Thursday 12 November 2009

not a good day.

Funny how whenever I see it's 13°C, I think it's gonna be a good day, and then it never is. Today, however, it jumped to a whole new level; I was sick today. Three times. And I know it's the most beautiful image in the world to put on a blog post so that it's imprinted in a reader's mind, but yeah. You're welcome.

And it's all because of one simple fact: I have a uterus, and it hates me.

I began to feel the usual symptoms of that time of the month in French, when my stomach cramps became unbearable , and I co could actually feel the colour leaving my face and my pores widening. I really don't know how else to explain it, but it became hard to breathe as well.

I could feel, as well, the burning gaze of Simi, the girl who was sitting next to me since Lauren wasn't there.

Then I summoned up the courage to raise my hand and ask permission to go to Matron's, because I wasn't feeling well. Miss looked like she had been expecting it and said that I did, indeed, look very pale. Ah, isn't it nice when the whole class turns around to look at you? Especially when you look as attractive as I'm sure I did back there.

Miss asked Simi to come with me, and I stumbled out and down the stairs. I kept my eyes down as I staggered down the steps, I kept wished for more than anything for me to not collapse and for Matron's office to be closer.

Eventually we did make it, and Mr. Eldridge answered to the beep of the buzzer/doorbell thing. Simi explained how I was feeling, and as he turned to me, I breathlessly mumbled, "I think I'm gonna be sick."

"Really?" he asked; No, I'm sorry, I was joking; I'm actually feeling absolutely fi-BLERRRRRRGHAGHGHAHGHAHAHAHEHHRGAGHHEGR. Whoops. I'm sorry; turns out I wasn't joking.

So strode towards the bathroom. My heart sank and began to panic as I read the 'Engaged' sign. Mr. Eldridge felt the need to point that out too.

Long story short, I was sick and laid down onto one of the beds. My dad got the message Mr. Eldridge left for him and he picked me up.

Ah, the good part now.

This is how I rode on a motorcycle for the first time; it was both exhilarating, scary and refreshing. It feels like a rollercoaster, but colder. So, so, so much colder; it got to the point where it was painfully cold. My legs were the most exposed to the cold, because it was being warmed only by my cheap, thin pair of tights.

My hands were becoming numb, but my heart was racing. It felt so weird, but a good weird -that's what she said.

Unfortunately though, as I relaxed and became used to it, my stomach cramps returned and decided to kill me a little inside. My eyes began to droop as I started to feel faint again; it was struggle to keep my eyes open, simply from the fear of passing out, and thus, err, dying.

As soon as I got home, I threw down my stuff and raced to the bathroom. And was sick twice. Aw; isn't this the most beautiful blog post you've ever read? Didn't that just brighten your life? I though so too.

So, I sat around all day, watching GG, The Road to El Dorado, and Hannah Montana. Productive, no?

I'm gonna read Full Moon now, goodbye.


PS. God, this is a short post isn't it? Weird.

1 comment:

  1. I hope your cramps stop soon!!! :(

    Also, you got to ride a motorbike?! I'm jealous. It sounds like so much fun. :)
