Friday 30 April 2010


I've been procrastinating blogging ever since I got home, but only a few seconds ago did I manage to convince myself that once I start I'll be able to get myself into the 'zone', and thusly would end up with a reasonably sized blog post.

I don't care what Kate says, I'm going to write long blog post. I don't particularly care if no-one reads them, because I blog more for me. After all, to have lots of people reading your blog is fine, but to have a popular blog seems rather odd, at least for me. Perhaps it is because I write this like it's a virtual diary and write my inner most thoughts in here.

But today was more fun than it should have been.

I had form time, in which my options for socialising were Izzie, April, Felicity and Karolina, who doesn't speak English. So, I read HBP the whole time, and didn't care, because the only person I remotely like out those people are Felicity, who is painfully shy and doesn't speak even if spoken to.

But for reels, I mean, no friends really in most lessons. I had French first, without Lauren, but that was okay because we were watching 'La Vie en Rose'; the film about Edith Piaf's life starring Marion Cottilliard? No, it's Cotillard. Oh, and apparently she won an Oscar for her performance in film, which I am glad, because she is very scary as Edith, which I expect she must have been in real life, because from what I can gather, she was oddly bi-polar and had very swift and sharp mood changes.

Secondly, I had German, without Sophie or Tabby, but we were put in groups selected by the teacher, so it wasn't so awkward really. I got to sit with Dan Hilliard, who really amuses me for some reason. Everything he said I practically was rolling on the floor wetting myself laughing from.

Then break, in which I talked to Jacob for the whole time, discussing Harry Potter, Pokemon and how shoujo manga is actually cool, stfu Raven.

The third lesson, Science. This was probably the longest lesson and the one I liked the least, for Kate wasn't there and because I do. Not. Get. Waves. I seriously dislike Physics and cannot wait for the possibility for me to drop it. Science is not for me, unless it's Chemistry, because that slightly interests me, but not enough to want to do it for another year or so.

Fourth lesson, English. We read 'Frankenstein' while I read ahead but listened when the teacher paused to point this out so I could take notes. I also read HBP at some times, and my teacher praised me for managing to get the work done. I mean, it wasn't hard: find quotes that relate to how Mary Shelley is trying to portray how humans need other human contact to survive and how the pursuit of knowledge is dangerous, because those are the main points of the novel.

I'm actually rather liking reading 'Frankenstein' because Mary Shelley's point are very interesting. She's very into the whole idea that there's more to being human than just bones and muscles, and that we have a soul, and that soul depends on the love and nurturing of other humans. It's also interesting learning about her life and seeing how it could have affected why and how she wrote certain things in the books. Such as, how she shows the creature as an outcast, possibly reflecting on how she felt when she ran off with a married man when she was only sixteen, and was shunned by her family.

I swear I don't know how a lot of the people in my class are in set one. I mean, they looked at 'Frankenstein' and said it was 'massive'. Really? I felt like taking out my copy of HBP to show them what a big book was. And it made me face palm how they really don't get how it can switch from present and go to past. It doesn't click for them.

But even so, I had Leah.

Then break again, in which I waltzed into my Maths teacher's room and asked him to help me with my homework.

So we sat down, and he re-explained significant figures to me, meaning I could correct my answers, and he helped me figure out some of the trig and pythag questions. Some that the trainee teachers set were so hard, he couldn't do it, which reassured me that I'm not going stupid all of a sudden.

Because I'm good at Maths. I like Maths a lot. A lot of people hate it and can't wait to drop it, and I don't know if I'll take it for A-Level, but it's one of those subjects I'll miss and can't really imagine not doing at school. The same with English.

My teacher asked me if I was considering AL Maths, and I said, that yes, yes I had. I told him I wasn't sure yet, because a girl two years older than me said that she loved GCSE Maths, but hates A Level, and regrets it so, but that I like Maths either way.

He smiled and said that yes, it is much harder, but that the way I set out my work is perfect for A Level Maths, which made me kind of happy. I mean, not much of a compliment, but he's told me that before and I think he genuinely means it.

But it was a productive way to spend my break.

R.E. was last, and I talked to Lucy Jaffa for most of it, and we discussed the Bible and stuff, which is always interesting to learn, even if I think of it as fiction and believe less than I believe that HP is real.

Still, going to go now,


Thursday 29 April 2010


I've noticed I do tend to apologise an awful lot to my non-existent bloggy readers. But, yesterday I did not blog because my father unplugged teh internet and was liek, "U DIDNT TIDY UR ROOM U DUN GET PC OR TV," to which I was like, "Whatevs, I'll just read innit bro,".

That was a nice story.

