Wednesday 30 September 2009

novacaine for the soul.

For those who haven't seen Bandslam (i.e. have a bit more of a life than I do), that means school. It's what the dude calls it, and once I found out what novacaine (actually, I think it's novocaine, but whatever) is I found that line extremely poetic and bee-yoo-tee-full.

Ok ok ok, I didn't quite get to finish my blog the other day where I let the pervs know what had been happening in my life.

Kate is a whore. Seriously. We were meant to be meeting up Monday but then now she's grounded. And that really, really sucks so much. Eurgh. She says there is a slim chance that she may be coming if she behaves and goes to church with no argument and does the chores and flute practice without her mother asking. So, yeah.

Gave in my edited Peter Pan ff today, and I doubt I'll get sleep tonight. Stupid tummy with stupid butterflies.

Lost my train of thought.


I really like semi colons and the word 'twice'. I mean, people'll be like, "Oh, you're weird." and I'll be like, "So's your mum. You should see the stuff she's into." And they'll get all flustered and be like, "You had sex with my mum?" And I'll just shrug, do the peace sign and say, "Twice."

Or something along the lines of that. And then Jacob will laugh. I really like it when Jacob's laughs for some reason; it makes me happy. It doesn't seem like he's laugh at me in a mean way, just in a way that it's charming? Or amusing? I dunno, it just doesn't seem that he's making fun of me. He always does a face palm and shakes his head. And that makes me really happy for some reason.

Yay. New Nostalgia Critic. I do miss Nostalgia Chick though. I hope her new video comes out reeeeeeeal soon. I love her so much. She iz so weetty.

Wow, it's actually quite funny. I actually haven't finished a NC video in about forever. They just get to boring. But this one's actually not that bad. Just laughed again.

And again. His Vanilla Ice jokes are actually so brilliant. Pure melted golden nuggets of awesome. Or something like that. I didn't quite catch what Kate said exactly.

Right ok. Let's actually talk about my life now.

WOW. SWEET CANDY COATED JESUS. THAT'S AMAZING. Or, GLORIOUS. Kate decided that it's too good a word to not use as much as they can. And I agree, so I will as well.

Ok, Melanie focus on life.

I think the only thing I left out from the other day was how the conversations me and Kate had on Saturday went. We talked about numbers and names. I really like the name Henrietta or Harriet. I just like really old-fashioned names that can have like, masculine nicknames. Maybe Georgina or something as well. I think it's just inspired from Fruits Basket, where they say that Tohru's name is like adding salt to something sweet to enhance its flavour. I want my daughter to be that kind of girl too.

Anyway, we talked about names for numbers as well. Like twice, or thrice. Thrice is really underrated. I think the only time I've really heard it was in Romeo and Juliet. Y'know? "You have thrice disturbed the quiet of our streets." - Prince. Was he called Prince? I think so. I know he was black in the film.

We had a picture marathon as well. It included me pointing at a "NO DOG MESS" lampost, Kate posing with a "Clean up your dog crap" wall, and both of us with a wall that said "DRACULA". They were pretty immense. Meh.

I have to do my English speech tomorrow. That's fun. The fun is definitely silent. No, I'm just quoting Meekakitty now. I'm actually pretty ok with my speech. I mean, it's just standing in front of the class talking about Twilight. I could make it up on the spot. I wonder what he thought of my story. Hmm.

Watching the NChick review of Armageddon again. Why? Because Melanie's life consists of: manga, vloggers, writing and NChick. I mean, there's my family and friends, and school too obviously. But, those are the things that make me smile. Ooh! And Grey's Anatomy. God, I miss Grey's Anatomy. So much. It's like a giant chasm in my life.

I've only done one semi colon in this blog, I think. That makes me cry. It's probably 'cos my punctuation in my blogs suck ass. I'm sorry world. Or just Kate and pervs, seeing as they are the only ones who actually bother to read this shit. My keyboard is behind. When I press a key, it takes like half a second for it to appear on the screen. Oh. It's good now.

Gotta go now. I have no more inspeerashun.

*scrolls up the post*.

Yeah it's long enough. That's what she said.

Merani, xoxo.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

greetings from reg and mel.

Wow, haven't posted a blog post in about three to four days. I feel weird about it -ha, italktosnakes blog quote. I really love her videos so much. Heehee.

Ok, trying to list all the things that have happened recently that I can blog about. Hm.

