Tuesday 3 November 2009

quickie (that's so kinky).

Just a quick blog because I really should be wrapping Kate's birthday present, doing my French homework, but most importantly, doing my German, because that is due in tomorrow.

Oh well, luckily I'm good at German, so that won't take too long. I'll probably end up doing it tomorrow in form.

Today was exhausting. I've been getting little sleep because of the sleepover on Saturday, which wrecked my sleep pattern. So I couldn't sleep properly on Sunday night, so I was just to 'meeeehhh' on Monday. Monday night, I couldn't get to bed for ages either.

Conclusion: I've been feeling
rough for about 3 days now.

Reason: Lauren, Sophie and Kate sleeping over on Halloween.

Fortunately for them, it was exceeding hilarity, so I won't kill them. I just reminisced on that night, and I feel like eating ice cream. I specifically bought 4 pots of Ben and Jerry's, and I was the only one that ate any.

Whatever, I went as a gothic Alice, as in, from da wonderland.

Picture time!

Kate's gothic Dorothy on the left, and I'm on the right (your right, not mine in the picture).

So yeah.

Today was kind of a blur though.

I got on the bus today and the attractive guy was running. I started a little daydream where I hold the bus for him and he asks me to go out on a date. He even jokes, "I won't miss the bus, so I won't be late I swear." I'm not clichéd I swear.

But, there was a queue in front of me, so there was no need for holding the bus.

Besides that, my lessons were as they usually were; science was funny, but only because Kate was there; I finished my ICT work, so I had virtually a half hour of free time doing fuck all on the computer; then in History I realised that Mr. Phillips is so, so kewt.

His little role plays make me laugh, and today they were about Joseph Smith, I think it was, the supposed prophet that founded Mormon-ism? Anyway, it was entertaining.

Then we went on to talk about Brigham Young, the other guy who later became a leader because Smith had his bucket kicked by a mob (ooh, kinky? actually, that's gang rape. rape is not kinky). Turns out the dude had like, 55 wives.

As we all stared at the picture on the whiteboard in disbelief, he suggested that it was the 'long beard'. Somehow I don't believe it's the longness of his beard that made him popular wit da laydes, I was about to say. But I don't think Becca, who was sitting next to me, would have found it funny.

I think I had Maths next and then RE, which were ok I guess, but they always are.

My life is just an explosion of adequacy, which sucks; it should be spontaneous and quirky and exciting. Like sex with Kate.

And now I need to wrap and shit, so I'm gonna stop because otherwise I'm gonna get even shittier sleep than I have been getting this past few days. And that's great, no?


1 comment:

  1. Hey merani (?), you probably noticed I recently subscribed to your blog. I like the way you write. Anyway I just thought I'd say hi, and cute Halloween costume!! And german is awesome :)
