Friday 18 September 2009

at lauren's.

I've decided to be lazy and not write into that post after all, since I'm in a completely different area/house, so yeah.

Just watched Derren Brown. Well, I say just but me and Lauren have been playing 'Letterblox' for about an hour. And winning 17 times btw. We are so awesome I swear.

Seriously, there are people in my class who are getting sent to hospital because of drinking and partying too much, and here I am with a practically pocket sized laptop on my lap on a Friday night.

I'm wearing Lauren's pijama bottoms, because my mum is annoying and dogdily (that's so spelt wrong) cut my overly long pijama bottoms, because they "dragged along the floor and spread dust around the house". Why does she care? I always end up sweeping the floor, even if it is my brother's job, anyway.

Anyway, Derren Brown was supposed to have 'glued me to my seat', but I got up just as easy as I would have done after the deranged video he showed. I think it's because deep down, my cynicalness won over.

I do believe that it could have worked on other people though, because it's not a magic trick, and it's more to do with psychology. I am interested in psychology, and am thinking about taking it for my A Levels, instead of German.

I realised this year that German is only easy mit ('with' in German) Ms. Marsh. I like Ms. Hodd's enthusiam and just general boisterous-ness, but so far she hasn't taught anything intirely focused on my GCSE's, whereas Ms. Marsh only talks about A*'s and et cetera.

I told Kate that I wouldn't blog today, but I'm taking advantage of the fact that everyone else is concentrating on the riveting episode of Criminal Intent, which, this time, is about NASA. Or maybe NSA, since that's what the sign just said.

But, yeah, this is the first blog I've done since July without Natalie in the background I think, which is weird. I thought that it would be impossible to be able to type without her rambling on about situations that I have mostly been through.

I had French and German just after the other, which was unsettling and confusing. My mind was all jumbled up with four different languages, which was awesome. Minus the awesome *Meekakitty quote*.

Lauren is currently debating with her mother, Jeanette, and her father, Chris, whether they are going up to bed now (11:53pm), or not.

They just protested and said that they are planning to watch all of the Lord of the Rings films. And I believe they are about three hours long each of something. If that's the case, and they do, I doubt we'll ever watch the VMAs.

I can't wait to see Kanye West act even more like a d*ckhead. I don't know why I put an asterix there, since I said 'fuck' in my other blog post. I would go back and backspace over it, but that would mean deleting this whole paragraph, and I want to beat Kate at longness of blogs, so I won't. Pretend I actually siad dickhead.

Oh, Chris just announced he's going to bed. He just asked if we're watching 'Wizards of Waverly Crescent'. That's funny, 'cos it's Waverly Place, but Lauren lives on Waverly Crescent. I get it.

I wonder how long this post is gonna be. I hope long enough to make Kate writhe in pain on the floor at the sheer brilliance of it. Well, I don't actually hope it hurts. That wouldn't be naice. Not at all.

Lauren is reading this over my shoulder. Well, I'm on the sofa and she kind of leaned over so that her head was sort of hovering over my lap.

We're re-watching parts of the Derren Brown thing. I, for some reason, hate to admit it, but he really is a clever man. He makes me want to learn more about psychology.

Chris is just gone up to bed, and I'm gonna help Lauren make ours -Sophie is here too btw. Don't know if I mentioned that, but I'm too lazy to proof-read.

Lauren is making the beds at my feet and I feel mean just typing away, so salut mon amie!


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