Wednesday 30 September 2009

novacaine for the soul.

For those who haven't seen Bandslam (i.e. have a bit more of a life than I do), that means school. It's what the dude calls it, and once I found out what novacaine (actually, I think it's novocaine, but whatever) is I found that line extremely poetic and bee-yoo-tee-full.

Ok ok ok, I didn't quite get to finish my blog the other day where I let the pervs know what had been happening in my life.

Kate is a whore. Seriously. We were meant to be meeting up Monday but then now she's grounded. And that really, really sucks so much. Eurgh. She says there is a slim chance that she may be coming if she behaves and goes to church with no argument and does the chores and flute practice without her mother asking. So, yeah.

Gave in my edited Peter Pan ff today, and I doubt I'll get sleep tonight. Stupid tummy with stupid butterflies.

Lost my train of thought.


I really like semi colons and the word 'twice'. I mean, people'll be like, "Oh, you're weird." and I'll be like, "So's your mum. You should see the stuff she's into." And they'll get all flustered and be like, "You had sex with my mum?" And I'll just shrug, do the peace sign and say, "Twice."

Or something along the lines of that. And then Jacob will laugh. I really like it when Jacob's laughs for some reason; it makes me happy. It doesn't seem like he's laugh at me in a mean way, just in a way that it's charming? Or amusing? I dunno, it just doesn't seem that he's making fun of me. He always does a face palm and shakes his head. And that makes me really happy for some reason.

Yay. New Nostalgia Critic. I do miss Nostalgia Chick though. I hope her new video comes out reeeeeeeal soon. I love her so much. She iz so weetty.

Wow, it's actually quite funny. I actually haven't finished a NC video in about forever. They just get to boring. But this one's actually not that bad. Just laughed again.

And again. His Vanilla Ice jokes are actually so brilliant. Pure melted golden nuggets of awesome. Or something like that. I didn't quite catch what Kate said exactly.

Right ok. Let's actually talk about my life now.

WOW. SWEET CANDY COATED JESUS. THAT'S AMAZING. Or, GLORIOUS. Kate decided that it's too good a word to not use as much as they can. And I agree, so I will as well.

Ok, Melanie focus on life.

I think the only thing I left out from the other day was how the conversations me and Kate had on Saturday went. We talked about numbers and names. I really like the name Henrietta or Harriet. I just like really old-fashioned names that can have like, masculine nicknames. Maybe Georgina or something as well. I think it's just inspired from Fruits Basket, where they say that Tohru's name is like adding salt to something sweet to enhance its flavour. I want my daughter to be that kind of girl too.

Anyway, we talked about names for numbers as well. Like twice, or thrice. Thrice is really underrated. I think the only time I've really heard it was in Romeo and Juliet. Y'know? "You have thrice disturbed the quiet of our streets." - Prince. Was he called Prince? I think so. I know he was black in the film.

We had a picture marathon as well. It included me pointing at a "NO DOG MESS" lampost, Kate posing with a "Clean up your dog crap" wall, and both of us with a wall that said "DRACULA". They were pretty immense. Meh.

I have to do my English speech tomorrow. That's fun. The fun is definitely silent. No, I'm just quoting Meekakitty now. I'm actually pretty ok with my speech. I mean, it's just standing in front of the class talking about Twilight. I could make it up on the spot. I wonder what he thought of my story. Hmm.

Watching the NChick review of Armageddon again. Why? Because Melanie's life consists of: manga, vloggers, writing and NChick. I mean, there's my family and friends, and school too obviously. But, those are the things that make me smile. Ooh! And Grey's Anatomy. God, I miss Grey's Anatomy. So much. It's like a giant chasm in my life.

I've only done one semi colon in this blog, I think. That makes me cry. It's probably 'cos my punctuation in my blogs suck ass. I'm sorry world. Or just Kate and pervs, seeing as they are the only ones who actually bother to read this shit. My keyboard is behind. When I press a key, it takes like half a second for it to appear on the screen. Oh. It's good now.

Gotta go now. I have no more inspeerashun.

*scrolls up the post*.

Yeah it's long enough. That's what she said.

Merani, xoxo.

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