Right, I gave my Peter Pan ff that started off as a self-insert that no-one apart from Kate was supposed to read, to my English teacher as a sample of my writing, to see if I could submit it for my GCSE Original Writing coursework thing. So, I did, and I seriously lost sleep over what he would think.

I mean, I know Kate and the rest of my friends like it because they love me and that helps to love anything I create, however, I don't like people I'm not particularly close to reading it. And I want to make a good impression on Mr. Berry, so I was hesitant about giving it in.

Then, when I asked him what he thought of, he, a bit to casually for my liking, said he really enjoyed doing it but that there were some mistakes with the speech punctuation (to be exact, I put commas after the pause to introduce the next speech bit, because in my whole life I've been writing commas there instead of full stops).

Anyway, he called me up a few lessons after that situation, and he talked to me about it shortly but meaningfully, and said that if I had officially given that in I would have got an A, because that's what it was worth. Yay!

Hm. Carrying on with my life.

Ah! Got my haircut and it's really short. Like, Haruhi Suzumiya short. Which I guess is good because I'm cosplaying as her in 26 days, but still, it looked way longer when wet. Stupid child.

Ok ok ok ok ok. Talk about something else Mel. Quick.

Well, I guess a lot of stuff happened Sunday. Ah yes, I was writing a blog post in my head whilst sitting down on the Church floor, leaning against the wall.

So, my mum leaves a note on the kitchen table so that when I wake up I know that I'm expected to actually go to Church.

So, yeah, I eat my toast like a maniac and slip into my jeans vair vair quickly and skillfully. Then my mum barges in and drags me out of the house when I was brushing my teeth.

So (third 'so), we get there, late as usual, so there are no seats for us. We stand there like lemons for about 20 minutes until I give up trying to look dignified, and give in to my inner obese-ness and slouch down against the wall we were standing in front of.

Then, there were this adorable blond curly haired child, who once looked over my way noncholantly. So I made my school picture face (i.e. close eyes very tightly and smiled widely without showing ze teeth). And it laughed. So it kept looking my way, from over its father's lap and over the side and back of the seat.

Because I don't believe that much in God (i.e. not at all really), I just did that for the whole mass. I really enjoy joking around with small children. And I heart their laughter.

GAH, dinner :****

Saturday 26 September 2009

sitting on reggie's lap.

YAAAAAAAAAAAY. I love it when NChick has a new video, she makes me giggle so much. I'm glad she's out of her 'movie coma'. Yes. Quite.

Ok, anyway. New things in my life:

- OBSESSION WITH REGGIE THE MAD HATTER. Seriously, how can anyone hate him? He's the Mad Hatter with practically a six pack. His nose and freckles are his charm. I wouldn't love him if he didn't have them. That's why I tied him to my bed, but then dragged him down here so that I could sit on his lap. So here I am.

Oh, is that a pencil or is he just excited to see me? I'm sorry, that was horrible. Pencils have nothing to do with the Mad Hatter whatsoever.

Ah, and I went to town today. With Kate, obviously.

Talked a lot. As we usually do. I was tired so it was kind of hard to make conversation, but by the end it was coming out pretty easily. That's what she said.

So, we saw the attractive-manga-reading-guy today again. As I waited for Kate, I picked up some manga and went to sit down to read it, obviously. I went to sit down, and there he was. It took a while to sink in who he was, but when it did, I smiled like crazy and texted Kate fervently.

So we walked around chatting loudly and giggling when we realised what we were doing. He eventually went downstairs, probably to avoid us.

Then we bought iced frappe's; mine strawberry, hers chocolate.

I actually can't wait 'til the new Disney film. It looks like what Disney used to be. Besides, it has the same directors as the Little Mermaid and Aladdin; 'nuff said.


I'm trying to think of something interesting we did today.

Oh! I learnt what a 'baker's dozen' today. It means thirteen. I won't get ino why that is, because there is Google.

I put Paramore's new album on my ipod today. I love Playing God even though on my ipod, it's spelt wrong (PLaying Gog). It's really good.

Next time you point your finger, I'll point you to the mirror.

It's catchy.

I can hear Strictly Come Dancing ending as I type this, so I'll probably have to get up soon and go to bed. Meh. I wanna blog more.

Reggie <33333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333333.

I miss QPG. I really do. I kind of forget to look for him most of the time, but then later, when I'm all alone in my room and I'm the only one awake, I lay there I replay everything over in my head again. Not only when we met, but the day I had as well, so that maybe I can have some reassurance that he does live in Brighton and that's he's still in this world.

I lost the game.

Seriously, if I ever find out he's dead, I will never look at life the same way again.

