Monday 25 January 2010


You’re now chatting with a random stranger. Say hi!

You: so... we still on for the date on friday?
Stranger: k
Stranger: wait why am i bella???
You: ?!?!?!
Stranger: ughh twilight has ruined a generation

Your conversational partner has disconnected.

This is what my life has become. I'm home now! Yay!

--Merani out.

Ask me anything

Friday 22 January 2010

still in brazil. not for long though --hopefully!

Longest title I've probably ever posted. But srsly, leaving for airport today and soon. Have packed. Fingers crossed.

So, I'm at the internet place, and the girl next to me gave me the dirtiest look for sitting at the computer with the decent headphones. What you gonna do though? I need them for Youtube, so she can go away to someplace not very nice where all the have to eat i --SQUIRREL.

Oh well.

Nanana don't you just love halfhearted blog posts? Mergh. I only do this for Ciara. And Lauren. And Lauren's blogging! Yay! Life is grand.

So... recently I've watched some more films, played some more Uno, sat in the sun and wallowed in self pity, floated in the swimming pool and wrote self insert fanfiction in my head. Mostly about me and Jim Hawkins, whose films I recently watched and fell in love with all over again. I've also thought up a few Amuto stories, which I've been craving btw. Amuto that is. I mean, Shugo Chara friggin' ended! And what a bullshit ending!

Ok, I just did that to stop my random rant. But srsly, Tsukasa is yum.



Tuesday 19 January 2010


Yeah, is what I did last night. Fun? No, not really. Strangely enough, I do actually like crying sometimes, just for the sake of it. To get it out of my system. If you're Kate, you'll know that I've fairly recently become a more emotionally moved person, and'll cry often at films and such.

Ok, so last night I cried because I was supposed to leave Brazil --finally!-- but didn't. Blahblahblah we're standby and yeah, no room on plane. Plane leaves. Leaves with us at the airport calling taxi and paying lotsa money because only big taxi fit all of our hench luggage. Pshyeah.

No, srsly though. We were really supposed to go this time. My mum said there was a big chance and that not that many people who were priority were getting on the plane and yaddahyaddahyaddah. I prayed for us to get on the plane. Prayed. I held my breath during two tunnels and wished for it. But, whatever. I learnt that 'a good chance' isn't always as... well, good as it seems.

So yeah, I cried. Then I cried harder because we were told the best day to leave was the 22nd. I cried because of school and I was missing a lot and how I was gonna catch up, but, if I'm being honest... GREY'S ANATOMYYYYYYYYYY! *SOBS HYSTERICALLY!* WAHHHHH. Gah. Now I'm over it and realise I'll just have to watch it on the following Wednesday.

On a positive note: I love açai. Love love love it. It's apparently very healthy and low in calories which is great. I mean, finally something delicious and healthy. I like most fruit and veg but I wouldn't pay R$2.00 for it in a pot with grains sprinkled on top.

Have watched a few films, charged my iPod, played some more Uno, seen my cousins a few times again, bonded with my dog and talked to her a bit. Yeah. It's awesome.

Speaking of my dog, I'm going to talk about her. She's called Pretinha, which translates into 'Little black' or it just means black plus, like, a term of endearment --'inha'. Yeah, I ran to say goodbye to her and cried because she looked so happy to see me and I knew she had no idea that I wouldn't see her 'til next year. So I kissed the top of her head and she licked my elbow and nose.

Then, of course, we got back. And she acted as if to say: "Wow. You're back! Hello! Wassup?" So, I guess she had no idea we were leaving.

Gonna go now,


PS. Kate!!! READ KANPAI. Go onto mangafox, type in Kanpai and click the name. It's longer, but Kanpai is like, the abbreviated.

Thursday 14 January 2010

the new love of my life.


Is called 'Jelly of Flavours'. This shall be my birthday cake type thing. Yay.

Wednesday 13 January 2010


So Happy Birthday to me and Orlando Bloom. Woo. G

onna be a short 'un because I can't be too bothered to say anything right now. Kind of sulking because I wish I were in ze UK with Lauren and Kate and Sophie and Ciara and co.

