Saturday 19 September 2009

and then there was the morning after.

Wow, I really didn't mean to just post a blog without actually writing anything. I just pressed the enter button by accident and shit happened.

See? There I go again swearing. I really should try to widen my vocabulary. Like Kate. She has a pretty wide vocabulary.

Right, my train of thought is leaving me. Gyah, come back! Come baaack!

Ok, got it. Yay.

So yesterday was fun. Really, super fun.

I didn't really get to summarise the night because, well, it wasn't over yet, but now I sit here at 9:37am; obviously, it's morning and the night is literally over. I reckon I'll blog about the the rest of the day when I get home later, but for now, it's what we did yesterday *GAHSEMICOLON*.

Firstly, Lauren, Sophie and I, for some reason, sat in the kitchen drinking Orangade. I had the opposite feeling of deja-vu if you get me; it was like I had the sensation that I would be someone like this in the future. Y'know, gossiping over a cup of tea *coughFIZZYDRINKScough*.

So we spent about 45 minutes just talking about, well, nothing, I'm guessing, since nothing comes to mind at the moment. Apart from April. Because we are all fairly different people, but the one thing we have in common is our hatred for that girl.

Then we sat in Lauren's room 'cos we got kicked out of the kitchen. I didn't mind because I was sitting quite awkwardly on the bread cutting board, feeling quite guilty and uncomfortable. So that was fun. The fun is definitely silent *quote Meekakitty for about the 100th time in my life*.

Somehow -and I really do mean 'somehow'; I'm not just being lazy, I really don't remember-, we got onto taking pictures on the built-in camera on Lauren's tiny, tiny laptop.

Ah, I know that I was introducing Letterblox to Lauren and we were manically screaming when we lost, so I think Lauren thought that it was be funny to see pictures of our failures later on in life. Or maybe she just wanted to take pictures, who knows. I'm not Edward, I can't read minds *quoter Kate's blog. Yay*.

Eventually, we moved onto pictures with props, such as cool/dorky glasses and pigtails and gloves and just anything found in Lauren's room. I just went up there and it's so messy I laughed. Sorry, Lauren.

The pictures were awesome, but we were pretty drunk on air back then, so I probably thought I was an averagely attractive person.

I look so bad right now it's unreal. I hate mornings.

Anyway, we then went downstairs to do the Derren Brown thing, which didn't fucking work.

So, yeah, we just lazed around and at around one o'clock in the morning watched the VMAs. They really aren't that good to watch on TV. I mean, the people in the crowd look like they're having the time of their lives.

But sitting at home in the wee hours of the morning watching it just made my eyelids heavy. But, no, I'm not gonna summarise the VMAs because I am lazy and it's really just a slightly boring blur.

I guess the highlight was the NEW MOON TRAILER NUMBER THREE. I'll watch it repeatedly for the next few weeks and I'll be more excited about it then. I mean, I love Twilight -obviously, but it was just so early and I was so tired so I was kind of like, "Wow. Yay. I wonder how long it's gonna be. Oh ok. Over. Awesome. Amazing. Going to bed now."

So we watched about another twenty minutes of the VMAs and decided that sleep would be a beautiful thing to do then. And, oh God, it was.

But my neck really hurts 'cos I slept in an awfully weird position. I wanna wash my hair. So much.

Ooh, there was an airshow at school today, and that was pretty cool. I've never seen one before, like live. It was during the fire alarm.

Gawd, what to blog about I wonder. This is a shortish post. I do not approve.

But inspiration is gone and train of thought left the station to quietly I didn't even notice.

So, bye.

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