Wednesday 28 October 2009

anime expo!

I took a hiatus from blogging for all of four days, which I think is the record since I started writing frequently in my blog. I think it's 'cos I meant to be writing about EXPO -which ROCKED; it was everything I wanted and so much, much more-, but then I just thought of all the things that happened, and the thought of it all just made me feel exhausted and I put the thought of blogging away in a drawer. A drawer I just recently opened. Simply because of guilt.

So here I am. I'm considering maybe splitting this into two blog posts, so I'm just gonna write this spur of the moment thing and see what I think once I've finished.

Ok, so EXPO.

I couldn't get to sleep 'til 11:15, because I decided that I really wasn't happy with my Haruhi ribbons and that they needed adjustments. Because my mum was stressed out about making my brothers and tweaking mine already, I said I would do it and left her to bask in her worries.

However, because I'm retarded, it took me from about eight, nine o'clock 'til 11:15 to finish it. Mainly because it was so fucking awkward and I managed to bend the needle whilst doing it.

When I was both tired and bored of doing it, I allowed myself to change into my pajama bottoms and went to brush my teeth. I immediately cursed myself for not doing that sooner.

See, there were two problems with that:

- I take ages to brush my teeth now, because of my mother, whose jaw needed surgery, and for said surgery, braces were needed; she was the one whom I had inherited this oral problem from, so I blame her. But I still love her really. So yeah, braces = fifteen minutes more in the bathroom from my original ten.

- Main problem: I'm always, and I always have too, been woken up by brushing my teeth. Seriously, I could be the most exhausted I've ever been, but all it takes is for me to brush my teeth, and I'm wide awake; it's the equivalent of taking about 17 consecutive expressos.

Therefore, I couldn't get to sleep for about another hour or so, and it didn't help that I was panicking about whether EXPO wouldn't:

- Live up to expectations.
- Be enjoyable for Kate or Jacob.
- Be enjoyable for Artur because I kept leaving him out subconciously.
- That I would look like utter shit and that my ribbons would look like crap and I only thought they looked good because of sheer tired-ness.
- That I fucked up my costume by drawing the stupid school logo that I suddenly decided would not complete the outfit.
- That because of the two previous reasons no-one would want to take my picture.

I know that the last reason will make me sound really vain and up myself, but lemme explain. See, I'm not, and I've been told this before, unnattractive, but, this I wasn't told though, but I'm plain. I mean, when Ben said it, I'm sure he meant in his eyes, but I take things the wrong way sometimes, and I know I'm not an interesting looking person in a good way, or in a bad way for that matter. I'm just nothing special-ish.

But at EXPO, I'm suddenly 'cute' and people like me and guys smile at me when we connect our gazes. At least, that's what happened last time. I dunno if it was the cosplay, but I did notice I wasn't the worst looking person there. I wasn't the best looking either, but I must admit I was one of the pretty girls there.

It's a real self-esteem boost to have nineteen year old guys wanting my picture, because I'm laughing incredulously inside, saying, "Dude, I'm fourteen. I couldn't do you if I wanted to."; at EXPO I'm glad I look older.

Oh God, I sound like a total slut, but I hope you guys know what I mean.

Regardless, I did finally manage to drift off, but when I woke up I was so tired I had to drag myself out of bed. To EXPO. That's how tired I was.

So after waffling around for a bit, Kate and Jacob arrived while I was tying my shoes. I opened the door and squealed at the brilliance of Kate's cosplay. I mean, she looked adorable. So freakin' cuuuute. But really pretty too, obviously, but then again, she always does, no matter what she says.

Jacob was boring. Didn't cosplay. Baka onii-chan.


So we got in, and talked and babbled about how fantastic it was going to be. It really was just pure casual, non-important chit-chat that I was certain I would not remember in a few hours or so.

Then we got to London and the butterflies decided to not simply flutter in my stomach, but to slam and thrash violently against the walls of it. Great. It felt as if I hadn't realised just how awkward this was going to be.

So I ran out of the car, and by that I mean stumbled, and forcefully hugged Artur with a fake excited smile, and my insides churning.

We sat back into the car and the fun of awkward silences took over and greedily filled the air of the car, making the atmosphere of the car thick, unfriendly and uncomfortable. Isn't that just glorious?

Well, moving on.

The first sign that the day wasn't going to be so bad was when two excited twelve year olds called out, "Ah, Haruhi cosplay!!!11" and giggled whilst skipping over to the entrance. I sighed in relief and followed their initiative and linked arms with Kate, and we skipped over.