Not that much happening, still. I mean, it's my life, you really can't expect anything of interest to be happening otherwise... I wouldn't be me. I mean, my friends are going on camp, so I'm not really going to go out this weekend, but even if they were here, and I would, quite frankly, not be looking forward to seeing them, but more like looking forward to the new Doctor Who episode and the Glee episode of Sunday that I did not catch on Monday.

Because that's my life. I depend on fiction and imagination more than I depend on people themselves. Things that are not real have always interested me more than the real world, and I'm fairly similar and can relate to Haruhi Suzumiya, from The Melancholy of Haruhi Suzumiya, duh, because I also feel rather bored with this world sometimes, and wish something more exciting would happen.

I think the major difference between me and Haruhi is that I don't wish for things like aliens, time travellers and espers and things.

I just want to fall in love madly like they do in like, Nicholas Sparks's fiction and books like that. But perhaps more chemistry than in Nicholas's characters, more... fiery, if you know what I mean. To be perfectly honest, I think I like rom-coms because I'm sorta jealous of the girls in it, because usually the guys are obnoxious and cocky, but they're also really sweet and passionate.

Sad, but true. It's why I love Harry Potter so much, because I feel like the more I read it and the more I love it, the more I can incorporate in my everyday life and therefore have a less ordinary life.

Talking about attractive characters though, I've decided to scrap everything about 'Serendipity' and just keep it for Nanowrimo, because that leaves me with something to write for Nano, and more time to work on it and do lots of research.

Oh! Today is Maths this boy that I kind of like -- but just throwing out there that because he's popular, it's more of a celebrity crush of sorts and I never ever ever intend anything to ever come out of it because he barely knows of my existence -- was talking about jobs in the future that he would like to have in the future, and he wants to be a journalist.

Why is this relevant?

Because in 'Serendipity', the dad, who is actually based off this lovely, jubbly boy, becomes a journalist and I felt proud that I kind of know him, sort of, well? I dunno, it made me happy. Also, he challenged me to a staring contest, to which I declined, but it was nice to have him say my name is his lovely voice and to have him look in my eyes and even add 'please' to convince me.

I was just like, "Dude, ask me the answer to a maths question and I'm afraid my face will burst into flames. I am not going to have you stare into my eyes for an obscene amount of time to the poijnt where my chair in drenched in my sweat," -- in my mind, naturlisch.

But yeah, enjoy that imagery guys.


Sorry, but it's so true. My stomach drops whenever I think about it, which is always a good sign because it shows that I care for the characters, meaning the writers are doing something right.

I like how I started out all nice and deep in this post, but then I just gave up and started talking about how I goosebumps when a guy asks me how I figured out question nine.

What else is there to talk about...

I finished 'The Soloist'! It was really good, but it was a bit... dragging on for a lot. But I guess since it's based on a true story, then it wasn't always going to be heart-stoppingly exciting; it was touching and sad nonetheless, but not the best, I'll admit.

I'm currently re-reading HBP because it's my favourite one, because of the whole Harry discovering he's attracted to Ginny and the whole monster in his chest deal. However, Ron is a dickheadi n this book. I find myself giving Kudos to Hermione and wanting to slap Ron for being to annoying, even so it's because he's so blatantly jealous.

After it I'm going to tackle LOTR! *rolls up sleeves determinedly*

I think this post is over.


Tuesday 27 April 2010

Breaking promises...

Yeah I need to shower and can't be bothered to blog.

What's happening:

  • My friends are going on camp and I'm going to have a day of breaks on ma larreh, so that's fantastic. And a three day weekend to share with no-one.
  • Did an R.E. Mock Exam and missed out an eight mark question, so I suck.
  • My science teacher hit in the face while trying to explain how P and S waves work.
  • I finished Kobato. and sobbed like a baby.
  • I'm into Doctor Who now, and just watched the Weeping Angels episode. I'm going to have trouble sleeping. Oh, and I'm so jealous of Amy Pond; the Doctor freaking spoke into her hair. ZOMG I'm a sucker for people: talking in my hair, freckles and other mildly sensual things that I have never experienced but would love to, such as have someone talk into my neck or something.
  • I didn't record Glee, which sucks, so I'll have to watch it Sunday.
  • I tidied my room and am very proud of myself.
  • I like NeverShoutNever!, because he is cute.
  • I wrote Harry Potter related things on my planner, as well as Labyrinth related things ("You have no power over me! ~").
  • I'm going to shower...
And sing Broadway songs. This is my life, people.

Love you always,

Monday 26 April 2010

monday, so you know the deal.

Yep, can't blog. I'm sorry, but I'll do a good blog tomorrow, I hope.

All my love,


Sunday 25 April 2010


According to Ciara, I need to re-phrase myself because apparently manga is lame too, as is anime. And I get that, but just not as much in Western countries. I think it's because we think of terms as 'geek' and 'nerd' as positive things now, whereas in Japan, it's not good to be an otaku.