I have to go have lunch with my grandparents which I'm annoyed about because I don't really like them. Call me harsh, but it's true. After I get to go to the cinema with my uncle and my cousins. I hope we don't go to see anything I'd rather watch it English, because they watch dubbed films so yeah.

Thanks to Elisabeth for the comment with the birthday wish; it was so sweet! <3 And to everyone on Facebook commenting and such.


Tuesday 12 January 2010

kevin's drums.

I’m typing this on Word now because the internet at the video rental store place isn’t working atm, so I’ll Just start blogging for the moment to get a leetle bit started. Annoyed because I want to go on Youtube and my time is running out goddammit and I’m getting rather paranoid. Angsty, frustrated groan.

Today is the eve of my birthday, and I had anticipated that I would already be in England by now. Because of the stupid weather, however, I cannot. Stupid flights are overbooked and many have been delayed for days, so we can’t get out of Brazil. From Newark, which is where I make my transition flight to the UK, it seems that it’s functioning better and fairly well, so I might be able to even go First Class, which is great. I say ‘which’ an awful lot don’t I? Sigh. Regardless, I’d rather just be able to get to the UK at all, and wouldn’t mind going Economy tbh.

For my birthday I would really like a HD digital camcorder and Sony Vegas Studio 9 to go with it so I can edit nicely. I even bought a DVD on editing clips and putting them on Youtube. It’s called, “How to Look Good on Youtube”. It’s rather helpful so far. My dad made me choose between an Interactive Reader thing where you download millions of books onto this really slim and practical touch screen pad. I’m that much of a geek that I get nosebleeds at the possibilities. I mean, that thing is Jesus if there ever was one.

I almost tore out my hair because I was so stuck on which one to choose. I chose the camcorder, I think, but I had joked with my dad, “Can’t I have both?” and he replied that it all depended on the price. So, fingers crossed! <3

So, today I’m going to the beach again, as I have been, luckily, many times now. I love the ocean so much. I literally spend all the time we go to the beach in the sea diving and jumping waves –unless there is a ice lolly vendor or a cuzcuz one, in which case I eat it quickly then get the hell back into the water. Booyah.

My auntie and my cousin leave for England today. Since they’re not standby, and they paid, they get to go when they plan to. Jealous.

Getting bored now…

Ah. Here’s a story I promised to put in my blog a while ago that happened here in Brazil that made me smile and made me think of Ciara.

Ok, so my brother and I were in the swimming pool and I started to sing ‘The Drums of War’ from Pocahontas because I’m not lame.

‘Now we sound the drums of… Kevinnnnn!” exclaimed my brother.

Confused, I asked who Kevin was.

“The fish that lives in my bum,” he replied giggling.

I went along with it.

“…And he plays drums?”

“Yes. He plays ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’.”

“…On the drums? You can’t play a tune on the drums.”

“They’re steel drums,” he giggled again.

We today decided that he also plays ‘Total Eclipse of the Heart’. Woo. I love my brother.


Saturday 9 January 2010

only thirty six minutes left. dang.

At the bloody internet place again with only half an hour left so I'll be quick.

Ciara, thank you for the email updates on the weather. They have been very helpful and stuff. I miss you lots. Thank you for the picture of your dog.

Ok, since I blogged I:

- Taught my counsins 'The Game'. Which I just lost. Dang. And, well, that means that the first thing that one of them will say when they wake up, when they sleep over, is 'I lost the game', which is what I want to hear first thing in the morning. Well, not really morning, since I've been waking up at around ten. Isn't life grand?

- Watched the Phantom of the Opera and Atonement. Have been singing the tune since I have and love it. Mostly, 'The Phantom of the Opera is there... inside my mind!" Ciara, Gerard Butler was the Phantom, btw. I thought of you 'cause I remember talking to you about this film. Is it the original? Or another rendition? For a Joel Schumacher movie, it was very good. In fact, it was justa good film altogether. Atonement was ridiculously sad. Srsly, I just felt empty after it finished. Mah.

- Had my mother's father's side of the family round for a BBQ. The third one we've held since we came here. Unforch, this one had no chicken hearts which made me. At first, I was nervous about meeting the third coursins I had never met before, but then I relaxed when the ice was broken with a game of Uno, and various ones after that. I distinctly remember Daniel, who I now remember to have played Warrior Princess Xena or something or rather with on his PS1. He was vair amusing and had similar humour to me which was naice.

