Thursday 23 July 2009

woo. third post. and no-one cares.

maybe i'll show this blog to kate. maybe she'll appreciate it. who knows.

went to the beach today again, and had a blast.

i am quite proud of myself for being, practically, an expert on ocean safety.

seriously, my friends do not know when to duck, or when to go over a wave.

sara asked me how i knew when to do so.

"it's common sense." i had replied, my tone leaning towards a scoff. i didn't mean to be rude, but it just seems so obvious to me.

didn't drown once, and my face is slightly tinged with sunburn. it doesn't sting, but it looks like i have a permanent blush. i'm secretly thrilled, because blushing reminds me of shoujo, and in shoujo, blushing girls always get cute guys.

i just noticed that if i stop typing for a bit, blogger automatically saves my post as a draft. which is convenient and thoughtful of it, i guess.

hm. i wanna finish my haruhi fanfic, but i have nothing to write. besides, the way it's going now, it's kinda going towards a sex scene. i am not comfortable with writing lemons, especially when i have actually never experienced sexual intercourse.

ah, what to do, what to do.

my father has just decided to be a douche, and has just said that i need to go upstairs in ten minutes.

ooh, new criminal intent; i can tell by the new theme tune. it's more badass.

hm. what are we gonna do about swine flu? anyone? feel free to comment. seriously. i have no life.

imma go now, um criminal intent zu sehen.


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