I don't quite know how to say it, but it was the best way I could describe the difference between manga and anime. A main one I think being that more girls read them, and that they definitely try more to get girls reading manga. I mean, think of them as like a mixture of Pride and Prejudice, The Princess Diaries and Twilight, but they have cute and pretty drawings.

The 90's was the biggest anime the Western side has ever had, I think. You can see that from Pokemon, Digimon, Sailor Moon, and many other shows that were on Fox Kids and all that jazz. Oh, and Cartoon Network back when it had the quirkier logo.

But I don't want to really talk about that today, after I have experienced the weirdest, scariest music video ever. Srsly, how does she go from being a Cheetah Girl to singing about how she was "so drunk" but doesn't care "because the sex was spectacular"? Not to mention, the song is awful. I would rather listen to Miley's Part of Your World on repeat than have Kiely Williams attempt a sexy, husky whisper, telling me how the only thing she remembers was that she was "face down, ass up, clothes off, broke off, dozed off".

So, today I was supposed to go help my mum sell her açai, but it's raining, so I don't think we are anymore. But that's okay, I have to finish watching episode nineteen of Kobato. anyway. Yes, the full stop is in the series name, and thus I feel compelled to write it each time.

Btw, Ben, here's my anime list. I recommend you get one too because it helps keep track of what you're watching and what episode and stuffs. I think Lauren should get one too because then we can be friends, even though you haven't watched any anime.

Lauren is also complaining that I take too long to write a blog post, but she can go away because hers are really short and I could write them in my sleep so there mehehehehe.

My brother is watching Home Alone 3, and all I can say about that is that the boy is so adorable it's fecking ridiculous. I want to give him such a big hug it's unreal. How could his parents leave him alone? Precious child.

I feel like I'm hyper-linking too much in this post, but that's how bored I am. I think I should stop blogging now I'm bored. *scrolls up page*

But it's still really shooooooort!~~~ *whines*

Oh well,


PS: Watch this review of the video. So, so funny.

Saturday 24 April 2010

My feet hurt.

You know why my feet hurt? Because I walked a lot today. I went to town, and walked up and down and up and down North Street while Kate and Lauren got their camp gear, but that's not why my feet hurt.

No, my feet hurt because I got on the 14C bus, which doesn't go to my house, but stops outside Saltdean, by the Lido. So, I'm on the bus, listening to my iPod, developing my characters in my mind -- I know I say that a lot, but I really do constantly write in my head, and it's usually Serendipity or my Treasure Planet fanfiction --, and watching the sky turn this lovely golden bronze colour.

Then, I realise I was supposed to get off two stops ago.

So I scuffle awkward off the bus, and begin to make my way down from the top of the hill, to the seafront to the beginning of Saltdean park, and then I walk past Leah's flat and THEN I walk into my drive. For someone whose feet were already hurting, it wasn't that far from torture.

But yeah, here I am after a day of walking aimlessly around town.

Let's have a bullet point list of what happened, shall we?

  • Bought a mango and passion fruit frozen drink and it was deliiiiiicious~~
  • Found out what dry shampoo is.
  • Saw Lucy Jaffa and gave her a hug.
  • Went into Cybercandy and asked for Bertie Bott's Every Flavour Beans, and had the sales person look at me like I got let out of the crazy hospital for a day.
  • Took a balloon from McDonald's and wrote HP related things on it -- "SIRIUS LIVES!" "Mischief Managed" "Sirius 4 Mel" etc.
Wow this blog post is extra short, so I feel I should talk about something else as well as this... but I don't know what. I mean, none of my readers, apart from Benjamin, really like or know what it is. Perhaps I should introduce it?

Okay, anime is basically Japanese cartoons and manga is the equivalent of Japanese comics. The difference from the American to the Japanese is that the Japanese is more complex and has more themes. I mean, you think of an American comic, you think Batman and Superman and stuff; with manga, there is more variety and it's not as geeky, I don't think.

I mean, I can't really call myself the expert, since I've only seen the effect it has on Western countries. Rumour has it that the term 'otaku' is more close to describing a loser; someone with no social life and never goes out, that sorta thing. This means that it's probable that lots of people find anime and manga lame and uncool, the same way people who read comics and graphic novels aren't exactly the 'happening' people of their school.

The theme I tend to read and watch the most is shoujo. Shoujo is aimed at girls, and usually has romantic/comedic/dramatic situations, and kind of resemble soaps or sitcoms. I can pretty much nail every shoujo stereotype nowadays, because they're all pretty similar and repetitive.

One common theme is the gender bender. This is when a girl dresses up as a boy to go into a boy school, for some goal of sorts or something, which, to be frank, is always pretty... well... not worth becoming a transvestite over. Examples: Hana Kimi, Girl Got Game, Ouran High School Host Club, etc.

