Thursday 15 October 2009

comments?! i'm funny?!

God you people here on blogger are just too lovely, and I really don't deserve it. I mean, I really don't think I'm funny at all. Whatsoever. But, thank you to Jamie and Anelieze for commenting anyway. You too are very lovely, even if you were just answering my questions, it was still nice of you.

Hey, so, about today. Yeah.

I'd say the highlight of day was my English speech.

Mr. Berry arranged the folders of the remaining people so that it was like a card deck thing, and and offered Charlie to pick so that it was fair and not biased on his part, blah blah blah, whatever. Obviously life loves me, so I was picked first. And that's just fantastic.

I dragged mysel
f to the computer where I logged into my hotmail account, to open the email that I had sent to myself, that contained simply a picture of the World Record breaking Anime EXPO thing, with all the gamers who dressed up and stuff. As soon as it was up, snide laughter bubbled up from everyone in the class. Y'know, the one where they want to laugh, but know that it's mean/they'll get told off. Sometimes people do it for neither of those reasons, but I'm not gonna get into detail of the douchebags of the world.

Regardless, I shakily started my speech with subconscious clap of my hands.

"Ok..." I nervously peeked done at my pieces of paper. "Who's heard of Comic-Con?" When no-one put their hand up, panic bubbled up inside me a little more and I felt genuinely frightened of the class that had suddenly gotten so cold. Then, relief swelled up and washed over me and Alex Smith and Abigail Smith hesitantly put their hands up.

"Yay." I breathed and laughed, relaxing a little.

I won't quote it word for word, mostly because I barely glanced at my notes and must off it was just saying stuff I remembered on the spot. So, basically, as I talked, the trembling sub-sided slightly, but not all together; it was fairly distracting.

What else was pretty distracting was that George and Leah were laughing. Particularly George. And Leah, fair enough, it didn't bother me as much because I knew it was really just nervous laughter for me and/or just George's that had been so contagious, it caught onto her -she later told it was the second reason.

Anyway, George's really bothered me. Because I know it was mean, and one of a) embarrassment for me, b) embarrassment for knowing me, or c) just thinking I was so lame for doing a talk on the geekiest thing ever. I mean, not even Nathan Beda was laughing, and he was mean to me in Primary School. It just really hurt, because George used to not care what people thought. But now, all of a sudden he's all like 'this' *cue crossed fingers* with the popular crowd, and tries to be one of them.

I mean, him talking about having a party with alcohol at his house? As if. Seriously, he just wouldn't. I don't quite know how to explain it, but the kind of parties that the popular people usually have... well, George's poor, sweet, neat little house just won't be able to take it. Plus there's all the hooking up and stuff.

So that was off-putting and saddened me. But I carried on regardless, because what matters is what sir thinks of my speech, and he looked intrigued.

I managed to get the atmosphere a bit more relaxed by cracking a few self-deprecatory jokes, and on the social awkwardness of the other cosplayers at EXPO that I encountered with; as in, they seemed afraid of me, which I still laugh at today.

I mentioned the cast of Merlin making an appearance and the breaking of the Guinness World Record, and then hastily wrapped it up with another joke about how I'm so much lamer than everyone else by going to it. Sir laughed.

The questions asked were all nice, and Michaela couldn't pronounce anime and manga correctly, and that was really cute for some reason. Sean asked me if the pair of Japanese tourists that asked to take a picture with me were nice, and I said there were lovely, but they didn't speak very good English and just shoved a camera in my face and pointed and me and themselves; the class laughed at that too.

George asked a question too, but it was really just one to put me on the spot and drag attention to himself. He asked who was that guy in a wheelchair in the picture.

'For fuck's sake, it's not as it I took the fucking picture," I felt like screaming at him as my smile froze in place politely. "I'm not fucking in it either, as I fucking just fucking said, so just fuck off. Fucking go get fucking Emily to fucking suck you off for a fucking sixth time. Fucking knob."

Instead I just replied through gritted teeth that I didn't know, and walked over to my seat.

Sorry for the over-use of the word 'fuck', but, hey, I was pissed off, and it was what was going through my head at the time. Besides, I'm British, and that's my kind of humour. Me and Kate discussed that today actually.

I'm gonna go make
my dinner now, because my dad wasn't feeling well, so he went to the hospital. Tbh, I'm kind of worried, but I hope it'll be ok.

Here's a picture of my Halloween costume. I'm going as a gothic version of Alice in Wonderland.

I don't actually look that cute btw, but I can't draw that realistically unforch.

See ya pimps.

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