Thursday 1 October 2009

SPONTANEOUS eighteenth post.

Why am I blogging? I actually have no idea of what I'm going to write. This is a spontaneous blog post. SPONTANEOUS, I TELL YOU. Just put that in the title. Yay for Merani. Melanie. Merani. Meranium.

Ooh! I know what I'm going to talk about! Woo. Yay for purposeful blog. Isn't that just so amazing? Right, Melanie. Focus.

Films I want to see and whose trailers I watched recently:

- Lovely Bones.
Starring that girl from the Atonement, who totally should play Alice in Wonderland at least some point in her life, and the mother I recognise from somewhere. Not quite sure where though. Anyway, it's about the Salmon family, particularly one of the daughters, Susie. She's a regular 14-year-old girl -she has a crush on the cute british guy (who dresses like a french man), she goes to school, she is the typical girl next door. Or was. On December 6th she is murdered, devastating the world she left behind.

Except, she isn't really dead. As her little brother puts it: "Susie's in the in-between.". Some call it heaven, but in Susie's words, it's "her own perfect world", and she feels as alive as ever. The only problem is that she is still haunted by her killer, even in her own perfect world. So, she tries to help her family bring justice to come, but she has no way to contact them.

The trailer doesn't give much away, but the identity of the killer is given: the neighbour. Her father and older sister suspect it, but the police insist they don't have any real proof, and that evidence is needed in order to be able to file him guilty of the murder.

And that's basically where the trailer stops.

But the director is Peter Jackson, who won Academy Awards for the Lord of the Rings movies, and he also directed the recent King Kong movie, which I really enjoyed. I've only seen the first Lord of the Rings, and it was back when I didn't pay much attention to acting, cinematography, and such. But, I remember it being pretty ok at least. I definitely didn't find it a bad film.

- Up In The Air.
Starring George Clooney, some other lady, but the one I did recognise was Jessica Stanley from Twilight, who looks slightly more mature in this movie than she did in Twilight. I believe her name is Anna Kendrick. Kendrik? I dunno. I think it's Kendrick.

The trailer also doesn't give much away, but way less than the trailer for Lovely Bones. The plot isn't even mentioned. I had to read the little Youtube description bit in order to understand. Instead, it shows him making a very interesting speech. I mean, seriously, it was really, really good. I know when people say interesting it's either because: a) they're in a language lesson, and the word interesting is practically the same in every European language so yeah, or b) because someone asks them what they thought of something and they pause and awkwardly say, "it was ... interesting" or "... different."

But the trailer was unique and beautiful. The speech he makes talks about putting everything in our lives in a single backpack. Start with the things on shelves, drawers, knick knacks. Then clothes and shoes and then get even bigger. TV, sofa, computer and keep getting bigger. Then fill it with people. Casual acquaintances, friends, and then people you trust with your biggest secrets. Brother, sister, parents, children, and finally: husband/wife, boyf/girlf.

George Clooney then says a very true fact: "Your relationships are the heaviest things in your life." It made me think about life. It was, very very, interesting.

The guy/chick who directed Juno directs this. So you know it will be worth watching, even though what really sold Juno for me was the dialogue. The way Juno spoke was actually so inspiration.

- The Princess and the Frog.

'nuff said.

No, that's a lie. There's so much more I can say about this. I explained the plot to Michael and he said it looked shit. But Michael is annoying me at the moment because he thinks of himself so superiorly. Eurgh.

Anyway, it tells the story of Tiana, a peasant girl with big dreams that in order to accomplish she needs money. An amount that she does not have. I don't exactly know why, but she finds a frog on a balcony that then talks. Isn't it weird how they all scream? Tbh, I would be relieved. Relieved that there is some form of magic in this world. Anyway, they come to the conclusion that he needs to be kissed by her in order to be human again. So, she does.

I think because she's not actually a real princess. But, anyway, she turns in a frog herself, so they go to New Orleans (why? I don't know. I really don't), to find the equivalent fairy godmother character of the movie to see if she can return them to their human forms.

Admittedly, it doesn't sound that good in words, but the trailer is so mesmerising. It claims to be directed by the same people from the Little Mermaid and Aladdin. SERIOUSLY. And it looks like the music's pretty catchy too.

- The Vampire's Assistant.
I read the book. Now that is enough said.

Is it? Well, not quite.

It's Darren Shan, and it's the first film, but they, for some reason, put the name of the second book in it for the main title. Circ du Freak is the subtitle thing.

Now I'm done.

- Capitalism: A Love Story.
For those who don't know, the dude in it films documentary style. I saw his 'Sicko' film about how the American health system sucks, and it really opened my eyes to how America is not this perfect little wonderland, even Hawaii. I mean, I thought Hawaii was like, the ultimatum. And I have his one on George Bush and how he sucks sitting on the little shoe rack thing, and I plan to watch it soon.

So, he's making a new one on Capitalism and I'll probably be the only one my age who really wants to see it. Maybe I'll see it with my parents because I'm just that extra little smudge of cool than everyone else.

- A Christmas Carol.
A new Jimmy Carrey film. And he only voice acts, so hopefully it won't suck. Seriously, the highlight of his career, for me, was Bruce Almighty, because I never really got into Ace Ventura and I don't think I was actually alive when he was in Batman.

Yes Man was good, but not as good. I think was saved it for me was the girl, Zooey something, who I really, really love. She's so pretty and I think she's a pretty decent actress. I love her hair, but I couldn't pull it off I don't think. I had a block fringe once, and it was kinda dodgy. Maybe if I got it cut professionally, it would be ok? I was told my block fringe brought out my eyes.

I've stopped talking about the film now. That's not good.

But the director also directed Back to the Future, Forrest Gump and the Polar Express. I've only seen half of Back to the Future and Forrest Gump, but I watched the Polar Express and it made me smile and cry. It made me miss believing blindly in Santa.

So, maybe it'll be good? Nah, it looks really really adequate.

I'm lazy so I'm gonna stop now. Obviously, I'm gonna see New Moon, and I'm not mentioning it 'cos only Kate really reads this, and she already knows I'm gonna go see it. Why would I not? Gawd.

What to talk about now?

I'm gonna finish the Natalie video I'm watching and then I'm gonna go.


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