Another common theme is the magical girl. Girl is awkward, is always late, is in high school, has a crush, is frustratingly dense, but is loveable. By reasons that tend to differ depending on the show, the girl is a part-time super hero with a secret identity that is disguised by nothing. Srsly, nothing. Just like how Clark Kent is no longer recognisable without his glasses, these girl dress up in skimpy, girly outfits and no-one can longer recognise them. Seen in Sailor Moon, Shugo Chara, Pretty Cure, etc.

Nearly present in all mangas and animes is the slice of life and school life theme. Srsly, the Japanese have a thing for high school girls. I think it's more to do with how it's supposed to tell us hormonal, emotional fifteen year olds that we can be okay with life because we're the stars of pretty much every anime and manga ever, or something like that. Evidence: Lucky Star, Kimi ni Todoke and Lovely Complex.

Those are the main of shoujo.

There are of course shoujo-ai, which includes yuri, which is when the two main characters are girls and they are each other's love interests.

There is also shounen, aimed at boys. Mostly, they're violent and funny, but include wisps of romance to add a little more well-rounded-ness to the show. Examples of are: Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin and Pokemon.

Shounen-ai is the same concept as shoujo-ai, but with the other sex, if you get me.

Fun fact: Openings to anime usually are popular j-pop songs!

I'm going to go now,


Friday 23 April 2010

Sunshine-y days and being a fangirl.

Today was one of them, which means my day was a little bit awesome. The sun is physically and emotionally good for me. Even if I don't go outside, I still feel better because at least the world is brighter and clearer outside.

So I did my French Oral exam, and got an A*, proving my theory wrong. I am not a 'D' student, and I shall not horribly fail at life, thank God, and hopefully the bad grade I got in English will just be a tiny, tiny insignificant glitch in my life, or something like that.

I'm boooored and I don't want to blog. BEDA is such a pain in my neck.

I need to shower soon.

It feels weird now that I don't really have to revise for anything, except my R.E., which I will briefly glance upon tonight, and try to absorb a little bit at a time until Tuesday. But do you know what I mean? Where you've been revising for something for so long, and it's all you've done in your little wisps of spare time, and then the test is over, and you feel like you have all the time in the world? But you feel kind of lost and disoriented at the same time?

Yeah, I hope so.

I really have nothing to say. I mean, I was upset, but now I'm not! I had a little daughter-mother bonding yesterday, where I stormed off upstairs and sat there and did usual, "I'm in a bad mood" ritual, where I close the door behind, and slide down until I'm sitting on the floor facing the rest of my room. Then I cry.

But this time I called my mum and I kind of sat there, and whimpered about my grade. My mummy's g good at all the sentimental, 'that's life; one day you get D's, but then you get A*'s, it's just how the world works,' etc etc.

So I went to bed, and woke up feeling refreshed, as I usually do after a good ol' cry. Do you get that feeling too? By golly I'm asking a lot of questions to you today, aren't I audience?

So... I got a story posted on Average Wizard. Again. I guess that's pretty cool. Average Wizard is pretty BAMF I guess, so yeah.

I feel that little bit more boring today, and I wonder why. I think it's because I feel that little bit more mellow, and have no angsty/passionate blog inspiration. I mean, I've talked about HP and how it is amazingggg~~~ *sings*, and that's about the only thing I really care about at the moment. I mean, I like Glee, but I wouldn't really go to Glee convention. That's a lie; I love conventions. I would go to a Hannah Montana convention, for reels.

I feel bad that I've ruined HP for the likes of Leah, Sara and George because it's all I talk about nowadays, but I don't say anything when they talk about... Oli Sykes or whoever they love at the time. I can also say that they are not as passionate people as me, and therefore do not talk about it as much because their love for anything cannot compare to the potency of my fangirl-ism, if that makes sense.

I feel like even with Twilight, Leah and Sara didn't really love it. They just thought it was kind cool and that it was fun to like something a lot. I don't think they have that kind of... I don't really want to say passion again, but it's the only word I can think of right now. So yeah, I don't think they have that kind of passion that a fangirl has for something, y'know?

I know I sound like an idiot talking so deeply about something so inconspicuous and annoying as a fangirl -- and believe, I know we're annoying if you're not in on our obsession --, but really, we just love something and we love it very, very much. So much that we can't contain ourselves, which explains our little squeals and giggles.

And I think that being that are not as enthusiastic about what they love are truly missing out, because it's fun. Super fun.

Also, lots of us are pretty nice once you get past the mild insanity. Take me and my friends for example; we used irony and wit in our daily lives, but frantically re-read Harry Potter books and suchlikethings.

