Tuesday 19 January 2010


Yeah, is what I did last night. Fun? No, not really. Strangely enough, I do actually like crying sometimes, just for the sake of it. To get it out of my system. If you're Kate, you'll know that I've fairly recently become a more emotionally moved person, and'll cry often at films and such.

Ok, so last night I cried because I was supposed to leave Brazil --finally!-- but didn't. Blahblahblah we're standby and yeah, no room on plane. Plane leaves. Leaves with us at the airport calling taxi and paying lotsa money because only big taxi fit all of our hench luggage. Pshyeah.

No, srsly though. We were really supposed to go this time. My mum said there was a big chance and that not that many people who were priority were getting on the plane and yaddahyaddahyaddah. I prayed for us to get on the plane. Prayed. I held my breath during two tunnels and wished for it. But, whatever. I learnt that 'a good chance' isn't always as... well, good as it seems.

So yeah, I cried. Then I cried harder because we were told the best day to leave was the 22nd. I cried because of school and I was missing a lot and how I was gonna catch up, but, if I'm being honest... GREY'S ANATOMYYYYYYYYYY! *SOBS HYSTERICALLY!* WAHHHHH. Gah. Now I'm over it and realise I'll just have to watch it on the following Wednesday.

On a positive note: I love açai. Love love love it. It's apparently very healthy and low in calories which is great. I mean, finally something delicious and healthy. I like most fruit and veg but I wouldn't pay R$2.00 for it in a pot with grains sprinkled on top.

Have watched a few films, charged my iPod, played some more Uno, seen my cousins a few times again, bonded with my dog and talked to her a bit. Yeah. It's awesome.

Speaking of my dog, I'm going to talk about her. She's called Pretinha, which translates into 'Little black' or it just means black plus, like, a term of endearment --'inha'. Yeah, I ran to say goodbye to her and cried because she looked so happy to see me and I knew she had no idea that I wouldn't see her 'til next year. So I kissed the top of her head and she licked my elbow and nose.

Then, of course, we got back. And she acted as if to say: "Wow. You're back! Hello! Wassup?" So, I guess she had no idea we were leaving.

Gonna go now,


PS. Kate!!! READ KANPAI. Go onto mangafox, type in Kanpai and click the name. It's longer, but Kanpai is like, the abbreviated.

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