Tuesday 29 September 2009

greetings from reg and mel.

Wow, haven't posted a blog post in about three to four days. I feel weird about it -ha, italktosnakes blog quote. I really love her videos so much. Heehee.

Ok, trying to list all the things that have happened recently that I can blog about. Hm.

Right, I gave my Peter Pan ff that started off as a self-insert that no-one apart from Kate was supposed to read, to my English teacher as a sample of my writing, to see if I could submit it for my GCSE Original Writing coursework thing. So, I did, and I seriously lost sleep over what he would think.

I mean, I know Kate and the rest of my friends like it because they love me and that helps to love anything I create, however, I don't like people I'm not particularly close to reading it. And I want to make a good impression on Mr. Berry, so I was hesitant about giving it in.

Then, when I asked him what he thought of, he, a bit to casually for my liking, said he really enjoyed doing it but that there were some mistakes with the speech punctuation (to be exact, I put commas after the pause to introduce the next speech bit, because in my whole life I've been writing commas there instead of full stops).

Anyway, he called me up a few lessons after that situation, and he talked to me about it shortly but meaningfully, and said that if I had officially given that in I would have got an A, because that's what it was worth. Yay!

Hm. Carrying on with my life.

Ah! Got my haircut and it's really short. Like, Haruhi Suzumiya short. Which I guess is good because I'm cosplaying as her in 26 days, but still, it looked way longer when wet. Stupid child.

Ok ok ok ok ok. Talk about something else Mel. Quick.

Well, I guess a lot of stuff happened Sunday. Ah yes, I was writing a blog post in my head whilst sitting down on the Church floor, leaning against the wall.

So, my mum leaves a note on the kitchen table so that when I wake up I know that I'm expected to actually go to Church.

So, yeah, I eat my toast like a maniac and slip into my jeans vair vair quickly and skillfully. Then my mum barges in and drags me out of the house when I was brushing my teeth.

So (third 'so), we get there, late as usual, so there are no seats for us. We stand there like lemons for about 20 minutes until I give up trying to look dignified, and give in to my inner obese-ness and slouch down against the wall we were standing in front of.

Then, there were this adorable blond curly haired child, who once looked over my way noncholantly. So I made my school picture face (i.e. close eyes very tightly and smiled widely without showing ze teeth). And it laughed. So it kept looking my way, from over its father's lap and over the side and back of the seat.

Because I don't believe that much in God (i.e. not at all really), I just did that for the whole mass. I really enjoy joking around with small children. And I heart their laughter.

GAH, dinner :****

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