I guess my point is that just because someone is an enthusiast and a overly passionate person, doesn't necessarily mean that they are totally unlikeable. I mean, maybe a little, since most of us are borderline creepy and our tastes may frighten most (--I mean, Draco/Harry is borderline canon and admit it. I don't ship it, I'm just saying if Draco ended up confessing his undying love for Mr. Potter, I would so not be surprised/complaining), but we're cool, in our weird nerdy ways, and we don't bite. Unless we're asked to.

All my love, Melanie.

Reading: Still 'Fellowship', still 'The Soloist' and still 'Chamber of Secrets' and now 'Frankenstein' by Mary Shelley in English.
Listening to: World of Warcraft Ruined My Life - ALLCAPS
Books read: 15.

Thursday 22 April 2010

I really really really don't want to blog.

You would not believe how much I am forcing myself to do this. I mean, I need to revise for my French oral, not blogging. But, bleh. Whatevs, I don't even care, dude.

I'm not in a good mood. Our teacher said we got, "about a D" for our project. I mean, I know Leah only briefly mentioned it to him, but right now I feel like crying and don't really want to talk about anything. I have never ever got a D in anything, and to get it in English is an especially harsh slap to the face. I mean, I get deflated when I get B's in English, so to get a D is kind of ruining my life right now.

I hope it doesn't affect my life drastically and that I'll still be able to go to the university of my choice, and it won't stop me from becoming a writer, and things. I mean, I know it won't, but I'm feeling really down now.

So, this is short blog post, I presume. Or, as short a blog post that I can fabricate. That sentence sounded like it didn't make sense, but I can't be asked to go correct seeing as I an as of now a D student in English. Take that.

So today I had an R.E. that went worse than I had expected. Usually I do well in R.E. tests, but, who knows, maybe my true colours are showing and all along I've just been destined to achieve D's in every. Single. Subject.

I think I should add an, "I'm joking," right there, but I don't want to. I want to stay annoyed and wallow in my bitterness for a while, because right now it seems that it will make me feel slightly better.

I like Glee. Glee makes me smile, as does Harry Potter. I was thinking about it the other door, and my favourite things at the moment are Harry Potter and Glee, mostly because of the music they generate. I like the Glee covers, though most people claimed they crucified the original. I think they stand well on their own as covers, and don't change the song too much. Besides, if they want a bad cover, search no further than Miley Cyrus's Part of Your World, from the Little Mermaid.

Also, I like that they're trying to get young people to listen to old songs and appreciate how music was made before.

Another thing I was thinking about, while watching The Boat That Rocked, how important music was to the sixties. I mean, they would gather around a radio to listen to a song the same way we all get together to watch X Factor. And just the one song sometimes. I mean, it was the highlight of their day and what they looked forward to coming from work/school/etc; I wish we were still that inspired by music, instead of just having it blasted in our ears.

Oh, and the music that we listen to nowadays too! By we, I mean humans, but really not including me. Not in a way that makes me superior or anything, but I just don't really listen to what's in charts -- ie. Rihanna, N-Dubz --, unless a band I already like is in the charts. There are exceptions, such as Lady Gaga, whose songs are as catchy as hell, and some other people who can't really distinguish at the moment.

I cannot avoid the radio, as most people, however, and so do inevitably end up singing under my breath, "We've gotta fight, fight, fight, fight, fight for this love!".

Lost my train of thought...

Maybe I should go now...

Love, Melanie.

Reading: Still Fellowship, still The Soloist and still Chamber of Secrets.
Listening to: She Will be Loved - Runner Runner
Books read: 15.

Wednesday 21 April 2010

Normal blog?

With my blog being titled 'Ramblings of a Teenage Otaku', I think I better stop with the one sentence blog posts, and start engaging in actual rambles of sorts.

Not that I have that much to talk about, so I don't know what Ciara or Lauren want from me or expect me to talk about. They, of all people, should know my life is not that riveting.

But, 'whatevs', as I, addictively, seem be saying recently. Oh, my computer says that addictively is not a word, but I'm sure it is. Say in the comments if it is please, because... otherwise I know is wrong!

So, hey, did my English presentation today, and it wasn't that bad. I mean, I know I was nervous and anxious, but at the day, I handed over the USB, and just thought, 'Okay, I feel like I've already hit rock bottom, so it can only go better from here,' and it worked! People actually laughed, and by the end, some people were gasping saying, "Omigod! I actually cried, that was so funny!"

They seemed to rather enjoy my little Benny Hill scene I added. I think the point was that it was so ridiculous that it was funny? I dunno. I feel bad for slagging off Charlie, because his 'vision' sort of worked, in a sense. It was as funny as he thought it was, just as he isn't as funny as he thinks he is, but it was fine.

We don't know what we got yet, because it is a combined marking between Mr. Berry and Ms. Kleanthous, so they have to sit down to discuss how terribly I did. Nah I'm joking; I'm pretty certain I at least passed, so that's okay.

