Sunday 4 October 2009

on da laptop.

And trying to be as quiet as possible because I don't think I'm supposed to be on the computer, but my parents don't know that so shh. Hm. I wonder if Kate's still online -doubt it, she was signing off as I hung up on her. I don't mean I just switched off the phone though. I mean like, I said goobye first. My parents raised me with manners, thanks. Keh.


I have a cold. That sucks. I don't know what I said that -I always have a cold. Or at least, a permanent cold voice. It's awesome. Minus the awesome.

20 days 'til Anime EXPO I think. I don't know why I call it that, seeing as it's really the equivalent of a Comic Con in America, since it has people dressing up as movie characters as well. Now that I think about it though, there are way more cosplayers and the event really is leaning towards otakuness. Most of the stalls sell otaku merchandise.

Haha, Calvin has school tomorrow. I don't. Inset day. Kate's coming over. We're gonna watch Peter Pan II and eat onigiri. Hopefully the weather'll be nice too, so we can go out and, possibly, make a vlog. Or a video in general.

Damn, I forgot to ask her if she could bring her camera. I'll remind her tomorrow but I think she will anyway. I love our pictures. That reminds me, I need to get them off the USB and onto the computer soon. Tomorrow morning I will. After my showah.

Eurgh, the laptop has no spell check. It's so annoying. I feel like I can be disgracing the English language and not realising.

I uploaded a new chapter to my Ouran fic, Nothing. It good quite a few positive reviews. I had forgotten how nice it felt to have reviews sent to you, especially when they're nice as long. I like 'em long. That's was she said. I feel like a cheater, because that 'that's what she said' wasn't accidental at all. I was thinking of the Nostalgia Chick video when she said '..majestic longness -and I don't mean that in a good way...'. I thought that was really clever. She should upload more videos soon, otherwise I'll cry.

ZOMG!!!!!11111! NEW INUYASHA SERIES!!!!!1111.

The first episode was uploaded today and I screamed every time something exciting happened, or a character I remember appeared. Like Rin, Jaken, Kohaku and Kagura. And that little evil white haired boy. He used to be a baby, then he grew up to be like 9, and then just stopped growing. Physically at least. Oh! And I remember Kana, the white haired chick with a mirror that could like, tell Naraku where someone was or what they were thinking. I'm starting to realise the trend of white haired people in Inuyasha.

Seriously: Kana, Inuyasha, Sesshoumaru, the evil kid, his twin and I bet there are a couple more.

I love the seiyuu for Kagome; she suits the character so much. I wish they could have incorporated more 'Osuwari's though. That would have made it a leetle mo

re awesome. But, it's only the first episode, so I forgive it.

Imma go get headphones so I can listen to

the Vic Mignogna commercial.


Found em. God. There are more WoW commercials. God, Mr T. one. Mr T. is so the man. Srsly. I like the Ozzy one. It's funny.

God this laptop has nothing on it, but it's SO SLOW. It infuriates me how slow it is.

I can't stop listening to 'Super Driver' by Cristina Vee. It's just so brilliant, preppy and I love her high notes. They're so pure, if you get me.

"SUPER DRIVER hold on tight, because I don't slow down for stragglers."

What is a straggler? I shall ask Kate tomorrow. Too lazy to look it up meself.

Super Driver, again, again!

My brother's listening to it with me. It's just so pretty. She IS Haruhi. Aside from me of course. She's the only person I'd allow to be Haruhi with me.

I'm gonna listen to Colbie Caillat. Her songs her are so heart warming and cute. I get kind of bored of them though. Like now. I'm gonna listen to something preppy and cute. Glee >D. I really wanna watch that. It's looks really good. Or, really 'me', as Kate says. I like how she knows me.

I really like it when people say, 'Mel's the kind of person that...', because, tbh, I consider myself to be a pretty bland person. I mean, sure, I'm a hysterical fangirl and I talk about having sex with other people's mums, but I only have the courage to do that with people I'm comfortable with. Or if I'm with one of them at least.

The girl from Glee has a really pretty smile. The lady playing her says the hard thing to do with her character is that she has to try smile with her eyes, not her mouth as much. And that's a really pretty thing to do.

I know I write about it in my ff, but I really can't read emotions in people's eyes. I don't see eyes as that expressive things. Except when they widen.

Went to Church today, and the same cute little boy with blonde curly hair was there. And sitting really near us. He's so cute. Maybe I have a fetish for boys with blonde curly hair. Not just attraction, but maybe I just like that better. I enjoy curly hair on guys. It makes them seem more down to earth, because they don't care about their looks so much to straighten it, like George, even though his hair isn't even curly, just midly wavy. I like George's hair naturally; I think it looks nice.

I blew a kiss at da leetle boy, and he seemed amused and giggled. Then he kind of blew one back; he just covered his mouth with both hands for ages, then put them down. He actually is so adorable.

He walked around as well, smiling at all the people he passed by.

Gonna stop blogging now. I'm out of stuff to day.


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