Friday 25 September 2009

the laziest blog ever.

And I don't know why, but the 'laziest' looks like it's spelled wrong. Even the computer says it's right but it just looks wrong.

Today was full of drama. Eurgh. I hate winter. It takes the ability to breathe through one's nose from me. I hate having a cold.

Anyway, today was the cervical cancer jabs, meaning that all the girls were twittering hysterically, and the classroom was filled with conversations that go along the lines of, "Apparently, you can get paralyzed from it.", and, "Apparently some girl just fainted!".

All except for me, who wasn't taking the jab. The why? Because my mum was kind of worried about the consequences that may occur had I taken it, but I was indifferent to it, so she was weighing on whether to take it or not. So, we decided that we'd think about it a little longer and then, should we decide that I would take it, we'd just have it at the doctors.

But, the unofficial story -i.e. the one I told everyone-, was "I'm adopted and my mum wants me to get cervical cancer."
Can you believe that some people actually believed me? Do I look like a neglected child? I mean, I know I'm underweight, but I still don't think that I appear that malnourished. Do I? DO I?!

Wow, I finished Lock And Key today by Sarah Dessen. Was good, I really like her writing. It seems really meaningful but I think she lacks in dialogue and explaining what the room looks like. But, I like how she always explains her thoughts.

16.2% of the new Paramore album downloaded. What a piss take. God.

I showed my English teacher my Peter Pan fanfiction yesterday, and my stomach was churning in anticipation as I was walking towards MG3. Seriously, I don't mind people like Kate or Leah or anyone reading them because I know, because they love me, whereas Mr. Berry sees amazing writing all the time, and I just put so much of my soul into my writing that I take it personally when someone doesn't like it.

But he said he enjoyed reading it. Really enjoyed reading it. He commented on how my punctuation in speech needed work though, but that's ok. At least I made him happy, I guess? It was a bit of a short review if it was one, but he doesn't know that to me, when it comes to reviews, less is never more.

Ooh, what to write, what to write.

I feel bad trying to stretch my blog out as long as I can, but I enjoy scrolling down my page and admiring the length of my little blogs. Hihi.
Btw, hihi is pronounced heehee to me. I"m sorry, I hope you can understand; or at least accept it.

Yeah, The friends who stuck together.
We wrote our names in blood.

I adore that song. I swear Paramore just can't go wrong. Ever. Each song or album is always better than the other.

Yay, Ben liked the ff I wrote for him. If you want the link, here it is:; I can't be asked to explain.

Gonna go now, bye kittens XOXO.

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