Sunday 15 November 2009


I only have about twenty-five minutes to both get dressed and leave the house, to get the bus, to get the train, to Kate's house. And the more I sit here thinking about it, the more I feel the need to get up and start.

So this is gonna be a quick blog. Yes another quickie. Yes, kinky -I know.

I woke up to the fierce thrashing of rain against my window, and it's not the first time this week. It's been rainy and windy, and cold and grey; the type of weather I hate the most. Though, it does make me feel awfully British, which makes me feel rather pleased.

So I laid in bed and finished off reading A Walk to Remember by Nicholas Sparks, the same guy that wrote The Notebook. I saw the film for The Notebook, and watched the trailer for A Walk to Remember and meant to see it at some point round Lauren's or whoever's, but I never did. It's a fairly short book, which, to be honest, did not live up to my expectations; I thought they fell in love far too quickly (I would say that that's a spoiler, but it's not, because it's so blatantly obvious) and that he could have stretched it out and described what feeling in love is like, but I digress. It was a good book nonetheless.

I also got out another three books of his, two random ones, and The Shining by Stephen King. I admire him deeply, despite only watching a scene and a half of Carrie; he seems like a guy that knows what he's talking about. Also, he's rich, I'm assuming, but he carries on writing.

I mean, that one of the things that bothers me about J.K. Rowling. Sure, if she were to write another book, there'd be a lot, and I do mean a lot, of pressure on her, and she's so enviably wealthy that she doesn't really have to, but surely she enjoys writing, and would continue to do so simply because of that fact.

Besides, I'm certain that she can never go wrong, because of her imagination, creativity and exceedingly good writing skills. Meh.

Gah 12:16. Really must go soon.

But, anyway, it's my mother's birthday today and it was my brother's party yesterday.

God, I had to be my mother's assistant for the party yesterday. Just me, my mum, my dad and fourteen 11-10 year olds running amok hysterically. That was not fun. Though, I did get to eat some party rings, which were naice. And I got to go to the library, which was, indeed, very, very fun. Gawd, I'm such a geek *squeals*.

So yeah.

Current obsessions:

- Miguel from The Road to El Dorado.
- Jareth, the Goblin King.
- Sarah/Jareth-ness.
- 'Defying Gravity' - Idina Menzel.
- Girls Next Door fancomics on dA.

Gah gotta run. :*

1 comment:

  1. Equally long comment reply:

    It's been a while since I watched Labyrinth but it is indeed a totally awesome movie. I may just have to rent it out and watch it again (along with El Dorado since you apparently have good taste in movies).

    Yeah, my siblings and I went through the 'let's watch this movie a gazillion times' phase with Dumbo. It's strange because these days I don't really like watching movies again, especially after only a short period of time.

    Only a month of summer holidays? I have three because uni goes back a month after school starts again. You'll probably get more holidays when you go to uni too. Look forward to it. Uni is so much better than school :)

    Bike riding is a good idea actually.

    Yay for Nano next year. Thing about being in Australia is, our end of year exams take up the first bit of November. But I guess it's one of those things where you make time for it even though you don't have any and let the rest of your life suffer.

    Well I'll call you Merani anyway since that's what your name is on here. :)