Blaaaargh. No inspeerashun. I love spelling it that way.

Wow, I haven't thought of Peter Pan in a while (and by that I mean, a couple of hours).

Watching Doug's, or the Nostalgia Critic, top 20 movies. It actually quite good.

Top five now.

Gonna wrap this up now, so yeah, bye XOXO.

Friday 25 September 2009

the laziest blog ever.

And I don't know why, but the 'laziest' looks like it's spelled wrong. Even the computer says it's right but it just looks wrong.

Today was full of drama. Eurgh. I hate winter. It takes the ability to breathe through one's nose from me. I hate having a cold.

Anyway, today was the cervical cancer jabs, meaning that all the girls were twittering hysterically, and the classroom was filled with conversations that go along the lines of, "Apparently, you can get paralyzed from it.", and, "Apparently some girl just fainted!".

All except for me, who wasn't taking the jab. The why? Because my mum was kind of worried about the consequences that may occur had I taken it, but I was indifferent to it, so she was weighing on whether to take it or not. So, we decided that we'd think about it a little longer and then, should we decide that I would take it, we'd just have it at the doctors.

But, the unofficial story -i.e. the one I told everyone-, was "I'm adopted and my mum wants me to get cervical cancer."
Can you believe that some people actually believed me? Do I look like a neglected child? I mean, I know I'm underweight, but I still don't think that I appear that malnourished. Do I? DO I?!

Wow, I finished Lock And Key today by Sarah Dessen. Was good, I really like her writing. It seems really meaningful but I think she lacks in dialogue and explaining what the room looks like. But, I like how she always explains her thoughts.

16.2% of the new Paramore album downloaded. What a piss take. God.

I showed my English teacher my Peter Pan fanfiction yesterday, and my stomach was churning in anticipation as I was walking towards MG3. Seriously, I don't mind people like Kate or Leah or anyone reading them because I know, because they love me, whereas Mr. Berry sees amazing writing all the time, and I just put so much of my soul into my writing that I take it personally when someone doesn't like it.

But he said he enjoyed reading it. Really enjoyed reading it. He commented on how my punctuation in speech needed work though, but that's ok. At least I made him happy, I guess? It was a bit of a short review if it was one, but he doesn't know that to me, when it comes to reviews, less is never more.

Ooh, what to write, what to write.

I feel bad trying to stretch my blog out as long as I can, but I enjoy scrolling down my page and admiring the length of my little blogs. Hihi.
Btw, hihi is pronounced heehee to me. I"m sorry, I hope you can understand; or at least accept it.

Yeah, The friends who stuck together.
We wrote our names in blood.

I adore that song. I swear Paramore just can't go wrong. Ever. Each song or album is always better than the other.

Yay, Ben liked the ff I wrote for him. If you want the link, here it is:; I can't be asked to explain.

Gonna go now, bye kittens XOXO.

Wednesday 23 September 2009

insert original and creative title here.

Yay. Watching Natalie yet again. Because I'm so not obsessed. Oh, no. I don't find her hilarious or anything like that. If you think I do, that's a LIE.


Btw, the little asterix means some time as passed since I last touched the computer. But it's in the same day. Right ok.

Well, today, after PHSE, Leah was telling Kate off for not talking about her enough in her blog. It was then I realise that I don't really mention her that much either. I started to feel fairly guilty, and so started to write this very paragraph in my head as we walked to the cantine.

What the fuck is wrong with the text box thingy? Seriously. I'm British. I spell things differently, please just leave me alone. Eurgh.

Had alright lessons today. English - score. I seriously like English this year, even though all Leah and George do is bitch about how all we do is read and copy off the board. In that order. But, I enjoy English and Mr. Berry's lovely. I get it this year as well, since we worshipped semi-colons, commas, apostrophes and etc, so I know quite a lot about them.

Made a deal with my mum. I now have a schedule. Here it goes:

Monday: P.E.
Tuesday: Swimming.
Wednesday: Cycling.
Thursday: I think Japanese lessons are that day, if I'm allowed to take them.
Friday: Piano/Violin (Can't decide which ones and so yeah).
Weekend: I do what the fuck I want. Yay.

Isn't that sweet? My mum's trying to get me a life. That's lovely. Just bee-youteefull. It has a hyphen because that's how I say it. bee (TINY ICKLE PAUSE) youteeful. Oh and it's beeYOUteefull.

Wow, I'm having fun with the bold button today aren't I? Whoop.

