Wednesday 14 October 2009


I opened ma blowg reeeally quickly this morning in form time just to check if someone had replied to a comment I had made. And then I screamed. I mean, I have an actual person that wants to be notified when I post a new blog post, and that's just surreal.

Gyah, thank you so much loveacrosstheocean for that one moment when world stopped spinning.

So now blogging is a priority of mine, even though I feel like the pressure's on; it's like I have to write something that isn't the equivalent of faeces, and that unnerves me slightly. Argh.

Just had milk and cookies for my afternoon snack (because I'm fat and I eat 5 times a day), because I felt the need to feel American-ish. I remember the first time I was introduced to milk and cookies together was on the Power Puff Girls, but I've never actually tried it. Conclusion: it's actually really nice. Problem now is that I think I did it wrong, because I'm so retarded I can actually manage that, and now there are like, bits of cookie in my milk and it's kind of disgusting to drink.

Eurgh, definitely not that nice.

Just clicked my knuckles. I always feel guilty when I do. Then again, I feel guilty quite often. I felt guilty today for writing all the horrible stuff about Sara, because I didn't spend any time with her today. See, that's the problem; I like her when she doesn't talk to me. And when she doesn't laugh. Eurgh. Her laugh is just so put on, if you know what I mean; she purposely makes it more like a manic, high pitched, squeal/giggle most of the time. I know because I've heard her laugh normally and it's really just fine.

The bus ride was fairly pleasant today, despite Leah not being there. I sat down on the lifty-uppy seats next to Sara and I made a point of not saying anything to her. Then, as more people began to get off, and old people began to get on, so we gave up our seats for them, we all moved around. Sara sat at the back where she could flirt with the Year Elevens that really couldn't care less but think that they should at least humour her, or they just don't see it as flirting and just as annoying pestering. If you saw Sara flirting, you'd see it's not as alluring and subtle as most people's, and instead it resembles a schoolboy; y'know the drill: pull hair, kicking, stealing their stuff. That's Sara flirting, but add a goofy smile.

Anyway, I talked to Jonathan, Ben's brother, and I like him because I amuse him. He saw the scribbles that were on my hand and tilted his head and read it out loud:

"'I love Kate's mother..'" he quoted, his tone suggesting he was slightly confused, slash, bewildered; it seems that people underestimate how casually I can talk about sex. Apparently, I've been told, that my appearance is a quite innocent one, and that it's unexpected how I can say that I have sex with people's mums so nonchalantly.

"Yep. I do," I shrugged and carried out paying attention to the world surrounding our bus. "In my bed." He laughed, vaguely incredulously.

"I know what to get you for your birthday now." As I frowned, he nodded towards my hand.

"Ah," I said. "No, I get to love her for free." And he laughed again. I tend to like people a little bit more when I manage to make them laugh, I don't know why. So I like Jonathan -he's really cute. In a little brother kind of way, obvi. He is in Year 8 after all.

Eventually, he could be found at the back by the end of the bus ride with Ben and Timmy and that lot. So I ended up having a conversation with Ciara and Emily about God. I love Ciara, because she always have this influence over me, where our conversations are pretty... mature. Well, not like that, but, in the sense that they're not as silly and hyper as I tend to have with people my age.

But, about what is happening now. Oh my GOD. It's one of my favourite episode of Friends. Rachel and Ross kiss for the first time; it's so romantic and breath-taking. It just adds to it that it's raining. I'm wacyhing and typing and... AAAAH. Aw. I want love like that.

I like the last minutes or so of it where Monica and Chandler talk and stuff. And it's cute to know that even then Chandler knows just how to push Monica's buttons. I want a guy like Chandler. He's my favourite character, because of his witty, sharp, sarcastic humour.

New Kimi ni Todoke, so when it loads I'm gonna stop blogging and take pretty printscreens. Yay. Half alliteration.



  1. u are so funny :) i commented after your comment on my blog, but realized you probably will never see it, so i tracked you down, lol. i'm glad to hear skinnies are popular in the uk! i don't feel so out of it anymore. thanks for the validation!! :)

  2. thanks for stopping by!! i just wanted to answer the camera questions in case you didn't see my response but I have just started using an EOS Rebel xs. I love it so far but I still have to figure it out a bit more!