Erm, I've got a little bit more into wrock recently. I like The Mudbloods, The Remus Lupins and The Ministry of Magic. Particularly the first two, whose sound I think I would've liked regardless of them singing about duelling with Colin Creevey or falling off brooms because they're getting hit by bludgers because they're thinking about a one special girl.

Hmm... I have a mock R.E. exam tomorrow which I am not revising for at the moment, and then I have an oral French exam which I am more or less prepared for, but, to be honest, don't need to revise that much for anymore. I pretty much know most of it, luckily.

Oh, and today me and Ciara were discussing whether or not James Potter was a seeker -- I swear he's a Chaser! AAAAAND according to my google research, he is! --and Jonathan, who is extremely lovely, said, "OMIGOD JUST STOP TALKING ABOUT HARRY POTTER!". Made me laugh that it's got to that point where people complain about my obsession. Anyway, Sara backed him up, which annoyed me, because she added, "No-one cares,"

Er, sorry, but since it's been translated into 67 languages, has sold more than 400 million copies worldwide and has six smash hit blockbuster films, one of which has been nominated an Oscar, I have to disagree and say that it is quite the opposite; people do care. People care a lot, and if you ask me, just the right amount, because it deserves nothing less than that. I think another reason I love HP is because I don't think anyone has gone all rabid over it, like they have with Twilight.

Oh, and they're building a super-mega-foxy-awesome-hot theme park that is already selling tickets like hot cakes, and it's not even open yet. Sorry Ms Gent, people care.

But I don't want to have another Sara rant, because I like her now, but I'm just saying that that was a fairly... well I don't want to stupid, but it's along those lines, thing to say.

I'm off to wander the internet now.

Love, Melanie.

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Busy busy busy

With editing and homework and Glee.

Monday 19 April 2010



Sunday 18 April 2010


You people seemed to enjoy my 'seizure with tweezers' crack, for some reason. But, no, not that bad now. My mum said I need to let them grow a bit and they'll 'look fine' apparently.

I enjoy these more laid-back, casual, interest related blog posts, some I'm going to talk some more about, le dreamy sigh, Sirius Black.

Five Reasons Why Sirius Black Was A Fucking Badass:
  • He owned and rode a flying motorbike.
  • He became an Animagus at the age of fifteen and later used this extremely rare and challenging skill to become the first person to ever escape from Azkaban (and the only one to ever do this without outside assistance).
  • He knew (and used) every secret passage in Hogwarts and helped to create the Marauders’ Map.
  • He was brave enough to defy his extremely dangerous, powerful, wealthy, and unambiguously Slytherin family by being sorted into Gryffindor before running away and becoming disowned at the age of sixteen.
  • He joined the Order of the Phoenix straight out of Hogwarts and openly battled Voldemort and his Death Eaters for several years before his downfall.
Got to go now, because my mum's an annoying little person. This blog post would be longer if it not for her.

Love, Melanie.

Saturday 17 April 2010

Another HP post.

Gee thanks Lauren. Now I have to do it.

01. If you went to Hogwarts, which house would you be sorted in?
Gryffindor. But Ravenclaw would be cool too, I just prefer the Gryffie common room. Tbh, whatever house would be fine. It would just be cool to be magical.

02. Have you ever been to a Harry Potter midnight release?
Nope. I wish I had though.

03. What did you think of Deathly Hallows?
My second favourite book. A great end, but very sad at times and I still cannot console with some of the deaths.

04. How many times have you re-read the books?
Erm, the first, twice. Second, one and a half. Third, twice. Fourth, just the one, because I don't own it. Fifth, twice. Sixth, once; again, don't own it. And last, about three.

05. Whose death was the saddest?
Fred's, Sirius's, Snape's and Lily and James's. Oh! Dumbledore too, but Remus and Tonks are up there too, even though we technically don't see them die.

06. If you went to Hogwarts, would you rather have a pet owl, cat, or rat?
Owl or rat, but probably rat, because I could mail people with an owl.

07. What did you think of the movie Half-Blood Prince?
Best one so far. I mean, Oscar Nomination for Best Cinematography? It should've won too, despite Avatar's being quite good too. Still, I think it's one of the most accurate ones so far (except for the whole burning-down-the-Weasley's-house and all. Srsly, wth?)

08. What do you think of Deathly Hallows being split in half?
Good, because they won't leave as much out, and they can drag on the end for longer. And I have something else to look forward too.

09. Have you read The Tales of Beedle the Bard?
Quickly. Want to re-read it because I don't remember most of it.

10. When did you first become a Harry Potter fan?
About towards the end of 2008, but more hardcore-ish towards the end of last year. But I've always loved the films.

