Wednesday 11 November 2009

because ciara says so.

Linking is so awkward on blogger I swear. Anyway, boo!


On the bus today we somehow got onto the subject on my blog, because we were talking about George's insecurity and how it was more pronounced when he did his speech on Avenged Sevenfold, and stood up in front of the classroom and dissed one of his favourite bands, simply because when he put up the picture, everyone laughed.

Then after my little rant (that was pretty much the above paragraph), I went on to say that I tried to tell him that it really wasn't that bad, and even threw in a little self-deprecato
ry joke to make him feel better. The reaction I got from him infuriated me; it seemed like, because I wasn't embarrassed at all about what I talked about (Anime EXPO), he seemed to look embarrased for me, pulling a kind of, "yeah-you-really-shouldn't-have-done-that" sympathetic look.

Well, screw it. I got an A+, so he can go fuck himself; his ego's so big he could probably generate another George from it alone.

Now, I'm sure that sounded confusing because I just called him insecure, but that's George. He confuses me. He's clearlt so, so insecure, but then just compliments his cardigan, hat or whatever he has on that day. Apart from his hair, he always moans about its life-less-ness, because he wants other people to tell him it looks fine.

Regardless, Ciara said that she read me complaining about it in my blog, and that I haven't written in it in ages.

Tbh, I didn't even think she had read it that frequently, or at all since I showed it to her the one time and she read all of the October posts. Then I said I wrote a short one this morning and she said, "Oh, another quickie?", which meant that she had read the Halloween one too, which made me smile.

Anyway, this week has been weird.

I'm still pissed with Leah, but I'm only pissed when I'm not with her, most of the time. Now, it's just some of the stuff she says that just ticks me off so, so, sooo much. Like how she'll describe in detail, and by that I mean word for word, her weekend, just because I politely give simple answers
like, "I went to Kate's," or, "I went to town with Kate," or "I went to town with Kate and Lauren," etc.

When we have serious talks and she's not putting on a voice though, it's absolutely fine.

When she puts on her baby/retard voice thing, it annoys me, because she lets it live for longer than she should. And her whole little, "Oh-I-can't-help-that-I've-got-a-big-mouth-and-blurt-out-secrets-suddenly" act, because it's total bullshit; it really is.

For example, the other day, when we were talking about how George is always talking to Kate like, "Oh, Kate, I'm your type aren't I? If it weren't me, you'd fancy me wouldn't you? Wouldn't you?" (Another sign of insecurity). Kate later told me that she was talking to her friend, Andy, who is bisexual, and who finds George attractive (which he acts creeped out by, but he totally loves that he can be attractive to bot
h sexes).

Anyway, she told Andy that he's attractive until he opens his mouth.

The day I told that to Leah, we were talking on the bus about the possibility of some really annoying guy we know become attractive, and that if he did, would be date him.

I quoted Kate and said, "He'd be attractive until he'd start talking" Leah waited about 13 seconds to announce that that was what Kate said about George; the words that popped into my mind were: you. retard.

I, very smoothly if I say so myself, calmly explained that she said she'd be attracted to him if it weren't him. I left it at that, and I really, truly believe George would've bought it if Leah hadn't oh-so-unsubtlely smirked mischievously at me. That annoys me about Leah; she likes to cause little chaoses and she likes drama. Sometimes it feels like she wants life to be as glamorous and exciting as an episode of Gossip Girl.

When we got off the bus, then I said bluntly, "You retard." She giggled and said helplessly, "I didn't mean it." And I just could have slapped her because it's all just a bunch of bollocks.

And it's always like this. It was like this when she "accidentally" told Sara that Kate hated her when Kate was only miffed, thus making that a lie, and they were becoming civil again, and Sara looked like she could've cried. It's like this when she has a "fight" with Kiel, which, I'm sorry, are the most pointless things in existence, even more than mosquitoes.


On a lighter note, I'm sort of watching The Road to El Dorado, from Dreamworks Studios. I adore this film. It's definitely one of my favourite films of all time; it most definitely was back when I was seven, and I realised how much I truly love it now.

It really shows how good animation can be. I mean, some of the sequels to Disney films are just so poorly animated to the point where it's painful, and the dialogue is just a mess. I was watching El Dorado as I ate my dinner, and I still laughed and gushed with pride at its brilliance.

I mean, I think Tulio is handsome and charming and cute, but Miguel is so, so, so KEWWWWWWWWWWWWWT. LIEK AH MA GAWD I LOE HIM!!!11. Like that cute; the one where when you talk about him you stop making sense. So I'd so chose Miguel, and not only because Tulio has the girl.

God Miguel's top is so puffy and majestic.

Look at his cute lil' puffy red shirt. And his smile. And his little banjo, guitar thing. Look at him and fall madly in love with him.

I think I'll write a character for him because him being alone is so sad and he doesn't deserve it.

Majestic picture of Miguel:

God I love this film so much. It's clearly an underrated classic.

Gonna go now; can't be bothered to type anymore.



  1. I have a friend like that too, except that instead of telling secrets she puts on a dumb blonde act. It is fairly annoying, although secret-sharing is probably worse.

    And I must say I've never actually seen El Dorado. It's holidays now though, so I may rent it out. :) My favourite was always the Little Mermaid as a little girl. I think I just wanted her hair..

  2. found ur blog again by chance. :] it rocks! weird that you should mention el dorado bc it's def one of my FAVE movies of all time.

    chel: well i guess that means you'll want these back?
    tulio: how did you get those?
    miguel: where was she keeping them?

    i totally like miguel too. have you seen titan a.e.? u would like it. cale is hot :D