Calvin had a friend round today. He's still here, but his mum has just arrived. Ha, arrived. Get it? Get it?

Ok, screw that schedule. It's not all entirely accurate. May be doing aerobics. Damn.

Kay, gonna play blockles or something now.

Bye, XOXO.

Tuesday 22 September 2009

biggest scare of my life.

God, there's a little 'Telugu' button that I hadn't noticed before, and it was pressed, meaning that the writing was coming out లికె థిస్ (like this). Wait, gonna go make a salad, brb.
Wow that was fun. Minus the fun. Seriously, that took nearly twenty minutes to make. It has cucumbers, tomatoes and carrots. Wow, I'm describing the salad I just made. That makes me that little bit cooler. My arm aches. From grating. How healthy am I?! Apparently not very. Our new grater sucks. Seriously, it's so shit. It doesn't GRATE, it totally defeats the point of itself. Jeez.

I really can't be bothered to write a blog today, especially since I've already written one, even though it was reeeeally short. Mimimimi.

Heh. Today was ok. I guess.

Hm, trying to remember my best letter. I mean lesson. Can't remember. Argh.

Dinner, now. Imma go eat now.



ict, once again.

In my ICT lesson once again, but I finish my work quickly so it's ok.

Just read Kate's blog and it made me smile. She said my blogs are awesome, and that was really naice of her. Yey.

Gonna go now though before Miss McCann reads this.


Monday 21 September 2009

school blog.

Ok, so I'm in ICT at the moment and I'm dead. Just had PE, and did a sixteen minute run. I can feel myself sweating and I feel disgusting.

I really want to just have a shower.

Anyway, I should really get back to my work, so, yeah. I just wanted to write a quick blog. Teacher just caught me and just laughed, but I've finished the work so yeah.

Bye kittens, XOXO.

Sunday 20 September 2009


Wow, I'm so sad I'm writing this post as I listen to the song, Belle, from Disney's Beauty and Beast. Y'know the one:

Little town,
It's a quiet village,
Ev'ry day,
Like the one before,
Little town,
Full of little people,

Waking up to say:


Bonjour! Bonjour! Bonjour!

Ah, I am such a geek.

But it's ok, now I'm listening to Meekakitty ramble about she played the feather duster, Babette, in her high school production of the musical.

Wah, blogging is so difficult. Especially when you have NO INSPEERASHUN. I love spelling it like that. I love writing things in that sort of way. And writing 'teh' and 'liek'.

I am so cool.

Wow, I hope when, or if, someday this blogs is ever read by anyone besides old men and Kate, that they understand my sarcasm. Otherwise, they'll just think I'm weird. They'll judge me.

If you ask Kate, you'll know that I don't like to be judged. I like people to get to know me better so that they can get the full effect of Merani.

Meranium. It should so be an element. I should call up all the scientists I know so that they can discover a new one and call it Meranium. I would be willing to seduce them in order for them to do that. I'm such a little whore.

No, seriously, for future readers, I don't even have a boyfriend. So, I really am joking when I say I'm a whore. Because, if I am, I'm good for everything but sexual intercourse.

The whole calling me a whore thing started when I did something, and then Leah and Lauren were on the bus and Leah exclaims, "We're friends with a whore."

See, to me and my friends, when we call each other whores and bitches, we don't mean it in the context that people assume we do. I mainly just say it because I feel bad when I use 'gay' as an insult. Meh.


Just had lunch. Twas chicken with mushrooms and peas and carrots. And chips! Why do people not like musrooms? They're really not that bad. I liked them. Quite a lot.

I wouldn't specifically ask for them, but, y'know, if they're there, I'll eat them. I wouldn't really say I love them, but I don't mind them. Ooh, once I went to a Japanese restaurant and the chef knew my great-auntie, who was the one who invited us out, and so he was making random bits of food and feeding it to us. One of them, was mushrooms fried in butter, and it was lovely.

I tried it at home and my mum liked it, so she always brags that I can cook, and there's me sitting there like, 'Er, I make omelettes and jacket potatoes, so don't make me look like something I'm not. Douche.'

Obviously, I always say it in my head. Because she usually tells my Brazilian relatives these things, and 'Douche' cannot be translated because I know not of a word in the Portuguese language that is the equivalent of 'Douche'. Why do I keep using the capital letter 'D' on Douche? See? There I go again.

It's George's birthday today. I hope I'm not invited to do whatever it is he's doing. I mean, that sounds bad, but I'm not that fond of George at the moment. No, I like George, it's just that interacting with human beings seems so bleeegh at the moment. I mean, I'll have to talk to Emily, and Tom and just some random people I've never seen.