Female Character? Lily Evans, or Hermione, or Luna, or Ginny. CAN'T CHOOSE.
Male Character? Sirius Black, or the Weasley Twins.
Professor? Remus Lupin -- but Lockheart is so annoying it's cute.
Death Eater? Lucius or Draco Malfoy, but Bellatrix is pretty cool too.
Magical Creature? I think pygmy puffs are cute, but hippogriff's are pretty bamf as well.
Spell? Expecto Patronum, or Accio, because it's the spell for the lazy. But Lumos too.
  • "She was the only real thing in the world Ginny..." - DH.
  • "You'll stay with me?" "Until the very end." - DH.
  • ""But you've been too busy saving the Wizarding world. Well ... I can't say I'm surprised. I knew this would happen in the end. I knew you wouldn't be happy unless you were hunting Voldemort. Maybe that's why I like you so much." - Ginny Weasley, HBP.
And a whole ton more.

Book? Half-Blood Prince is my fave, but I love Death Hallows too.
Movie? Half-Blood Prince.
Hogwarts House? Gryffindor.
Place? Hogwarts.
Couple? Lily/James, Harry/Ginny, Ron/Hermione, Teddy/Victoire, Lucius/Narcissa.

Gryffindor or Slytherin? Gryffindor.
Ravenclaw or Hufflepuff? Can't choose.
Fred or George? Both. Together. But in all seriousness, Fred, because he... *can't bring herself to say it*
Ginny or Luna? Can't decide.
Butterbeer or Firewhiskey? Butterbeer.
Hogsmeade or Diagon Alley? Hogsmeade.
Books or Movies? BOOKS.
Half-Blood Prince or Deathly Hallows? HBP.
Sorcerer’s Stone or Chamber of Secrets? Book: Hmmm... can't decided, prolly CoS. Film: I don't mind. They're adorable in both.
Snape or Slughorn? Snape.
Lupin or Sirius? Sirius, but JUST.
Harry/Ginny or Harry/Hermione? Harry/Ginny. DUH.
Lavender Brown or Parvati Patil? Ew, Peter Pettigrew.
Seamus Finnigan or Dean Thomas? Dean Thomas.
Kreacher or Dobby? Both.
Muggleborn or Pureblood? Muggleborn.
Dan Radcliffe or Rupert Grint? Rupert Grint.
Bellatrix Lestrange or Narcissa Malfoy? Narcissa. I love Bellatrix, but Sirius and Fred must be avenged.
Voldemort or Tom Riddle? Voldemort.
Hedwig or Crookshanks? Hedwig. I'm allergic to cats.

Fun fact: Did you know I made the mistake of letting my mother do my eyebrows, and now I look like a had a seizure with tweezers?

Love, Melanie.

Friday 16 April 2010

HP and Twilight.

I've decided to talk about something different in my blog, besides what happened in my day, because I think it rarely entertains and is probably the reason why Elisabeth and Lauren are the only people who comment, ever.

So let's talk about something important to me: Harry Potter! Something I think needs absolutely no introduction or explanation or summary because it is that amazing. People needed to be synopsis-ied for Twilight, but for Harry Potter, even people who haven't read the books know what it's about; it's that good.

But really, I want to talk about what made Harry Potter special for me, so we can all write our mini Harry, A History's and gush about it changed our lives, because I'm sure it's made an impact on some of you who are reading this.

Inspired a little bit by Lauren's cute little blog, I decided to make HP the topic of this post.

First off, I want to confess something. I read Harry Potter a few years back, about two to be exact, and it didn't have half an impact on me as it has now. I read the series because it was so big and so when I watched the fifth film and the last book came out, I decided, "Right, I have to read them now, I just have to." So it was more of how I read Pride and Prejudice; I just felt I had to read them, just to say that I had, and just to have an opinion of my own on it.

I liked them. I liked them a lot. I thought they were creative and funny and sweet, but at the point, I hadn't felt a connection with them. It seems weird to say, considering it is a children's book, but I think I wasn't mature enough to understand them; back then, I was reading Meg Cabot and other juvenile romantic teen literature, and was used to that, so it was weird having a book series focus more on friendship.

My choice of books back then can also probably explain why I loved Twilight so much. It was edgy and really sexual at times, but not quite, so it was probably the more mature thing I had read back in those days. Bella was easy to relate to, because she was moving and I understood that, and she was the outsider, and I understood that. Most of all, she is supposed to be plain looking, and I got that too, as well as her boyfriendless state up to she meet Edward.

Another thing: Harry Potter had no super-mega-foxy-awesome-hot guy who was a gentlemen, was caring, seductive, forbidden and just perfect. No one to swoon over, or technically, no-one that suited my tastes at the time (because now, woah: Oliver Wood, Fred Weasley, George Weasley, Charlie Weasley, Sirius Black, James Potter, Remus Lupin, the list goes on... to include even the likes of Lucius Malfoy*). But I digress, Twilight was fun and you didn't really need to commit to it, something I felt was different to Harry Potter; I paid attention because I felt every detail needed to be noticed and stored in my memory.

