Monday 4 January 2010

trying out windows live writer.

Is this reallly gonna work? I hope it does. It’s thrilling in a sense. Gosh, aren’t I just the biggest slice of the cool cake?

Still my uncle’s, and still abusing his Wi-Fi and wasting his bandwidth. But, then again, what else is family for?

Today I played some Mario Galaxy and decided I’m awesome at it. My cousins call Calvin ‘Master’ because he’s so good at it, but I know I’m better. It’s because I’m special. I know I am. My mum says so. My dad doesn’t really, but it’s implied.

Gah. Finished the Notebook. Was a letdown. The film was better, despite how rather different it is to the book, because it focused more on the fiery love Noah and Allie had for each other. In the book, it’s just like, ‘Ah I loved her. Ah there she is, the one I loved. I remember the one summer we had where she was the one I loved. I love her again. Let’s have really unnaturally detailed sex by a fireplace… etc…” Then there’s a lot of sadness and then the end was just fairly wrong for me. Lauren will read this post so I don’t wanna ruin the end for her, but yeah… Just plain wrong.

Now, onto Persuasion by Ms Austen. Will start it tonight hopefully.

Speaking of starting things, last night I started Hana to Akuma and I was up until three in the morning reading it because it’s so addictive. Today, I caught up with it completely and am now up to date. Cannot wait for the new chapter! The preceeding one ended at such a cliffhanger.

Speaking of cliffhangers and not being able to wait, GREY’S ANATOMY BACK ON JANUARY 21ST. Kate told me today and I fangirled so hard. I have been waiting for this for about half a year now, I swear. It feels like a lifetime though. I mean, I need to know if either George or Izzy died. Or both! I mean, wtf! GAH. Srsly though, I’ve needed my Doctor McSteamy fix so bad.

Speaking of Sloan, I re-read my Amuto ff where I mention Grey’s and realised how much I like it. Ciara, link here:

Ra ra, ra ah ah, Roma ro ma ma, Ga ga ooh lala.

Best lyrics of all time.

Gonna go nao,


1 comment:

  1. Sounds like Brazil is turning out a bit less boring than you'd feared? (Unless your three posts in two days mean the opposite, haha.)

    I like how you use 'fangirl' as a verb. Unfortunately although I can appreciate that the slice of ff in your prev post was well written, I haven't seen the show it's from... It's called InuYasha, isn't it? I've heard about it.

    Happy New Year!!! You're right, the whole 'countdown' is very arbitrary - at the party that I was at, my phone said 11.53 and someone else's phone already said 12.04 when we actually celebrated midnight. But we could celebrate New Year's at 10pm or at 2am and it wouldn't matter, since it's kinda arbitrary anyway :)