Also, I always get the idea that they all judge me by what I wear. It's like I wear jeans and a t-shirt like everyone else there, but it just seems like they look at me like, 'What are you wearing?". It's just annoying.

Besides, I love wearing shorts and tights together, but I can't do that at George's because of Shadow and Crash, and I'd get fur all over my lovely black tights.

So I'd have to wear my skinny jeans and I don't like them that much, at least, as much as I used to. I want a skirt to wear with my tights, so that I can vary my 'look'. Seriously, all I wear out are my shorts.


I just looked up how many words this blog had up to the 'Hmmm', and there were 693. I s'pose that's good.

Oh dear, I have to admit watching Natalie makes me want to at least go to Australia. Well, it's not just Natalie, it's the book I've just read as well, Lucy in the Sky. It's really good. It's by Paige Toon, and her writing reminds me of Sophie Kinsella, who wrote the Shopaholic series and some other random books who are also quite enjoyable.

Here's the cover:

It really is quite ok-ish. It's kind of mature, but the sexual scenes are very brief and there's nothing too explicit. Seriously, I'm fourteen and it's nothing I couldn't handle.

I really miss reading Meg Cabot. I love her. I really should get round to reading her last installment of the Princess Diaries. I wonder if she'll really just settle for J.P. I kind of hope Michael will heroically and dramatically return from Japan, but I don't think he will.

855 words. Yay.

I want a fish.

Gah, bug just flew in my hair. Shake it out.

Shake, shake, shake shake, shake it! SHAKE EET.

I think that I'm going to wrap this up quickly now, so bye kittens *quote Meekakitty*.


Saturday 19 September 2009

and then there was the morning after.

Wow, I really didn't mean to just post a blog without actually writing anything. I just pressed the enter button by accident and shit happened.

See? There I go again swearing. I really should try to widen my vocabulary. Like Kate. She has a pretty wide vocabulary.

Right, my train of thought is leaving me. Gyah, come back! Come baaack!

Ok, got it. Yay.

So yesterday was fun. Really, super fun.

I didn't really get to summarise the night because, well, it wasn't over yet, but now I sit here at 9:37am; obviously, it's morning and the night is literally over. I reckon I'll blog about the the rest of the day when I get home later, but for now, it's what we did yesterday *GAHSEMICOLON*.

Firstly, Lauren, Sophie and I, for some reason, sat in the kitchen drinking Orangade. I had the opposite feeling of deja-vu if you get me; it was like I had the sensation that I would be someone like this in the future. Y'know, gossiping over a cup of tea *coughFIZZYDRINKScough*.

So we spent about 45 minutes just talking about, well, nothing, I'm guessing, since nothing comes to mind at the moment. Apart from April. Because we are all fairly different people, but the one thing we have in common is our hatred for that girl.

Then we sat in Lauren's room 'cos we got kicked out of the kitchen. I didn't mind because I was sitting quite awkwardly on the bread cutting board, feeling quite guilty and uncomfortable. So that was fun. The fun is definitely silent *quote Meekakitty for about the 100th time in my life*.

Somehow -and I really do mean 'somehow'; I'm not just being lazy, I really don't remember-, we got onto taking pictures on the built-in camera on Lauren's tiny, tiny laptop.

Ah, I know that I was introducing Letterblox to Lauren and we were manically screaming when we lost, so I think Lauren thought that it was be funny to see pictures of our failures later on in life. Or maybe she just wanted to take pictures, who knows. I'm not Edward, I can't read minds *quoter Kate's blog. Yay*.

Eventually, we moved onto pictures with props, such as cool/dorky glasses and pigtails and gloves and just anything found in Lauren's room. I just went up there and it's so messy I laughed. Sorry, Lauren.

The pictures were awesome, but we were pretty drunk on air back then, so I probably thought I was an averagely attractive person.

I look so bad right now it's unreal. I hate mornings.

Anyway, we then went downstairs to do the Derren Brown thing, which didn't fucking work.

So, yeah, we just lazed around and at around one o'clock in the morning watched the VMAs. They really aren't that good to watch on TV. I mean, the people in the crowd look like they're having the time of their lives.

But sitting at home in the wee hours of the morning watching it just made my eyelids heavy. But, no, I'm not gonna summarise the VMAs because I am lazy and it's really just a slightly boring blur.

