Thursday 31 December 2009

adios two thousand and nine.

Yet another quickie to wish everyone who reads this a very happy new year. For the first time ever, I feel sad at the end of a year, simply because, I, for the first time, had a year good enough for me to never want to forget it.

Here, it's still three minutes past ten, but I know that over there in the UK it's already 2010, which is bizarre, but whatevs innit bruv mate yeah. And it's probably past midnight over in Autralia, or not... Yes it is. Asked my papa. Sooo, happy 2010 Elisabeth! Hope you have a spectacular year. I miss England.

Felt a pang of nostalgia these past days because it's been raining lots and lots. My uncle, aunt and grandma were stranded because the rain had flooded the entrance bit of her flat, and they even had to go up the stairs, because it had reached inside the building and into the lift/elevator.

Spent these past days at my friend's, Luiza, and it was kinda awkward but fun. I met her friend, who, although was, as we'd say in Braz(s)il, "simpatia em pessoa", which means, "friendless in person", was also stupidly scadalously pretty. Every time I looked at her I felt like more and more of a tramp in my baggy t-shirt and old baggy denim shorts. I'd put a picture on here, because one of her older friends is a professional photographer whose picture are just plain gorgeous, but it feels too stalkerish since I barely know her.

The bad thing about going there was that I have a huge crush on her younger older brother --he's seventeen. He has the same name as my dad, Gustavo, and is tanned with ze most perfect six-pack I've ever seen. Not to mention he's so sweet; I mean, it probably meant nothing to him because this is how we greet people in Braz(s)il, but when he arrived from his work, he smiled at me and kissed me on both cheeks. Thinking aobut it now, my cheeks glow red and my stomach tightens and I hope my cousins don't notice me and continue to focus on Super Mario Galaxy.

Her older older brother is also really sweet, but as a genuinely older brother way. He showed us some magic tricks which my Luiza, my friend, discarded as lame and the oldest in the book. I, personally, thought they were pretty cool. He also played his guitar loudly to annoy his parents, and his dad yelled, "Close the door; I don't want to have to listen to that noise."

He coolly responded, "Yeah, but it's no fun make noise if no-one can hear it." --made my laugh.

Let's see... what else...

- Watched ze movie of P&P and possibly loved it more than the book. Was so sweet and cute, and made me visualise the book a bit more. Liked the alternate US ending in the special features, which consisted of a cute scene with Darcy and Lizzie. In it, they were discussing pet names, and she said that 'my dear' was not allowed, for it was what her father called her mother when he was cross; 'darling' everyday, I think; 'My pearl' on Sundays; and something else about a Goddess on special occasions. He then asked what to call her when he was cross, and suggested 'Mrs Darcy'. She replied that no, only when he was perfectly and incandescently happy. He then proceeded to kiss her forehead, gap in between her eyebrows, tip of nose, jaw, chin and then finally her lips, all while whispering, "Mrs. Darcy."

Also, the scene where Darcy helps Lizzie into the carriage and it's when they touch for the first time. You can see Darcy stretch out his hand as if it stung afterwards. SO CUTE. I love little things like that.

- Watched X-Men 3 again. Still think that Marie and Logan is forever. Sorry, Ciara. If you read the fanfiction I read, you'd understand. Only then.

- Met my cousin who was born on my birthday. She's called Ester. Is so cute. I'm in love with her, in the non-creepy way. It saddens me that I'll barely see her. Love her uncontionally and waiting for her to get here, if she does.

- Had the family secret Santa. Ester got me, and I got my Grandma. Got Gran a grill, like a George Forman one but not quite so often, and Ester got me a jumpsuit type thing which I'm wearing right now. It's gorgeous. Unfortunately, am also wearing a tooth paste stain. Is terrible. So, so terrible.

- My cousin cut her chin open like me one of these days, like me, on the edge of a swimming pool. I was also her age when I did so. She, however, did not need stitches; I needed 3.

- Sorry I forgot to wish you guys a Merry Christmas, Happy Hannukah, whatever. Hope your holidays were stunning.

-- Merani.

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