Tuesday 13 October 2009

crappy taste in music and showers.

Yeah. I should really go have mine.

Actually, my brother should. But he's currently punching the sofa, after reading a certain scene in Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I think we all know what that is, and I don't approve of spoilers, so I won't say.

As the other part of the title suggest, I was just listening to Shania Twain - You're Still The One. Because I'm just cool with awesome sprinkled on top. Now, Evan and Jaron - Crazy For This Girl. Why do I only listen to these sort of people when I'm on the computer? I have perfectly decent taste in music to most, and it's all on my ipod, but, I secretly indulge in 90's and one hit wonders.

I have just read loveacrosstheocean's blog and it's brilliance. I really like her style of writing. I so do her 'lazy sunday' thing too. I do it on Saturdays as well; it's where you just lie in bed, reading any book that is in your reach, and occasionally sitting up to reach the water that's on your desk/window sill.

Dang, I think my brother just finished his shower. I really should stop blogging and go clear out the dish washer, but I really do hate the noise of plates clattering together.

I started writing a blog in my head as I walked down the corridor of the first floor of St Mary's (for those who aren't Kate -i.e. no-one reading this-, my school, Cardinal Newman, consists of two buildings: Cashman and St. Mary's. Cashman has four floors: a basement, ground floor, first, second and attic. St. Mary's has three: ground, first and second. There's also Sacre Cour, Lutywyche and the Newman Block, but they're really just attached to them in some shape or form). It involved wondering how people see me.

So, I observed many of my mannerisms. Such as, how I'll wait too long to hold the door for the people behind me. How I get slightly cheesed off when they don't say thank you; how when I hold it for people I don't like, I'm really surprised when they do thank me; how I really don't like hugging Michael because I know he fancied me and now it's just awkward; how I always run out to the field, then realise we got let out early, and that I have to stand there like a lemon because none of my friends are out yet; how I have a certain order of eating the things I pack in my lunch; how my favourite type of use of puntucation is the semi-colon; how I only read/watch anything with at least a hint of romance in it or I get bored and drop it; how I wish it would stop being cold all the time; how I wish I at least had a nice coat to keep me warm when it's cold; how I'm secretly dreading my English speech; how I always close my bedroom door behind me and slide down the wood before I cry over something; how I wish I was slimmer; how I wish my legs would just magically look nicer when I wake up tomorrow; how I wish my shoulders weren't so broad. And etcetera.

Basically, I wondered if people saw me that way too, or at least knew I did, or noticed I did, etcetera. I realised many people don't really know me that well. And I don't know what to think about that really. I mean, Sara, whom I hate (did I use 'whom' right then?) thinks I'm polite and kind and considerate -she told me after she saw I held the door for some two random people, and I'm secretly lying there at night thinking of all the various ways she can get out of my life before I close my eyes.

Just showered and uncleared the dishwasher. Honestly, I really don't know why my parents don't appreciate me more; the most I'll get for that is a kiss on my head/temple and a 'you're great Mel' from my mother. My dad only notices when I don't do as I'm told, and when I point out to him that I did, he just says, "Good!" with a voice that I can't quite describe. It's kind of bordering on sarcastic.

I love JPOP. Seriously. Why people find it weird/not good enough for mainstream/not as good as the stuff on the charts is beyond me. It's just so uplifting and keeeewt. Their style is really just unnecessarily adorable. And by that I mean, completely necessary! *Dr. Doofenschmirtz quote*.

Those who don't watch Phineas and Ferb won't get that last one.

Also, I find the Japanese language flows really nicely. I mean, I can tell Japanese from other Asian languages because Chinese uses more 'ch' sounds, if you get me. I don't mean to sound racist, at all, I'm jus' sayin' I pick out these things. I mean, I'm not saying Korean and Chinese sound the same at all, I just haven't had the opportunity to listen to them both carefully enough to compare.

Gawd, Buono's choreographies are so intricate and weird and random and cute at the same time. It's just so unreal.

Listening to Aya Hirano now, because Lost My Music is a japanese song I kind of know the lyrics to.

I would type them out as I hear them like I do with most english songs I listen to whilst blogging, but I really can't be arsed. Like at all.

What else happened today that made me ponder on life. Hm.

I noticed today that I, despite all my complaints, quite enjoy all my lessons this year. I mean, sure, I don't particularly like Ms. Hodd, my German teacher, and would really like Ms. Marsh back, but I'm already more than capable of achieving an A* with German, and Ms. Marsh herself said that I'm the kind of student that doesn't need a good languages teacher in order to succeed (I'm actually pretty chuffed about that, and she said I'm adorable, which is also strangely comforting) so there's no worry of failing.

And sure, I would love the be Olivia's, Leah's and Jacob's group for History, with Mr. Marsh; not only because he's pretty, but because I actually learnt quite a lot with him last year, but Mr. Phillips isn't really that bad, and I'm already beginning to learn from him quite a bit. Having Tom next to me poking me with a pair of compasses is a bit of a down-side, but I can live with it.

Let's see, what other lessons were I having doubts about... Hm. See? I really do take for granted for I have, because I can't really think of any other things I have problems with. I mean, okay, maybe I'd like to be doing other stuff in P.E -the thought of doing hockey in the pouring rain for another year just makes me grimace-, but, to be honest, I wouldn't like to be doing P.E. full stop really. Besides, I have basketball.

Wow, those who aren't involved in my life are really gonna find my blog so tedious. I just use blogging a form of ranting or venting, just putting out there my thoughts of stuff, and I never stopped to think if anyone actually ever would enjoy reading this shit.

Gonna stop blogging now, and gonna try and find some other blog to read.


1 comment:

  1. Whoooo! thank you for the compliment! It's flattering. I've started following you (blahh that sounds creepy) and look forward to reading your future entries.