I guess the highlight was the NEW MOON TRAILER NUMBER THREE. I'll watch it repeatedly for the next few weeks and I'll be more excited about it then. I mean, I love Twilight -obviously, but it was just so early and I was so tired so I was kind of like, "Wow. Yay. I wonder how long it's gonna be. Oh ok. Over. Awesome. Amazing. Going to bed now."

So we watched about another twenty minutes of the VMAs and decided that sleep would be a beautiful thing to do then. And, oh God, it was.

But my neck really hurts 'cos I slept in an awfully weird position. I wanna wash my hair. So much.

Ooh, there was an airshow at school today, and that was pretty cool. I've never seen one before, like live. It was during the fire alarm.

Gawd, what to blog about I wonder. This is a shortish post. I do not approve.

But inspiration is gone and train of thought left the station to quietly I didn't even notice.

So, bye.

Friday 18 September 2009

at lauren's.

I've decided to be lazy and not write into that post after all, since I'm in a completely different area/house, so yeah.

Just watched Derren Brown. Well, I say just but me and Lauren have been playing 'Letterblox' for about an hour. And winning 17 times btw. We are so awesome I swear.

Seriously, there are people in my class who are getting sent to hospital because of drinking and partying too much, and here I am with a practically pocket sized laptop on my lap on a Friday night.

I'm wearing Lauren's pijama bottoms, because my mum is annoying and dogdily (that's so spelt wrong) cut my overly long pijama bottoms, because they "dragged along the floor and spread dust around the house". Why does she care? I always end up sweeping the floor, even if it is my brother's job, anyway.

Anyway, Derren Brown was supposed to have 'glued me to my seat', but I got up just as easy as I would have done after the deranged video he showed. I think it's because deep down, my cynicalness won over.

I do believe that it could have worked on other people though, because it's not a magic trick, and it's more to do with psychology. I am interested in psychology, and am thinking about taking it for my A Levels, instead of German.

I realised this year that German is only easy mit ('with' in German) Ms. Marsh. I like Ms. Hodd's enthusiam and just general boisterous-ness, but so far she hasn't taught anything intirely focused on my GCSE's, whereas Ms. Marsh only talks about A*'s and et cetera.

I told Kate that I wouldn't blog today, but I'm taking advantage of the fact that everyone else is concentrating on the riveting episode of Criminal Intent, which, this time, is about NASA. Or maybe NSA, since that's what the sign just said.

But, yeah, this is the first blog I've done since July without Natalie in the background I think, which is weird. I thought that it would be impossible to be able to type without her rambling on about situations that I have mostly been through.

I had French and German just after the other, which was unsettling and confusing. My mind was all jumbled up with four different languages, which was awesome. Minus the awesome *Meekakitty quote*.

Lauren is currently debating with her mother, Jeanette, and her father, Chris, whether they are going up to bed now (11:53pm), or not.

They just protested and said that they are planning to watch all of the Lord of the Rings films. And I believe they are about three hours long each of something. If that's the case, and they do, I doubt we'll ever watch the VMAs.

I can't wait to see Kanye West act even more like a d*ckhead. I don't know why I put an asterix there, since I said 'fuck' in my other blog post. I would go back and backspace over it, but that would mean deleting this whole paragraph, and I want to beat Kate at longness of blogs, so I won't. Pretend I actually siad dickhead.

Oh, Chris just announced he's going to bed. He just asked if we're watching 'Wizards of Waverly Crescent'. That's funny, 'cos it's Waverly Place, but Lauren lives on Waverly Crescent. I get it.

I wonder how long this post is gonna be. I hope long enough to make Kate writhe in pain on the floor at the sheer brilliance of it. Well, I don't actually hope it hurts. That wouldn't be naice. Not at all.

Lauren is reading this over my shoulder. Well, I'm on the sofa and she kind of leaned over so that her head was sort of hovering over my lap.

We're re-watching parts of the Derren Brown thing. I, for some reason, hate to admit it, but he really is a clever man. He makes me want to learn more about psychology.

Chris is just gone up to bed, and I'm gonna help Lauren make ours -Sophie is here too btw. Don't know if I mentioned that, but I'm too lazy to proof-read.

Lauren is making the beds at my feet and I feel mean just typing away, so salut mon amie!


Thursday 17 September 2009

just bored, really.

Just feel like I should start my new blog post, so that I'm at least a leetle ahead of Keitou-chan.

I really dislike Facebook. Really. What's the big fuss about? It's just so overly and unnecessarily complicated with all the games that no-one really,
really enjoys playing.

Those who play them in their spare time, have even less of a life than me. And that's saying something.