Strange, considering how much as changed. I think, what mattered to me the most in the end, was the fandom. I mean, the Twilight fandom at first was really friendly and you could just talk to other people about how amusing it was that you got weird looks at the time because you were 'that girl that likes vampires and only talks about that weird book'. Truth be told, I doubt I would've been as close friends with Lauren and Kate today if it hadn't been for our deep Twilight bond.

But regardless, Twilight got bigger, and it became 'serious', and people would get overly obsessed about it, which was fine at first, but they had only watched the movies. Which really bugged me, because they would ask more and more about the books, to which I felt like replying, "How about you READ it?"

Yeah, so that got annoying. But then I found this little website called 'Average Wizard', which consisted of little stories people posted of how they had managed to incorporate or witness magic in their day. I laughed at a lot of the posts, showed Lauren the site and we began to mimic it, shouting spells at each other, bringing it up in conversations more and etc.

But, soft! Then people started debating Twilight v. HP, and I just sided with Harry Potter. Yes, I prefer it. Yes, I barely like Twilight now, and it's the fandom that has ruined it for me. I'll still see Eclipse, of course I will, but I'm much more attached to Harry Potter now, and I love it very much.

Buuuut, let's give reasons WHY I prefer Harry Potter:

1) As aforementioned, the fandom. Websites like AW and fanfics and fanarts that help we divulge into the story more and more, and love characters that should've been more looked into in the series. Also, the real, true Harry Potter fans are awesome. I love the authors and the artists of those fanfics more then I love their work, because they all love the series so much. I don't really know how to describe it, I just love them.

Oh, examples of cool fanart:

Andromeda's Revenge

I personally find these hysterical. I, obviously, own none of these. They are done by the lovely, jubbly Makani, whose art I follow on dA. Check her out, because she's made me love the Malfoys, especially Narcissa.

2) The story. Srsly, it's original, creative and just spell-binding -- no pun intended, bro. But for reals, I don't think I even need to mention how fantastic the plot is; everything is linked, little things that were mention in the very first book, brought up again and again, and hints that Jo dropped in the early books that unveil so much about the later story, gosh, it's brilliant. Even the films are well-renowned, despite missing out a lot of the story. I just... I love the story.

3) The characters. And not even necessarily Harry -- I mean, have you read OoTP? Harry is such a whiny little bitch --, but Ron and Hermione too. And the Order. And the teachers. And the Marauders, and the Malfoys and Luna and ahhhhhh. They're all so loveable -- except maybe the Malfoys, who I disliked up until DH, but I digress, the characters all have flaws, but... I don't know, I think they're well written and I just love them.

My favourites? Lily and the Marauders, because they are oh-so-lovely. Oh! Teddy Lupin/Victoire Weasley are also one of my favourite couples, and The Weasley Twins are just brilliant. Sirius is a sexy bastard and I would like him to come back to life so he can do things to me in my bed.

4) The relationships. I... I'm a romantic, to say the least, so, for a long time I feel I was denied such things in Harry Potter. The ecstasy I felt in HBP, with the Harry/Ginny kiss and the Ron/Hermione one in DH. But, it helps to look for fanart and fanfics to search and indulge in your favourite HP couples, because Jo really left it to our imagination to give each character their each happy ending.

But, I'm not just talking about those kind of relationships.

I'm talking about friendship, and about bonds those friendships created, so that the characters are like family. I'm talking about such bonds that made people die for Harry. Not because it was the right thing to do, not because he was 'the chosen one', but because they loved him, and wanted him to have a life and a future. I wish more books would portray these kinds of friendships.

5) How much fun it is to impersonate a wizard in everyday life. Kind of refers back to reason number one, but liking Harry Potter is fun, and people don't judge you for it really. I mean, it used to be really lame, I think, but nowadays I think it's got some more BAMF to it, y'know? But still, messing with everyday muggles is so so fun, and deserves its own special mention.

6) How comforting the books are. Prolly relates back back to one of the other points, but the writing is comforting and cosy. When I get tired of some other book I'm reading, I'll pick up a HP one, and end up finishing that one before my other book. I never get tired of them, and wish I had some other ones, because there are only so many times I can read CoS, PoA and OoTP before I long for the other books.

7) Sirius Black. Just, Sirius Black. So. Attractive.

And that's all for now folks, because it took me so damn long to write this post, because I kept writing fangirlish jargon.

All my love, Melanie.

Books read: 15.
Currently reading: Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, The Soloist by Steven Lopez andThe Fellowship of the Ring by J.R.R Tolkien.
Favourite song atm: Think of Me by Emmy Rossum, from Joel Schumacher's Andrew Lloyd Webber's The Phantom of the Opera.

PS. I own none of the art, and all belong the artist mentioned.