- Watched a lot of of Brazilian soaps, which are beyond awesome. Srsly, so much better than Eastenders or whatever. We have one at three-ish, which is always a repeat soap, then one at four-ish, which is always for pre-teens and stuff, then one at seven, which is still kinda pre-teen-ish. Like, the sorta thing pre-teens watch if they wanna feel mature. And then, one at eight, which usually everyone watches. I watch the eight o'clock one, and love it. It's so... latino. Exaggerated and dramatic. Some lady was engaged to a guy, but kind of was drawn to his twin. Then, she was in an accident and has to now be in a wheel chair, and finds the guy she was engaged to drift away because he can't quite handle it, so she spends more time with his twin, is beginning to like him, whilst he has always had feelings for her. Meanwhile, there is the issue of how she's still sort of in a fight with her best friend, because she seperated her parents because... DUM DUM DUM the bff slept with the dad of wheel chair girl. SRSLY. WHERE HAVE YOU SEEN SOAPS LIKE THIS? GAH. Insane. They only last about nine months, but in that space, 8 out of the 9 ladies or so will have babies. In the last eight o'clock one, there were eight children. WTF.

- Gawd. Apparently, coldest winter ever in both the US and UK. IT SNOWED IN FLORIDA. FLORIDA. That means I won't be back when I want to, probably. Gah. So, Lauren, you'll read this, and you'll know to tell Sophie and K8 not to bring stuff in on my birthday unless I say otherwise. Not that you'll be going to school but still. When I get back, I want to go see a film with you three and then you can sleep over. You don't have a choice. You can bring the stuff then.

See you soon,
-- Merani

Monday 4 January 2010

trying out windows live writer.

Is this reallly gonna work? I hope it does. It’s thrilling in a sense. Gosh, aren’t I just the biggest slice of the cool cake?

Still my uncle’s, and still abusing his Wi-Fi and wasting his bandwidth. But, then again, what else is family for?

Today I played some Mario Galaxy and decided I’m awesome at it. My cousins call Calvin ‘Master’ because he’s so good at it, but I know I’m better. It’s because I’m special. I know I am. My mum says so. My dad doesn’t really, but it’s implied.

Gah. Finished the Notebook. Was a letdown. The film was better, despite how rather different it is to the book, because it focused more on the fiery love Noah and Allie had for each other. In the book, it’s just like, ‘Ah I loved her. Ah there she is, the one I loved. I remember the one summer we had where she was the one I loved. I love her again. Let’s have really unnaturally detailed sex by a fireplace… etc…” Then there’s a lot of sadness and then the end was just fairly wrong for me. Lauren will read this post so I don’t wanna ruin the end for her, but yeah… Just plain wrong.

Now, onto Persuasion by Ms Austen. Will start it tonight hopefully.

Speaking of starting things, last night I started Hana to Akuma and I was up until three in the morning reading it because it’s so addictive. Today, I caught up with it completely and am now up to date. Cannot wait for the new chapter! The preceeding one ended at such a cliffhanger.

Speaking of cliffhangers and not being able to wait, GREY’S ANATOMY BACK ON JANUARY 21ST. Kate told me today and I fangirled so hard. I have been waiting for this for about half a year now, I swear. It feels like a lifetime though. I mean, I need to know if either George or Izzy died. Or both! I mean, wtf! GAH. Srsly though, I’ve needed my Doctor McSteamy fix so bad.

Speaking of Sloan, I re-read my Amuto ff where I mention Grey’s and realised how much I like it. Ciara, link here:

Ra ra, ra ah ah, Roma ro ma ma, Ga ga ooh lala.

Best lyrics of all time.

Gonna go nao,


Sunday 3 January 2010

fanfiction post.

I seriously need to write some ff. Desperately. And since this computer does not have Word, I'll post it here because I can. Ciara'll get a taste of my fluffy, fluffy writing too. Heh.


InuYasha lay down on the grass and closed his eyes. It was the perfect day; the sun was shining pleasantly, not too hot nor too cold; there was a light breeze making his hair tickle his face gently but most of all it was quiet. Blissfully quiet.