Ooh, my father just finished making bread in the bread machine we happen to have. It has seeds because my dad loves organicness more than he loves me.

Maybe I'll eat it with butter. Maybe I won't.

Who am I kidding? I only eat bread I don't like with butter. I'm a wuss and I don't being too ballsy when it comes to food I haven't eaten before. Mostly.

I mean, when I'm on holiday, I feel like I have to make the most of the money my parents are spending on this trip, so I try most things.

When I go to Japan, I'll eat fuck all. And by that I mean that I'll eat everything.

I say that because I know that 'fuck all' can be used to say, 'everything' or 'nothing'. Whatever. I lost the game.

God, I haven't lost the game in forever. Or at least that's what it feels like.

I really need to go have the bread in a second, and by 'second' I mean now. So this'll be one of those blogs with an asterix to show the next half has been written in a later time period. Besides, Criminal Intent is on.

So screw y'alls.


out-blogging kate.

Yes, it just has to be done.

Seriously, I feel ashamed that she has more posts than me -I've had a blog for longer. Oh, the shame.

No, I'm really just happy someone reads my blog, especially Kate, whose mind I always get a tiny little glimpse into. Which reminds me, she probably hasn't written in that for a long time. That makes me sad.

God, I should really stop watching Natalie whilst writing blogs, seeing as they are SO DAMN DISTRACTING. GAWD.

So, I had multiple thoughts today about what to write into this blog, but now it's just crept out of my mind very, very sneakily. So, go figure.

Well, I know that I decided to use my Peter Pan ff for some good (ie. For my English original writing). Seriously, I really like that ff and I think it's probably one of the best I've written, like ever. I really like my character, Harriet, and her chemistry with Peter is actually so noticeable.

I asked Mr. Berry if I could copy Kate and do ff for my creative/original writing, like how she re-wrote Beauty and the Beast. He said I could, and a rush of relief just washed over me completely -because, fanfiction, I can
so do.

Really, just ask Ben or Kate or any of the overly beautiful and fantastic people who review my stories positively. Or even un-positively (blegh, just realised that should be 'negatively'), because constructive criticism is good! *cheesy thumbs up and wink*.


Just had dinner.

I was a guinea pig to my Dad's new spontaneous recipe type thing. He made salmon, with peas and spinach. It was rather nice and I ate it all really quickly.

Then, I had creams and strawberries. I say that because I drowned my strawberries completely in that deeleesheeus cream. God, how am I underweight? It just doesn't compute at all.

Kate just came online and she likes my picture. So do I. I just love the 'Brightness/Contrast' button sooo much. It makes me smile like crazy. That's a lie. It's just a really happy smile.

God, I realised today how much I think about the Quantum Physics guy.

To all you pervs, I'm sorry, I'm taken. I met an extremely attractive guy with shaggy blonde curly hair that was kind of leaning to dreads -well I say met, but I spoke to him once and waved very dorkily at him once.

Anyway, I casually mentioned to Kate that I love the expression, "She looked at me like I could juggle while explaining quantum physics."

Then, the guy, who we had so nonchalantly commented on his awesome hair, turned around and said, "I'm sorry, I just tuned into the last part of the conversation -did you just say you can juggle whilst explaining quantum physics?"

And after clearing up that situation, we crossed the road where he was also crossing and I waved like a retarded retard. Eurgh.

Anyway, my heart, I swear to God, was racing the whole time me and Kate walked to the station and whenever she talked about how his body language showed that he liked me too, something inside my chest tightened; it was like my heart was too fat for my ribcage *OMGSEMICOLON.*

But, whatever, I had an argument with myself with walking up the stairs of Cashman building.

It went the along the lines of:

"I could so base my English story on my situation with QPG (Quantum Physics Guy)."

"No. Because you don't love him."

"But I really like him."

"But you don't even know his name. You can't even whisper it in to the night -that's so lame."

"Hey, you're me. You like him too."

"No I don't."

"Yes you don't."

"No I don't. I don't think his hair is beautiful."

"Oh yeah (!) You don't wonder what it smells like either."

"Yep, totally. I don't want his blonde, shaggy, curly haired children or anything."

"I so know what you mean (!) Me neither."

"... I miss him."

"Yeah, me too."

So, both of me agree now that I'd so have, all five, of his gorgeous children. Jus' sayin'.

My father and brother are both watching that film Martin Lawrence with Raven Symoné. It's like, called College Road Trip or something. It seems ok.

