Saturday 9 January 2010

only thirty six minutes left. dang.

At the bloody internet place again with only half an hour left so I'll be quick.

Ciara, thank you for the email updates on the weather. They have been very helpful and stuff. I miss you lots. Thank you for the picture of your dog.

Ok, since I blogged I:

- Taught my counsins 'The Game'. Which I just lost. Dang. And, well, that means that the first thing that one of them will say when they wake up, when they sleep over, is 'I lost the game', which is what I want to hear first thing in the morning. Well, not really morning, since I've been waking up at around ten. Isn't life grand?

- Watched the Phantom of the Opera and Atonement. Have been singing the tune since I have and love it. Mostly, 'The Phantom of the Opera is there... inside my mind!" Ciara, Gerard Butler was the Phantom, btw. I thought of you 'cause I remember talking to you about this film. Is it the original? Or another rendition? For a Joel Schumacher movie, it was very good. In fact, it was justa good film altogether. Atonement was ridiculously sad. Srsly, I just felt empty after it finished. Mah.

- Had my mother's father's side of the family round for a BBQ. The third one we've held since we came here. Unforch, this one had no chicken hearts which made me. At first, I was nervous about meeting the third coursins I had never met before, but then I relaxed when the ice was broken with a game of Uno, and various ones after that. I distinctly remember Daniel, who I now remember to have played Warrior Princess Xena or something or rather with on his PS1. He was vair amusing and had similar humour to me which was naice.

- Watched a lot of of Brazilian soaps, which are beyond awesome. Srsly, so much better than Eastenders or whatever. We have one at three-ish, which is always a repeat soap, then one at four-ish, which is always for pre-teens and stuff, then one at seven, which is still kinda pre-teen-ish. Like, the sorta thing pre-teens watch if they wanna feel mature. And then, one at eight, which usually everyone watches. I watch the eight o'clock one, and love it. It's so... latino. Exaggerated and dramatic. Some lady was engaged to a guy, but kind of was drawn to his twin. Then, she was in an accident and has to now be in a wheel chair, and finds the guy she was engaged to drift away because he can't quite handle it, so she spends more time with his twin, is beginning to like him, whilst he has always had feelings for her. Meanwhile, there is the issue of how she's still sort of in a fight with her best friend, because she seperated her parents because... DUM DUM DUM the bff slept with the dad of wheel chair girl. SRSLY. WHERE HAVE YOU SEEN SOAPS LIKE THIS? GAH. Insane. They only last about nine months, but in that space, 8 out of the 9 ladies or so will have babies. In the last eight o'clock one, there were eight children. WTF.

- Gawd. Apparently, coldest winter ever in both the US and UK. IT SNOWED IN FLORIDA. FLORIDA. That means I won't be back when I want to, probably. Gah. So, Lauren, you'll read this, and you'll know to tell Sophie and K8 not to bring stuff in on my birthday unless I say otherwise. Not that you'll be going to school but still. When I get back, I want to go see a film with you three and then you can sleep over. You don't have a choice. You can bring the stuff then.

See you soon,
-- Merani

1 comment:

  1. film sounds good. but we cant do it this weekend were going to sophies, so maybe another time... come to sophies if you want but basically no movie next weekend... if your back by then. better be im missing you
