Sunday 3 January 2010


Srsly. I have played Uno everyday since Friday. More than once a day as well. Addictive. It is my own personal brand of heroine. I've won a couple o' times too. Heh.

Saturday we had a BBQ. Not a pussy BBQ like you Americans, British or whatever. Latin America tend to be a leetle more hardcore, and have hench steaks and chicken wings and chicken legs and chicken hearts on the grill. Yes, chicken hearts. I promise you, it tastes better than it sounds. It's actually really nice, and my favourite part of any BBQ.

Lots of family came. People from my Dad's side. Auntie's I'd forgotten, and some I hadn't seen in nearly a decade, and cousins and such I had seen when I came here in March.

It was nice, but I spent the whole time sitting at a table with my cousin and godmother Cris, my cousin and her brother, Marcos, or Kiko, and her husband, Caio. And my cousin Bia. We chatted, joked and played Uno, of course. I showed off my Paramore armband to Cris, who, btw, I'm incredibly close to and love so, so much, saying that I went to a concert. Kiko asked whose concert, and I replied, 'Paramore.'

"Paramore?" he repeated. "You went to see Paramore?"

I nodded.

"Awe-some..." he gushed, looking to the sky.

My heart swelled with pride; he was the first who had actually heard of them here. He mentioned that his band was in the same genre of them and of others such as Coldplay and etc. I've decided since them so look out for them.

Decided to talk about my Brazilian cousins, all who I adore.

First, the eldest, Bia. She's eleven. Full name Maria Beatrice Pinto. She's the more motherly one out of the three. She looks more like her mother, who is not related to me by blood. She's shy and reserved, but also is friendly at the same time. She likes to read Turma da Monica comics, which is a nationally famous children's comic here in Braz(s)il, but all ages read them, because they're non-comitting and fun.

Then, Raquel, who is nine. She's the prettier one out of the three, in my opinion. She has nicely shaped brown eyes, a perfectly shaped nose and not too full nor not too thin shaped lips. She has a smile that could light up a room and a laugh as contagious as Calvin's. She's assertive and cheeky but also very sweet. I'd say she's very tomboyish, and gets along stunningly well with Calvin; probably as well as me and Caio get on, 'til this day. I look at her and can't help but smile, because I can see how well she's gonna do in life.

Then, Natalia. She's seven and just learnt to read, as they do here at this age. She's the sweetest and, despite not being so young anymore, still gets treated like a toddler because she's so adorable. She's also the most responsible, despite all her pampering. When she wakes up in the morning she makes her bed, brushes her teeth, gets changed and combs her hair. In that order. Every single day. Without being asked. She's also fairly assertive, and although there being no natural blondes in the family, she is, and she's also the one who tans with the most facility too.

Finally, Julia. Nine years old. I mentioned her last because the preceding three are sisters, and she isn't. She used to be the prettiest girl her age you could ever set eyes on. Polite, charming and sweet. Then, she inherited my round front teeth and eyebrows. Poor soul. At least I have orthodontary o fix mine, and she has to live a few years before she manages to obtain braces like I. And, she went through a terrible phase. She became snappy and rude and outrageously cheeky. Her parents divorced beforehand and both re-marrried and had children. It happened because her father had an affair. Her mother was loved by the whole family and it was sad to see her not be that much involved anymore; most took her side and began to despise the 'other woman'. My mum always made snide comments about her, and in front of her as well. Only recently did we become close to him again and forgave him.

Getting bored now, gonna wrap this up.


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