amazing. People needed to be synopsis-ied for Twilight, but for Harry Potter, even people who haven't read the books know what it's about; it's that good.

But really, I want to talk about what made Harry Potter special for me, so we can all write our mini Harry, A History's and gush about it changed our lives, because I'm sure it's made an impact on some of you who are reading this.

Inspired a little bit by Lauren's cute little blog, I decided to make HP the topic of this post.

First off, I want to confess something. I read Harry Potter a few years back, about two to be exact, and it didn't have half an impact on me as it has now. I read the series because it was so big and so when I watched the fifth film and the last book came out, I decided, "Right, I have to read them now, I just have to." So it was more of how I read Pride and Prejudice; I just felt I had to read them, just to say that I had, and just to have an opinion of my own on it.

I liked them. I liked them a lot. I thought they were creative and funny and sweet, but at the point, I hadn't felt a connection with them. It seems weird to say, considering it is a children's book, but I think I wasn't mature enough to understand them; back then, I was reading Meg Cabot and other juvenile romantic teen literature, and was used to that, so it was weird having a book series focus more on friendship.

My choice of books back then can also probably explain why I loved Twilight so much. It was edgy and really sexual at times, but not quite, so it was probably the more mature thing I had read back in those days. Bella was easy to relate to, because she was moving and I understood that, and she was the outsider, and I understood that. Most of all, she is supposed to be plain looking, and I got that too, as well as her boyfriendless state up to she meet Edward.

Another thing: Harry Potter had no super-mega-foxy-awesome-hot guy who was a gentlemen, was caring, seductive, forbidden and just perfect. No one to swoon over, or technically, no-one that suited my tastes at the time (because now, woah: Oliver Wood, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, the list goes on... to include even the likes of Lucius Malfoy*). But I digress, Twilight was fun and you didn't really need to commit to it, something I felt was different to Harry Potter; I paid attention because I felt every detail needed to be noticed and stored in my memory.

Strange, considering how much as changed. I think, what mattered to me the most in the end, was the fandom. I mean, the Twilight fandom at first was really friendly and you could just talk to other people about how amusing it was that you got weird looks at the time because you were 'that girl that likes vampires and only talks about that weird book'. Truth be told, I doubt I would've been as close friends with Lauren and Kate today if it hadn't been for our deep Twilight bond.

But regardless, Twilight got bigger, and it became 'serious', and people would get overly obsessed about it, which was fine at first, but they had only watched the movies. Which really bugged me, because they would ask more and more about the books, to which I felt like replying, "How about you READ it?"

Yeah, so that got annoying. But then I found this little website called 'Average Wizard', which consisted of little stories people posted of how they had managed to incorporate or witness magic in their day. I laughed at a lot of the posts, showed Lauren the site and we began to mimic it, shouting spells at each other, bringing it up in conversations more and etc.

But, soft! Then people started debating Twilight v. HP, and I just sided with Harry Potter. Yes, I prefer it. Yes, I barely like Twilight now, and it's the fandom that has ruined it for me. I'll still see Eclipse, of course I will, but I'm much more attached to Harry Potter now, and I love it very much.

Buuuut, let's give reasons WHY I prefer Harry Potter:

1) As aforementioned, the fandom. Websites like AW and fanfics and fanarts that help we divulge into the story more and more, and love characters that should've been more looked into in the series. Also, the real, true Harry Potter fans are awesome. I love the authors and the artists of those fanfics more then I love their work, because they all love the series so much. I don't really know how to describe it, I just love them.

Oh, examples of cool fanart:

Andromeda's Revenge

I personally find these hysterical. I, obviously, own none of these. They are done by the lovely, jubbly Makani, whose art I follow on dA. Check her out, because she's made me love the Malfoys, especially Narcissa.

2) The story. Srsly, it's original, creative and just spell-binding -- no pun intended, bro. But for reals, I don't think I even need to mention how fantastic the plot is; everything is linked, little things that were mention in the very first book, brought up again and again, and hints that Jo dropped in the early books that unveil so much about the later story, gosh, it's brilliant. Even the films are well-renowned, despite missing out a lot of the story. I just... I love the story.

3) The characters. And not even necessarily Harry -- I mean, have you read OoTP? Harry is such a whiny little bitch --, but Ron and Hermione too. And the Order. And the teachers. And the Marauders, and the Malfoys and Luna and ahhhhhh. They're all so loveable -- except maybe the Malfoys, who I disliked up until DH, but I digress, the characters all have flaws, but... I don't know, I think they're well written and I just love them.

My favourites? Lily and the Marauders, because they are oh-so-lovely. Oh! Teddy Lupin/Victoire Weasley are also one of my favourite couples, and The Weasley Twins are just brilliant. Sirius is a sexy bastard and I would like him to come back to life so he can do things to me in my bed.

4) The relationships. I... I'm a romantic, to say the least, so, for a long time I feel I was denied such things in Harry Potter. The ecstasy I felt in HBP, with the Harry/Ginny kiss and the Ron/Hermione one in DH. But, it helps to look for fanart and fanfics to search and indulge in your favourite HP couples, because Jo really left it to our imagination to give each character their each happy ending.

But, I'm not just talking about those kind of relationships.

I'm talking about friendship, and about bonds those friendships created, so that the characters are like family. I'm talking about such bonds that made people die for Harry. Not because it was the right thing to do, not because he was 'the chosen one', but because they loved him, and wanted him to have a life and a future. I wish more books would portray these kinds of friendships.

5) How much fun it is to impersonate a wizard in everyday life. Kind of refers back to reason number one, but liking Harry Potter is fun, and people don't judge you for it really. I mean, it used to be really lame, I think, but nowadays I think it's got some more BAMF to it, y'know? But still, messing with everyday muggles is so so fun, and deserves its own special mention.

6) How comforting the books are. Prolly relates back back to one of the other points, but the writing is comforting and cosy. When I get tired of some other book I'm reading, I'll pick up a HP one, and end up finishing that one before my other book. I never get tired of them, and wish I had some other ones, because there are only so many times I can read CoS, PoA and OoTP before I long for the other books.

7) Sirius Black. Just, Sirius Black. So. Attractive.

And that's all for now folks, because it took me so damn long to write this post, because I kept writing fangirlish jargon.

All my love, Melanie.

Books read: 15.
Currently reading: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, The Soloist by Steven Lopez andThe Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R Tolkien.
Favourite song atm: Think of Me by Emmy Rossum, from Joel Schumacher's Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera.

PS. I own none of the art, and all belong the artist mentioned.

1 comment:

  1. I really agree with everything you've written. Every time I read HP, it just makes me wish and wish and wish that it were true. The world that JK Rowling has created is just.. so.. complete.

    1) 3) 4) 7) I've never really been involved in the fandom, beyond reading fanfiction and looking up fan art. But just reading several amazingly good fan fics has increased my enjoyment of the books. You get to know characters better, because they can have entire stories to themselves. I feel like my understanding of each character has improved because of fan fiction, which is odd considering that FF isn't actually canon - but because of how well written the books are and the base universe that JKR has created, all the characters can be explored in more detail in non-canon works that feel real.
    Personally, I like Dramione and Harry/Ginny, and totally get what you say about Sirius. Make that the Marauders in general. ;)

    2) What I said above, about the world being so complete.

    5) I went to a student play at uni on Friday, where there were a few HP references - e.g. Merlin coming on the dark stage at the beginning of a scene, and saying 'Lumos' (and 'Nox' at the end). And there was a character who was a literary snob, who had a tattoo of the Deathly Hallows on his chest. I love that these things have permeated into popular culture.

    6) Comforting is definitely a good way of putting it.
