Wednesday 16 September 2009

watching vlogs and blogging.

Hi *little wave*.
Sorry, been watching that Natalie, and, like Meekakitty, she's contagious. BLAAGH.
But yes, life has seem to taken a slight liking to me, thus deciding I'm not such a douchebag after all, thus my life not sucking so much.

School started recently, and most of my lessons I am accompanied by either Leah, Kate, Lauren, George etc. Except for IT, where we have a seating plan, but that's ok -I don't talk to anyone in IT anyway, even in Year Nine.

Well, I suppose only Kate is going to be reading this blog, but I'll talk as if more people are reading this anyway, instead of just directly talking to her. Maybe pervish old men are reading this, in which case, I hope they like my writing.

I lost teh game (the 'teh was done purposely).

Today was fun, and I laughed a lot (or is it 'alot'? See! The computer just put a little red line underneath, but my Engreesh teachers tell me that's how it spelt).

That's mainly owed to the likes of Leah, Kate and Jacob I guess. Since, Olivia like, died or something (ie. Went to sit with some boys I don't know the names but know the faces of).

Gawd, I suck at blogging. Seriously. I write too many words wrong and I just can't type what I think all the time; there's just too much. *AHMAGEDSEMICOLON*.

Apparently I blog like a talk -does that mean I talk so uninteresting-ly?

I actually love just listening to vlogs I've already seen. Particularly Meekakitty because I'd go gay for her. Not really, but I actually love her so much. KYAH! KATE! SHAKE A BABY.

I wrote that at the exact same time that I heard her say it.

Wow, I so have a good life. Just not any life -a good life. I lie. I'm sorry. My life sucks BAWLS.

Have you noticed that when people say 'bowels', it sounds like they're saying 'balls' in a retarded accent/voice. Jus' sayin'.

Wow, that is the second time I've started a paragraph with 'wow'. Anyway, wow, there is an unfinished word document opened and it's sitting on my start bar thing, and it's screaming:


"But I have no inspeerashun!" *cries in a corner and cultivates mushrooms.*


Wow (third), I had to think about that before writing it. I love him, but I don't think I'd marry him. Mainly because I'd have to pause before writing my full name or having to spell it out, and be reminiscing on the days when it was just: "Cress. With a 'k'."

No, I'm joking, really. I love Vic, but I have the slightest suspicions that he's either: a) gay or b) married. Or all of the above, whatever. I still love him madly. *CALL MEE.*

I've noticed how I've sprinkled the asterix actions quite generously across this post. Hm.

Also, that I've been careful to write my 'I's as capitals and using all the grammar correctly, thus contradicting my first ever blog post. I'm sorry world *cough KATE cough*.

Yay, Natalie.

What I like about her is that she talks about situations I've been in, because they're so relatable, even if she's like, 20 years old. Wow, I want her 'Epic Win' t-shirt. It's awesome. And her 'FTW' one.

Her little roleplays are really cool too. They make me giggle.

Kate is a whore and won't read my blog. Because she says I smell. So, all you pervs, go to her house and tell her I smell like beautiful.

So, I think that's it. Imma go bathe because me and hygiene are BFFs. Really. Seriously.

XOXO, Mel.

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