Saturday 26 September 2009

sitting on reggie's lap.

YAAAAAAAAAAAY. I love it when NChick has a new video, she makes me giggle so much. I'm glad she's out of her 'movie coma'. Yes. Quite.

Ok, anyway. New things in my life:

- OBSESSION WITH REGGIE THE MAD HATTER. Seriously, how can anyone hate him? He's the Mad Hatter with practically a six pack. His nose and freckles are his charm. I wouldn't love him if he didn't have them. That's why I tied him to my bed, but then dragged him down here so that I could sit on his lap. So here I am.

Oh, is that a pencil or is he just excited to see me? I'm sorry, that was horrible. Pencils have nothing to do with the Mad Hatter whatsoever.

Ah, and I went to town today. With Kate, obviously.

Talked a lot. As we usually do. I was tired so it was kind of hard to make conversation, but by the end it was coming out pretty easily. That's what she said.

So, we saw the attractive-manga-reading-guy today again. As I waited for Kate, I picked up some manga and went to sit down to read it, obviously. I went to sit down, and there he was. It took a while to sink in who he was, but when it did, I smiled like crazy and texted Kate fervently.

So we walked around chatting loudly and giggling when we realised what we were doing. He eventually went downstairs, probably to avoid us.

Then we bought iced frappe's; mine strawberry, hers chocolate.

I actually can't wait 'til the new Disney film. It looks like what Disney used to be. Besides, it has the same directors as the Little Mermaid and Aladdin; 'nuff said.


I'm trying to think of something interesting we did today.

Oh! I learnt what a 'baker's dozen' today. It means thirteen. I won't get ino why that is, because there is Google.

I put Paramore's new album on my ipod today. I love Playing God even though on my ipod, it's spelt wrong (PLaying Gog). It's really good.

Next time you point your finger, I'll point you to the mirror.

It's catchy.

I can hear Strictly Come Dancing ending as I type this, so I'll probably have to get up soon and go to bed. Meh. I wanna blog more.

Reggie <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333.

I miss QPG. I really do. I kind of forget to look for him most of the time, but then later, when I'm all alone in my room and I'm the only one awake, I lay there I replay everything over in my head again. Not only when we met, but the day I had as well, so that maybe I can have some reassurance that he does live in Brighton and that's he's still in this world.

I lost the game.

Seriously, if I ever find out he's dead, I will never look at life the same way again.

Blaaaargh. No inspeerashun. I love spelling it that way.

Wow, I haven't thought of Peter Pan in a while (and by that I mean, a couple of hours).

Watching Doug's, or the Nostalgia Critic, top 20 movies. It actually quite good.

Top five now.

Gonna wrap this up now, so yeah, bye XOXO.

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