Miroku and Sango had gone to God knows where, while Shippo and Kirara had run off to explore the local forest. Kagome had also left him because she had one of her 'tests' again soon, and needed to 'study' so that she didn't 'fail'. Phbt. Not that he saw the point; it was days like this that he felt that they were wasting when they could be going after Naraku or some more shards of the jewel. Bunch o' fools, if you asked him, to spend the day frolickinng fields aimlessly.

His ears twitched as they caught the sound of softly crunching grass and his nose wrinkled up as a familiarly sweet smell reached his nostrils.

He sat up violently and turned his head to the direction of the noise and scent, exclaiming her name.

"Kagome!" he cried. "You're back?"

Gonna stop now. Don't know where I was trying to go with this. Probably to Failville, but whatevs. That did me well.



Srsly. I have played Uno everyday since Friday. More than once a day as well. Addictive. It is my own personal brand of heroine. I've won a couple o' times too. Heh.

Saturday we had a BBQ. Not a pussy BBQ like you Americans, British or whatever. Latin America tend to be a leetle more hardcore, and have hench steaks and chicken wings and chicken legs and chicken hearts on the grill. Yes, chicken hearts. I promise you, it tastes better than it sounds. It's actually really nice, and my favourite part of any BBQ.

Lots of family came. People from my Dad's side. Auntie's I'd forgotten, and some I hadn't seen in nearly a decade, and cousins and such I had seen when I came here in March.

It was nice, but I spent the whole time sitting at a table with my cousin and godmother Cris, my cousin and her brother, Marcos, or Kiko, and her husband, Caio. And my cousin Bia. We chatted, joked and played Uno, of course. I showed off my Paramore armband to Cris, who, btw, I'm incredibly close to and love so, so much, saying that I went to a concert. Kiko asked whose concert, and I replied, 'Paramore.'

"Paramore?" he repeated. "You went to see Paramore?"

I nodded.

"Awe-some..." he gushed, looking to the sky.

My heart swelled with pride; he was the first who had actually heard of them here. He mentioned that his band was in the same genre of them and of others such as Coldplay and etc. I've decided since them so look out for them.

Decided to talk about my Brazilian cousins, all who I adore.

First, the eldest, Bia. She's eleven. Full name Maria Beatrice Pinto. She's the more motherly one out of the three. She looks more like her mother, who is not related to me by blood. She's shy and reserved, but also is friendly at the same time. She likes to read Turma da Monica comics, which is a nationally famous children's comic here in Braz(s)il, but all ages read them, because they're non-comitting and fun.

Then, Raquel, who is nine. She's the prettier one out of the three, in my opinion. She has nicely shaped brown eyes, a perfectly shaped nose and not too full nor not too thin shaped lips. She has a smile that could light up a room and a laugh as contagious as Calvin's. She's assertive and cheeky but also very sweet. I'd say she's very tomboyish, and gets along stunningly well with Calvin; probably as well as me and Caio get on, 'til this day. I look at her and can't help but smile, because I can see how well she's gonna do in life.

Then, Natalia. She's seven and just learnt to read, as they do here at this age. She's the sweetest and, despite not being so young anymore, still gets treated like a toddler because she's so adorable. She's also the most responsible, despite all her pampering. When she wakes up in the morning she makes her bed, brushes her teeth, gets changed and combs her hair. In that order. Every single day. Without being asked. She's also fairly assertive, and although there being no natural blondes in the family, she is, and she's also the one who tans with the most facility too.

Finally, Julia. Nine years old. I mentioned her last because the preceding three are sisters, and she isn't. She used to be the prettiest girl her age you could ever set eyes on. Polite, charming and sweet. Then, she inherited my round front teeth and eyebrows. Poor soul. At least I have orthodontary o fix mine, and she has to live a few years before she manages to obtain braces like I. And, she went through a terrible phase. She became snappy and rude and outrageously cheeky. Her parents divorced beforehand and both re-marrried and had children. It happened because her father had an affair. Her mother was loved by the whole family and it was sad to see her not be that much involved anymore; most took her side and began to despise the 'other woman'. My mum always made snide comments about her, and in front of her as well. Only recently did we become close to him again and forgave him.

Getting bored now, gonna wrap this up.