Brenda Song is in it as well, and I really do love her. Or, just really like her a whole lot. Whatever. She seems like nice people, and I would be friends with her.

HOLY JEEBUS. I am listening/kind-of-watching Natalie and she just said that she wacthes Grey's Anatomy.

Me and Natalie can sooo be besties now. I love Grey's. More than I should, probably. But not likely. I'm sure I love Grey's just the perfect amount.

That's a lie -I would so have sex with Dr. Sloan.

Well, never mind. She didn't say Grey's Anatomy. Fuck.

Btw, here's a lame joke:

"What did Sushi A say to Sushi B? Wasabi!"

Isn't that just the epitome (I love the word) of awesome? Seriously.

I'm really just dragging this blog along so that it's so much longer than Keitou-chan's. Problem is, that I don't know how long hers is gonna be.

I need more lame jokes to make this so much longer.

If I were Meekakitty, I'd do some lip synching, but I can't really do that with a blog. At all. C'est impossible.

Maybe, I should do some song lyrics?

Nah, can't be bothered.

And this blog is just getting ridiculously long now, and I really don't mean that I want to out blog Kate. I just say it as a joke. I enjoy reading her blog, and I prefer ff to blogging anyday.


I guess you could say that she's the inspiration and motivation for this post, so I love her more than most things I love. So, yes.

Bye bye bye bye bye my almost lover.

Wednesday 16 September 2009

watching vlogs and blogging.

Hi *little wave*.
Sorry, been watching that Natalie, and, like Meekakitty, she's contagious. BLAAGH.
But yes, life has seem to taken a slight liking to me, thus deciding I'm not such a douchebag after all, thus my life not sucking so much.

School started recently, and most of my lessons I am accompanied by either Leah, Kate, Lauren, George etc. Except for IT, where we have a seating plan, but that's ok -I don't talk to anyone in IT anyway, even in Year Nine.

Well, I suppose only Kate is going to be reading this blog, but I'll talk as if more people are reading this anyway, instead of just directly talking to her. Maybe pervish old men are reading this, in which case, I hope they like my writing.

I lost teh game (the 'teh was done purposely).

Today was fun, and I laughed a lot (or is it 'alot'? See! The computer just put a little red line underneath, but my Engreesh teachers tell me that's how it spelt).

That's mainly owed to the likes of Leah, Kate and Jacob I guess. Since, Olivia like, died or something (ie. Went to sit with some boys I don't know the names but know the faces of).

Gawd, I suck at blogging. Seriously. I write too many words wrong and I just can't type what I think all the time; there's just too much. *AHMAGEDSEMICOLON*.

Apparently I blog like a talk -does that mean I talk so uninteresting-ly?

I actually love just listening to vlogs I've already seen. Particularly Meekakitty because I'd go gay for her. Not really, but I actually love her so much. KYAH! KATE! SHAKE A BABY.

I wrote that at the exact same time that I heard her say it.

Wow, I so have a good life. Just not any life -a good life. I lie. I'm sorry. My life sucks BAWLS.

Have you noticed that when people say 'bowels', it sounds like they're saying 'balls' in a retarded accent/voice. Jus' sayin'.

Wow, that is the second time I've started a paragraph with 'wow'. Anyway, wow, there is an unfinished word document opened and it's sitting on my start bar thing, and it's screaming:


"But I have no inspeerashun!" *cries in a corner and cultivates mushrooms.*


Wow (third), I had to think about that before writing it. I love him, but I don't think I'd marry him. Mainly because I'd have to pause before writing my full name or having to spell it out, and be reminiscing on the days when it was just: "Cress. With a 'k'."

No, I'm joking, really. I love Vic, but I have the slightest suspicions that he's either: a) gay or b) married. Or all of the above, whatever. I still love him madly. *CALL MEE.*

I've noticed how I've sprinkled the asterix actions quite generously across this post. Hm.

Also, that I've been careful to write my 'I's as capitals and using all the grammar correctly, thus contradicting my first ever blog post. I'm sorry world *cough KATE cough*.

Yay, Natalie.

What I like about her is that she talks about situations I've been in, because they're so relatable, even if she's like, 20 years old. Wow, I want her 'Epic Win' t-shirt. It's awesome. And her 'FTW' one.

Her little roleplays are really cool too. They make me giggle.

Kate is a whore and won't read my blog. Because she says I smell. So, all you pervs, go to her house and tell her I smell like beautiful.

So, I think that's it. Imma go bathe because me and hygiene are BFFs. Really. Seriously.

XOXO, Mel.