Wednesday 21 October 2009

what should i call this post?


HEY!11. How is everyone? And by that I mean those who actually bother to read my blog, because they are simply too nice for words. Really. I love all of you that actually bother.

I have already gotten quite used to my braces; is that normal? I am simply just being naïve and it's about to take a turn for the worse? And that is a genuine question. I would like people's support if you don't mind.

I could barely eat my lunch today, and had to pick at it so that it was in tiny, non-chewable pieces that would need, er, no chewing. Or would not get any bits of food in them. That would just be more unattractive than my face. And that would just be a leetle too cruel for da rest of da world. Do you like my 'gangsta' lingo? I iz so cool.

I really don't know what to blog about. Isn't that fun.

Kobato is cute. Kewt. KEEEEEEEEEEEWT. Like a newt. See what I did there? Rhyming is so much fun. Ahaha.

The bus ride was extremely fun today. I thought about how I would look back on my bus rides as one of the best times of my life. That and the conversation me, Lauren, Kate and Sophie had on that one cold day where it was sos funny I didn't wanna go home. I just thought that I'm glad I know people like them and that I get the bus that I do, because it means I'll have something to look back upon, should my life be miserable, when I'm older.

Gah I'm watching the NC's review of Casper, and he just got onto the part where he was making fun of Casper when he was telling the girl, Kat/Cat, how he died. And I cried. I really should be moved emotionally less. Gah.

I had English today. To be honest, everyone else getting A and A*'s is making me feel so much less special. But at least he hasn't told anyone they could be an author. That is the only thing that makes me feel a leetle chuffed. I think, or hope, that it's because I not only can do the techniques, but that they flow? If you know what I mean.

I mean, me and Kate discussed this, and I think Emily is the opposite. I think she just uses them mechanically, and the actual content and plot is not that good. I mean, she thinks the HON (House of Night) books are good. And she thought George's was good, though that may only be because she's biased.

But seriously, George's story was just so pointless. I mean, it was just him.He has such an uncreative and bland mind that he actually needed to give his character the same style, personality, interests and name as him. That's just pathetic. I mean, sure, Harriet, my character for my Peter Pan ff, which I also used for my original story, is based on me, but once I get into the story, she'll be different.

I think that she's mature, but only because she felt the need to, because her mother died, and she felt like she had to take over her place. And she'll just come out of her shell and let loose when she arrives in Neverland. I guess that's similar to Jane, but I'll make her different somehow.

Also that he used Emily in his story. That's just eurgh. Seriously. It's fine to give in as a present to her, but eurgh, I dunno. I had a problem with it.

And the end; wtf?! It said, and I quote:

" 'Do you love me?' she whispered.
'Of course I do.' I replied.
'Then let me go.'"

Therefore, I assumed that the girl he talked to and hanged out with was dead, or simply a mirage of someone he had left behind as he moved to Brighton (isn't that just sad? His character moved to where he lives in this moment in time. Be a tad more fucking creative for fuck's sake if you didn't want a B). It couldn't be someone he just met, because the amount of consecutive time they spent together was about 3 hours, and that's if I'm being nice, henceforth, they couldn't be in love.

So I asked him, and he said, "No. She never existed."

So, er, how could he be in love with her? I hate to be the one to call bullshit, but yeah. I guess that's his actual situation with Emily though; it's bs that he loves her too. It's just a relationship for the sake of it. He doesn't need her. If she wasn't with him, he would not feel any void in his life whatsoever. And I am not sorry.

I talked to Leah about it, and she agreed that the story really wasn't that good at all. He got a B because Sir, and he -Sir that is- even said it himself, gave him the benefit of the doubt.

I thought Leah's was pretty good, but, then again, she could always refer to Twilight or Midnight Sun for hers, since it's just the Twilight biology lab scene where Bella and Edward first see each other, and I even recognised some phrases and stuff in her text from them. I love Leah, but her vocabulary is pretty limited (because she rarely reads, and when she does, it's something famous; I know for a fact she hardly ever goes into a library and picks out a random book that looks interesting, or a book that she hasn't heard of or one someone didn't recommended to her), so I know she definitely did not write that all by herself.

Her ideas are good, but I don't think she can translate them into words well enough for it to do her ideas justice.

Both George and Leah really don't strike me as writing people.

Then again, seeing as they never practise, they're ok I guess. I mean, I fucking write my ass off, and that's how I got my A*. I pay attention to how authors write and etc, so I can always keep learning and improving; writing is my life.

Sir asked me once if I wrote in my spare time, and I replied, "Probably more than I should, yeah."

I really do believe it's unhealthy how often I write.

So I'm going to stop now, because my fingers hurt. And I believe I'll have to go have dinner soon anyway.


1 comment:

  1. you're so funny and random, I think it really shows in your writing. I enjoy reading your blog, writing so much has definitely paid off. Looking forward to your next entry!