We queued up and the lack of in-common-ness decided to squeeze in between the five us once again. Yay for awkwardnees! Tis so fun, no?

But we soon huddled inside and the silence was not so noticeable. I mean, I was fine with Jacob, Kate and hell even Calvin, I just didn't like the idea of having to juggle him and the rest of my friends like I had to on Calvin's birthday party that one time.

Anyway, Artur was occupied by browsing at all the merchandise and I was occupied by looking out for attractive-ness.
Whilst in the marketplace, I bought a Edward Elric keychain and a Soul Eater poster, though the poster was bought when we were in it the second time.

I think perhaps people asked to take my picture the first time we were in, but I can't be sure. This time
so many more people asked to take my photo; it was brilliant.

There was.. hm, the most memorable were the guy by the stall, the guys that asked me to do a pose, the guy behind the stall, there were like three outside later and a few more I think. I lost count, and that's just amazing.

Memorable people I took pictures with: the attractive Link guy who I decided I would soooooooooooooooooooooooooo not say no to, Josh, Jason, the guy that cosplayed as a giant Death Note, the attractive Cloud from Final Fantasy, the Joker and Jack Sparrow.

Seriously though, the Link guy was like, 'Gah so so so so so pretty.'. I took a picture with him and he huskily replied, "No problem." SERIOUSLY. MY HEART STOPPED BEATING GAH <33333333333333333333333333. Lol, I wish he's there in May.

Josh and Jason were the ones me and Kate ran into the most throughout the day. At some point we went inside and they crept up behind us to give us surprise hugs, but then we turned around. Kate said, "You could still give us one if you want.", but Jason said that it wouldn't have the same effect.

Except that Josh gave me one anyway, which made my heart race and Kate whispered to me that my face had gone red.

I saw both them and the Death Note guy when we were having lunch, and the DNG was running past. I yelled, "Excuse me, can I-" but was cut short by him saying something about needing to be somewhere. He followed that by saying, "Come with me.", which made my stomach tighten, but I said no.

The Joker we found as we were going to buy food, and I smiled at him as we walked past, and he raised his eyebrows playfully. I was vaguely intimidated, because I wasn't sure if it was friendly or what. So I had to pluck up the nerve to ask to take his picture and he nodded and got up.

He was so Heath Ledger-like it was surreal. After Jacob took it, he, in a very Heath Ledger voice, said, "Have a card." I blinked and quickly said, "Kay." But then Kate's a bitch and took it.

He saw the picture of him on my dA though, on commented saying 'well done' and that he thought we were cute. And that made my day. <333.

And finally, Jack Sparrow touched my ass. Twice. Me and Kate took a picture with him, and I got the guts to ask him for a hug. As we did, he gently placed it there, and then lifted it up, only to put it back there but on a, er, lower spot. I shuffled off, wondering what I should think of it as.

I decided: flattering. And impressive. a) I'm fourteen, and the fact that a guy older than me thought it was attractive is just, agh, and b) it was a very Jack Sparrow thing to do, no?

Fair enough, I could have him arrested for harassment of those underage, but I think it was all just in the spirit of EXPO. Besides, it may or may not still have an accident, though I highly doubt that.

Then it darkened and we began to make our outside. On the way, we joined our second Caramelldansen line. And we were the first to join too, and about five more joined after us. That's when the Cloud guy videoed us. And as he walked along, filming each and every one of the 'dancers', I made the piece sign when it came to me, and our gazes connected; it was magical, XD.

What was cool was that he was with friends, and that one of the tried to join, but the other claimed that they needed to go. But he stopped to film anyway. That means he's awesome.

Eventually, we got outside and we did the Hare Hare Yukai for the second time and frolicked around and just were plain happy; what I love about EXPO is that if I did that in Brighton, people would've thought I was high, whereas at EXPO, people thought it was cute and took pictures.

Josh and Jason sat with us and laughed as we jumped down all the steps, in a kind of, "Ah they're kind of charming with their immaturity. It's vaguely cute." way.

We just talked to more people as we waited for my family to come pick us up, even after Josh and Jason returned, siad their goodbyes, and asked if we were gonna go in May. And that made realise that I not only wanted to to, but needed to go.

If you'd like picture, they're here: And now we've (me and Kate) a youtube account:

Gonna go now, because my fingers hurt.


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