Sunday 3 January 2010

fanfiction post.

I seriously need to write some ff. Desperately. And since this computer does not have Word, I'll post it here because I can. Ciara'll get a taste of my fluffy, fluffy writing too. Heh.


InuYasha lay down on the grass and closed his eyes. It was the perfect day; the sun was shining pleasantly, not too hot nor too cold; there was a light breeze making his hair tickle his face gently but most of all it was quiet. Blissfully quiet.

Miroku and Sango had gone to God knows where, while Shippo and Kirara had run off to explore the local forest. Kagome had also left him because she had one of her 'tests' again soon, and needed to 'study' so that she didn't 'fail'. Phbt. Not that he saw the point; it was days like this that he felt that they were wasting when they could be going after Naraku or some more shards of the jewel. Bunch o' fools, if you asked him, to spend the day frolickinng fields aimlessly.

His ears twitched as they caught the sound of softly crunching grass and his nose wrinkled up as a familiarly sweet smell reached his nostrils.

He sat up violently and turned his head to the direction of the noise and scent, exclaiming her name.

"Kagome!" he cried. "You're back?"

Gonna stop now. Don't know where I was trying to go with this. Probably to Failville, but whatevs. That did me well.


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